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Use pyfxr to generate tones
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lordmauve committed May 12, 2021
1 parent 38cb602 commit 130f3ce
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182 changes: 61 additions & 121 deletions pgzero/
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@@ -1,64 +1,50 @@
"""Tone generator for Pygame Zero.
This tone generator uses numpy to generate sounds on demand at a given duration
and frequency. These are kept in a LRU cache which in typical applications
This tone generator is a wrapper for pyfxr, a custom Cython library for sound
generation. Tones are kept in a LRU cache which in typical applications
will reduce the number of times they need to be regenerated.
Rather than generating plain sine waves, tones are shaped by a basic and
hard-coded `Attack Decay Sustain Release (ADSR) envelope`__, which gives them a
slightly more sonorous timbre:
.. __:
The approach we use here, generating sound samples in memory, is memory hungry
and can introduce pauses when tones are generated. Currently tones generate in
under 1ms on a 2.4GHz i7.
To minimise the extent that pauses affect gameplay, the ``play()`` function
offloads tone generation to a separate thread. Because tones are generated
with numpy operations this should allow at least part of this work to happen
on another CPU core, if present.
import re
from functools import lru_cache

import math
import pygame
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
np = None
import pygame.sndarray
from collections import namedtuple
from threading import Thread, Lock
from queue import Queue
from enum import Enum

import pygame
import pyfxr

__all__ = (


NOTE_PATTERN = r'^([A-G])([b#]?)([0-8])$'

A4 = 440.0
# Longest note to allow

NOTE_VALUE = dict(C=-9, D=-7, E=-5, F=-4, G=-2, A=0, B=2)

TWELTH_ROOT = math.pow(2, (1 / 12))
class Waveform(Enum):
SIN = pyfxr.Wavetable.sine()
SQUARE = pyfxr.Wavetable.square()
SAW = pyfxr.Wavetable.saw()
TRIANGLE = pyfxr.Wavetable.triangle()

# Number of samples to decay for
DECAY = 2000

# Longest note to allow
ToneParams = namedtuple('ToneParams', 'hz duration waveform volume')

# lru_cache isn't threadsafe until Python 3.7, so protect it ourselves
cache_lock = Lock()
note_queue = Queue()
player_thread = None

def _play_thread():
Expand All @@ -69,99 +55,62 @@ def _play_thread():
while True:
args = note_queue.get()
params = note_queue.get()
with cache_lock:
note = _create(*args)
note = _create(params)

player_thread = Thread(target=_play_thread)

def sine_array_onecycle(hz):
"""Returns a single sin wave for a given frequency."""
length = SAMPLE_RATE / hz
omega = np.pi * 2 / length
xvalues = np.arange(int(length)) * omega
return (np.sin(xvalues) * (2 ** 15)).astype(np.int16)

def create(pitch, duration):
def create(*args, **kwargs):
"""Create a tone of a given duration at the given pitch.
Return a Sound which can be played later.
params = _convert_args(*args, **kwargs)
with cache_lock:
return _create(*_convert_args(pitch, duration))
return _create(params)

def _create(hz, samples):
def _create(params):
"""Actually create a tone."""
end = samples + DECAY

# Construct a mono tone of the right length
cycle = sine_array_onecycle(hz)
tone = np.resize(cycle, end)

# Multiply it with an ADSR envelope
# See
if samples < 1000:
volumes = [0, 1, 0.9, 0]
volume_times = [0, samples * 0.1, samples, end]
volumes = [0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.7, 0]
volume_times = [0, 350, 1000, samples, end]
adsr = np.interp(np.arange(end), volume_times, volumes)
np.multiply(tone, adsr, out=tone, casting='unsafe')

stereo = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(tone, axis=1), 2, axis=1)
return pygame.sndarray.make_sound(stereo)

class InvalidNote(Exception):
"""The parameters passed were invalid."""

def note_to_hertz(note):
note, accidental, octave = validate_note(note)
value = note_value(note, accidental, octave)
return A4 * math.pow(TWELTH_ROOT, value)

def note_value(note, accidental, octave):
value = NOTE_VALUE[note]
if accidental:
value += 1 if accidental == '#' else -1
return (4 - octave) * -12 + value

def validate_note(note):
match = re.match(NOTE_PATTERN, note)
if match is None:
raise InvalidNote(
'%s is not a valid note. '
'notes are A-G, are either normal, flat (b) or sharp (#) '
'and of octave 0-8' % note
note, accidental, octave =, 2, 3)
return note, accidental, int(octave)

def _convert_args(hz, duration):
tone = pyfxr.tone(
sustain=max(0, params.duration - 0.2),

# NB. pygame assumes that the sound format of any buffer object matches
# that of the current mixer settings. We use mixer.pre_init(22050, -16, 2)
# which means that it is expecting 22kHz audio stereo, but we're feeding it
# 44kHz mono - but, perhaps surprisingly, that works Ok. The extra samples
# get interpreted as the second channel.
# If we change the mixer to 44kHz we'd need to convert to stereo here by
# doubling samples.
# Really this is a mess and Pygame should support converting the format
# of buffers (as it does for .wav files).
snd = pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer=tone)
return snd

def _convert_args(pitch, duration, *, waveform=Waveform.SIN, volume=0.8):
"""Convert the given arguments to _create parameters."""
if isinstance(hz, str):
hz = note_to_hertz(hz)
samples = int(duration * SAMPLE_RATE)
if not samples:
raise InvalidNote("Note has zero duration")
return hz, samples
if duration > MAX_DURATION:
raise ValueError(
'Note duration %ss is too long: notes may be at most %ss long' %
(duration, MAX_DURATION)
if not duration:
raise ValueError("Note has zero duration")
return ToneParams(pitch, duration, Waveform(waveform), volume)

def play(pitch, duration):
def play(*args, **kwargs):
"""Plays a tone of a certain length from a note or frequency in hertz.
Tones have a maximum duration of 4 seconds. This limitation is imposed to
Expand All @@ -172,19 +121,10 @@ def play(pitch, duration):
create() and hold onto them, perhaps in an array.
if duration > MAX_DURATION:
raise InvalidNote(
'Note duration %ss is too long: notes may be at most %ss long' %
(duration, MAX_DURATION)
args = _convert_args(pitch, duration)
if not player_thread.is_alive():
global player_thread
params = _convert_args(*args, **kwargs)
if not player_thread or not player_thread.is_alive():
player_thread = Thread(target=_play_thread, daemon=True)

if np is None:
def play(hz, length): # noqa: conditional redefinition
raise RuntimeError(
'Tone generation depends on Numpy, which is not available'
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions requirements.txt
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
pygame; python_version < '3.8'
pygame==2.0.0.dev6; python_version >= '3.8'
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@

install_requires = [
"pygame>=1.9.2, <2.0 ; python_version<'3.8'",
"pygame==2.0.0.dev6 ; python_version>='3.8'",

extras_require = {
Expand Down

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