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NixOS Hyprland flake setup

2024-03-13T20:21:19,836929133+01:00 Unfocused windows are grayed out

NixOS Config

├── common
│  ├── global
│  ├── optional
│  ├── secrets.yaml
│  └── users
├── hircine
│  ├── default.nix
│  └── hardware-configuration.nix
└── magnus
   ├── default.nix
   └── hardware-configuration.nix
  • magnus : Main System
  • hircine : Laptop

The setup is rather classic, most of the system configuration is shared between hosts.

HomeManager Config

├── features
│  ├── cli
│  ├── default.nix
│  ├── desktop
│  ├── dev
│  ├── gaming
│  ├── gui
│  ├── misc
│  └── virtualization
├── global
│  ├── default.nix
│  ├── home-manager.nix
│  ├── options
│  ├── stylix.nix
│  └── tools
├── hircine.nix
└── magnus.nix

There are some tools enabled by default (home/louis/global/tools.nix) but most features are optional.

Features are enabled using options defined in (home/louis/global/options). See magnus.nix:

home-config = {
  cli.commonTools.enable = true;   # eza, bat, wget, ...
  gui = {
    kitty.enable = true;
    schizofox.enable = true;       # "super ultra privacy friendly firefox config"
    social.enable = true;
    utils.enable = true;           # spotify, file manager, calibre, ...
  dev = {
    vscode.enable = true;
    devTools.enable = true;       # tokei, tmux, ...
  desktop.hyprland.enable = true; # Gnome is also an option
  virtualization.enable = true;   # qemu, ...
  # other options exists (gaming, ...)

Style is handled by Stylix:

stylix = {
    enable = true;
    image = pkgs.fetchurl {
      url = "";
      sha256 = "sha256-/Pw6zZ41isjbUwsaFOt2YWhE7oD8D6kNdLsaGtUdBrI=";
    base16Scheme = "${pkgs.base16-schemes}/share/themes/selenized-light.yaml";
    cursor = {
      package = pkgs.numix-cursor-theme;
      name = "Numix-Cursor-Light";
      size = 22;
    fonts = {
      monospace = {
        name = "FiraCode Nerd Font";
        package = pkgs.nerdfonts.override {fonts = ["FiraCode"];};
      serif = config.stylix.fonts.monospace;
      sansSerif = config.stylix.fonts.monospace;
      emoji = config.stylix.fonts.monospace;

You also need to configure monitors (only for Hyprland):

monitors = [
      name = "eDP-1";  # laptop
      width = 1920;
      height = 1080;
      x = 0;
      workspace = "1";
      primary = true;

What you would change to use this config

Delete what you wouldn't use

Here are some random examples:

  • Schizofox
  • Nextcloud
  • Helix/NixVim
  • Some VSCode extensions
  • LMStudio
  • Git signing keys

What you need to do


  • Enable experimental features in your initial configuration if it's not already done
  • Clone the repo
  • Replace all occurences of louis by your username
  • Replace all occurences of magnus by your hostname
  • Either remove secrets management through sops or replace them with your own secrets. A hashed password could be considered as being enough so don't bother with secrets if you don't have any. (that's in ./hosts/common/users/USERNAME/default.nix)
  • Replace hardware-config.nix with your own file produced by nixos-generate-config.

Home Manager

  • you should already have changed magnus's config to be yours

  • You should probably follow this algorithm:

  • Comment out all features in ./home/USERNAME/HOSTNAME.nix

  • For each feature, see what it enables, remove what you don't want, then enable it

  • You should be good to rebuild : sudo nixos-rebuild --flake .#HOSTNAME boot then reboot now.


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