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Password Manager

Password Manager is a blockchain-based password manager. This means that your data are secured by blockchain and cyptographic means rather than by some third party's good will.

Further, a blockchain-based password manager is also distributed and decentralized. You don't need to worry about some service's server crashing preventing you from accessing your Netflix credentials :)

A few details


Password Manager is a simple password manager deployed on Astar's Shibuya network.

Note: Only the encrypted version of your username/passwords/url are stored on-chain. So, while your encrypted data are public, your secrets remain private.

How does it work

Password Manager uses symmetric encryption (AES with CBC mode) with a user-determined master password or passphrase used as the secret key under-the-hood.

In particular, for this project, the data we care to store is, in essence,

   "url": <url>,
   "username": <username>,
   "password": <password>,
   "description": <description>

So, when you tell the frontend to store a new url/username/password/description combination, it encrypts the JSON string using your master password and then sends the encrypted JSON string to the smart contract for storage.

Similarly, when you wish to decrypt the data, the encrypted JSON string is retrieved from the smart contract and then decrypted on the frontend.

As such, no body can access your data unless they have your master password.

How to deploy and access the dapp locally

  1. Rename .env.local.example as .env.local:
    mv frontend/.env.local.example frontend/.env.local
  2. cd into contracts/ and run substrate-nodes locally (keep this running):
    cd contracts/
    pnpm run node
  3. Open a 2nd terminal to build and deploy (locally) the smart contract:
    cd contracts
    pnpm run build
    pnpm run deploy
  4. Open a 3rd terminal for the frontend:
    cd frontend
    pnpm install
    pnpm run dev
  5. A link should appear, likely http://localhost:3000. Open it up in your favorite web browser (one with a polkadot wallet extension installed).

Future developments

There are 2 main extensions I wish to make in the future:

  1. Create chrome/firefox extensions for this dapp so that it can work as a full-fledge password manager that we're all familiar with.
  2. Generalize a few features so that password manager can also act as a decentralized secrets/credentials/key manager.


This repo was forked from scio-labs/inkathon, a boilerplate repo that made developing and deploying ink!-based dapps incredibly easy!