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@losizm losizm released this 24 Mar 21:25

What's New?

Use Seq[T] and T*

This release's primary focus is to DX-related optimizations. In particular, many of the library's interfaces now accept Seq[T] for parameter values where previously only T* was accepted.

For example, withHeaders in HttpMessage previously accepted Header* only, which meant that if you already had headers tucked away in a Seq, you'd need to spread the elements out using _*.

val headers = Seq(
  Header("Accept", "application/json"),
  Header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")

val request = GET("https://localhost:9000/messages")
  .withHeaders(headers : _*) // Spread out Seq of headers

This is no longer required.

val headers = Seq(
  Header("Accept", "application/json"),
  Header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")

val request = GET("https://localhost:9000/messages")
  .withHeaders(headers) // No need to spread

And, if needed, you can still pass in a variable argument list.

val request = GET("https://localhost:9000/messages")
  .withHeaders(Header("Accept", "application/json"), Header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"))

New WebSocket headers

Additional -Client and -Server WebSocket headers are available, along with the WebSocketExtension type, which is now used for Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header values.