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FPV Robot



This repository contains schematic and software to build 4WD FPV robot/car based on Raspberry Pi and Arduino. The robot is controlled via a web interface using Wi-Fi.


The 4WD robot car platform is used as chassis. The Raspberry Pi with camera module is used to run web server and stream video. The Arduino Pro Mini is used to control motors, servos, lighting and read batteries voltage level. Arduino is connected with Raspberry Pi via serial connection (UART).

Schematic in schematic.pdf.


  • 4WD Mobile Platform for Arduino Smart Robot Car []
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Module
  • Micro SD memory card
  • Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v ATmega328P
  • MX1508 Dual DC Motor Driver Module
  • Pan and Tilt Stand []
  • 2 x SG90 Servo
  • LM2596S Step Down DC-DC Converter
  • MP1584EN Step Down DC-DC Converter
  • AMS1117 5.0V Voltage Regulator (module or single chip)
  • AMS1117 3.3V Voltage Regulator (module or single chip)
  • 3S 18650 Batteries Holder Case
  • 3 x 18650 Li-Ion Batteries
  • Switch like SS12D07
  • 30K resistor
  • 10K resistor
  • 3K resistor
  • 2N2222A NPN Transistor
  • 2 x 10uF tantalum capacitor (if using AMS1117 as single chip)
  • 2 x 22uF tantalum capacitor (if using AMS1117 as single chip)
  • 5 x 3mm white LEDs
  • Wires, screws, PCB protoboards, etc.


  • The ard1 directory contains Arduino sketch
  • The fpvrobotrpiserver directory contains web server application written in Python/aiohttp to run on Raspberry Pi

Arduino sketch

The Arduino sketch requires servo library.

Web server

To run web server application on Raspberry Pi firstly download and install Raspberry Pi OS to memory card. Then configure Wi-Fi and enable SSH. Determine Raspberry Pi IP address using sudo ip addr. Connect via SSH and install these packages:

sudo apt install git \
                 python3-aiohttp \
                 python3-aiohttp-jinja2 \
                 python3-picamera2 \
                 python3-pip \

Then install aioserial:

sudo pip3 install aioserial

Optionally for HTTP basic authentication install aiohttp-basicauth

sudo pip3 install aiohttp_basicauth

Clone this repository:

git clone

Run application:

cd FPVRobot
python3 -m fpvrobotrpiserver

Then in other device that connected to same local network open web browser and go to http://<IP>:8080


Web server application can be configured using environment variables.

Environment variables
Variable Description Default value
HOST Host for HTTP server
PORT Port for HTTP server 8080
ARD1_PORT Serial port to communicate with Arduino /dev/serial0
ARD1_BAUDRATE Boud rate of serial connection 9600
ARD1_TIMEOUT Timeout of serial connection 0.1
DEFAULT_CAMERA_SIZE Default camera resolution 640x480
DEFAULT_CAMERA_QUALITY Default camera quality 2
CAMERA_TRANSFORM Camera transformation hflip,vflip
AUTH_USER User name for authentication  
AUTH_PASSWORD Password for authentication  

User Interface

Robot movement, camera movement and lighting control can be via keyboard, mouse or touchscreen.

Keyboard control
Key Action
W Move forward
S Move backward
A Turn left
D Turn right
Space Stop motors
Up arrow Turn camera up
Down arrow Turn camera down
Left arrow Turn camera left
Right arrow Turn camera right
Home Center camera
L Toggle lighting
Top pannel
Icon Description Click Action
🎚 Camera settings Toggle settings view
👌 Session is active Make session not active
🔒 Session is not active Make session active
🔋 Normal battery voltage level Power off Raspberry Pi
🪫 Low battery voltage level Power off Raspberry Pi