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FreedomSponsors is a Django web application.

FS is made by, and for developers. If you'd like to help (bug reports, suggestions, or even code), you are more than welcome. Please take a look at the open issues.

Also, feel free to join the mailing list

Testing coverage reports: here

Windows users

If you're a Windows user we suggest you set up a virtual machine using VirtualBox - Ubuntu virtual machines can be downloaded here.


Instructions to run application locally:

  1. You'll need a few tools for the next steps - make sure all of them are installed before proceeding to the next steps.

1.1 Make sure your package information is up to date.

$ sudo apt-get update --fix-missing

1.2 Install Git.

$ sudo apt-get install git

1.3 Install PostgreSQL.

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql 
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-all # Make sure you have this.

1.4 Install python-dev.

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev

1.5 Install python-lxml.

$ sudo apt-get install python-lxml libxslt-dev

1.6 Install libpq-dev.

$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

1.7 Install pip.

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
  1. Clone the web application repository.
$ git clone git://
  1. Create the database/default user.

    $ sudo su postgres #run the next command as postgres
    $ createuser -d -SRP frespo # this will prompot you to create a password (just use frespo for now)
    $ createdb -O frespo frespo
    $ exit # go back to your normal user
  2. Configure settings.

$ cd djangoproject
$ cp frespo/env_settings.py_template frespo/
# edit the file - you must change the definitions shown below (values as used in this walkthrough):
# DATABASE_NAME = 'frespo'
# DATABASE_USER = 'frespo'
# DATABASE_PASS = 'frespo'  
$ nano frespo/ 
  1. Create a virtualenv and install dependencies.

    $ python bootstrap

If this command fails because of psycopg2, make sure you have installed postgresql-server-dev-all (mentioned on step 1)

Then you can enter the virtualenv:

$ source bin/activate

To exit the virtualenv

$ deactivate

You'll need to be in the virtual environment to use ./ ... commands

  1. Create database objects.
$ cd
$ ./ syncdb --migrate --noinput
  1. Run!
$ ./ runserver # and visit http://localhost:8000

If you find that the steps above are not actually accurate, please open a new issue to let us know!

You should also verify if you can run all the automatic tests successfully. You will need to install Splinter (a Selenium wrapper), and you will also need need to create two test gmail accounts (and then specify username and password in your file).

To run unit tests, please refer to the Testing wiki page.

Also, there is a fully-functional test-environment at Feel free to use it as you like (might be useful when reading the code!). We provide no guarantee about the data on it though!


This software is licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE


Crowdfunding Free Software, one issue at a time.







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