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Form Helper

For Angular application (version 7 or over)

angulo formularia adjuntor

This is a simple mask lib with two single directives: a directive to allow field data entry from being just characters mapped by a regular expression and a directive to mask values, it works exclusively for numeric values.

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First execute the following command in the root folder of your angular application:

npm install ng-form-helper@latest --save

Then, you must import the library main module in your app.module, like this:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormHelperModule } from 'projects/ng-form-helper/src/public-api';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [
export class AppModule { }


The masked field:

    formFieldMask="(99) 9999-9999"
  1. Each 9 represents a number.
  2. The mask must finish with a nine.
  3. You should not put any number in the mask but nine, all other charactere are allowed.
  4. The library have not a mask for date but you can create your own using the mask 99/99/9999 and using angular validators to valid the given date.

The regexed field:

  1. It is very cool to block data entry with a regular expression, but it could be not nice for UX: the user could not see that the field just ignore his given value.
  2. Data entry blocked by a RegExp is nice for too large and unmasked number fields, like IMEI, ICCID or other large code.
  3. You should remember that the regular expression will block the field to containing a value that it disagrees with, so do not create a regular expression that represents, for example, a valid email, but write a regular expression that allows input of data of any character allowed in an email.

Customizing a field

In addition to the masks contained in this library, it also contains a class to make it easy to create custom fields in the angular. The abstract directive FormFieldDirective contain the logic to write data in ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule and NgModel, you can extends it as the example below (the example is the code of formRegexedField):

import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, HostListener, Input, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms';
import { FormFieldDirective } from './form-field.directive';

  selector: '[formRegexedField]',

  //  you wil provide only form this field an override
  //  for angular value acessor, as you can see below
  providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => InputRegexDirective),
      multi: true
export class InputRegexDirective extends FormFieldDirective {

  set setRegex(regex: string) {
    this.regexRule = new RegExp(regex);

  private regexRule = /(?:)/;

    //  you must inject this guys as protected
    protected element: ElementRef,
    protected renderer: Renderer2
  ) {

  //  the "input" event is the more appropriate to intercept data entry
  @HostListener('input', ['$event'])
  onInput(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
    //  ```getValueFromKeyboardEvent``` is a method from the parent class
    const value = this.getValueFromKeyboardEvent(event);

    if (this.regexRule.test(value)) {
      const cursorInitialPosition = this.element.nativeElement.selectionStart;

      //  this set the value in ngModel and in the field.

    //  This method will reset either the field value and the cursor position.
    //  How it works:
    //  1. The user press the keyboard key
    //  2. The directive save the state
    //  3. The key value is delivered to the field
    //  4. This method will run and, and you choose if you override de value or disagree with it


1. Create an issue

No one feature will be implemented without it having an open issue and without which the proposed has been accepted by the team responsible for the project. After the issue is approved, the applicant, a team member or anyone else can open a pull request associated with that issue (just paste the issue link in the pull request).

2. Did you find a bug?

When logging a bug, please be sure to include the following:

  • The library version;
  • If at all possible, an isolated way to reproduce the behavior;
  • The behavior you expect to see, and the actual behavior.

You can try to update the library to the last version to see if the bug has already been fixed.

3. Do not create a duplicate issue

Search the existing issues before logging a new one.

Some search tips:

  • Don't restrict your search to only open issues. An issue with a title similar to yours may have been closed as a duplicate of one with a less-findable title.
  • Check for synonyms. For example, if your bug involves an interface, it likely also occurs with type aliases or classes.

4. Create a Pull Request

Follow the steps:

  • Create a fork from our repository by clicking here, install node, do a git clone of your forked repository and run npm install in the application folder;
  • Create a branch in your forked repository, then code the feature or fix the bug;
  • Run npm run lint, npm run test and npm run build in the repository;
  • Create a Pull Request from your repository to this one, with the issue in the body and some information you think could be usefull to the reviewer (print or a gif of it working will be appreciated);
  • The reviewer can ask some changes, don't be mad, this is the GIT Flow process;
  • You get approved and your branch with the feature / fix