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forked from jdurbin/grapnel

Wide range of Java/Groovy utility classes for data wrangling, machine learning, and rapid prototyping.


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Groovy Grapnel


A grappling hook, also called a grapnel, is a device that allows one to hook onto an object for the purpose of grabbing hold or gripping it when it is at a distnace or when there are no attachment points or handles. In this spirit, Groovy grapnel is a collection of libraries and tools that will help you to get a grip on your data analysis tasks. While grapnel is geared towards Groovy, several tools are useful as stand alone-applications, and the grapnel libraries provide functionality that can be use in Java or any JVM based language as well. I think of grapnel is the kitchen sink of Java/Groovy functionality that I use every day in my bioinformatics/machine learning research.


Installation is in three parts: install required software, clone and build grapnel from github, set environment variables.


The only dependencies for Grapnel are a newish version of Java (1.7 or later), a newish version of Apache Ant (1.7 or later) and a newish version of Apache Groovy (2.0 or later). You can install these on your own machine wherever you like, just make sure all three are in your path.

Clone grapnel from github and build

Clone and build grapnel.jar:

git clone git://
cd grapnel
ant install

The install should build grapnel.jar and copy it and all required 3rd party jars, including weka, to grapnel/target.

Set up Environment Variables

Set the CLASSPATH environment variable to include all the jars under grapnel/target/jar, and add the scripts directory under grapnel to your path. For example:

export CLASSPATH="/Users/james/src/grapnel/target/jar/*"
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/james/src/grapnel/scripts/

It's useful, but not strictly necessary, to set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS to give more RAM to the JVM and to optimize for long-running jobs:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx6000m -server -Xss40m"

Type csvsql to test out the installation. You should see the help message for csvsql.

grapnel.jar library includes:

  • grapnel.charts: Support for common kinds of charts: line chart, xyplot, hist. Based on JFreeChart but includes lots of sugar to make it easier to make commonly used charts and support for saving them in various formats. Also has support for creating a chart and displaying it in a GUI with a single command.

  • grapnel.stat: Statistical classes.

    • MixtureModel Class to compute parameters of a mixture model given data (based on SSJ), and to classify data into most-likely mixtures.
    • KolmogorovSmirnov class to compute KolmogorovSmirnov statistics from data.

    • QuantileNormalization classes to perform [quantile normalization] (

    • Sampling Wrappers to simplifying sampling from lists.

  • grapnel.util: Core functionality of grapnel.

    • DoubleTable Implements a high-performance 2D table of doubles accessible by index or name. Backed by [colt] ( DenseDoubleMatrix. Includes syntatic sugar to allow [] notation, eachRow closures, etc. from Groovy and functionality to read/write tables to files in a fairly high performance way.
    • Table Implements a fairly high-performance 2D object table. Same functionality as DoubleTable generalized to a table of objects. Not as efficient as DoubleTable for numeric data, but still fairly efficient.
    • DynamicTable Implements a dynamically allocatable 2D table (a 2D Map, essentially). Row and column keys can be any comparable object. Backed by Google HashBasedTable in guava Good performance with lots of Groovy syntax sugar. Read/write to file functionality.
    • MultidimensionalMap When a 2D Map isn't enough, MultidimensionalMap allows you to create HashMaps of arbitrary dimensions.
    • CounterMap Map that counts unique occurrences of keys.
    • FileUtils Number of file utilities, fastCountLines, determineSeparator, etc.
    • ImageUtils Utilities for saving AWT/Swing components as JPG/PNG/GIF images.
    • OnlineTable Class to allow access to a tabular data file one-row-at-a-time by column name.
    • Parser Class to parse options. Fork of Groovy Option Parser to add better help support.
    • Perlism Written to provide some functions found in Perl and missed by Perl colleagues.
    • RunBash Class to support running bash scripts from Groovy like, "ls -al".bash(). Actually runs the shell with the commands, so it supports wildcards, piping, and other things .execute() chokes on. Even bash scripts can be run, like "for file in $(cat list.txt); do echo $file;done".bash()
    • SSHPortForwarder Class to do port forwarding from within Java/Groovy (say, for example, to access a database behind a firewall). Based on jsch.

  • grapnel.weka Support for working with Weka. Lots of support for making an automated pipeline and for making trained classifiers into production-usable self-contained objects. Perhaps most happily for weka library users, includes extensive support for instance IDs, including ability to access instances by ID. Lots of functionality for accessing attributes and instances by name with [] notation in Groovy. Implements additional attribute selection and filter methods. Forms the core of my machine learning automation package wekaMine. Some of the algorithms added to wekaMine include:

    • BalancedRandomForest An implementation of a balanced random forest algorithm.
    • ExponentialNormalizationFilter Normalize data by ranking and fitting to exponential distribution.
    • FishersLDEval Attribute ranking based on Fisher's linear discriminant.
    • BimodalityIndexFilter Model attributes as a mixture model, replace each value with a bimodality index based on that model.

  • swiftml Collection of machine learning algorithms packaged nicely. Where wekaMine provides tools to easily automate large scale model selection/evaluation experiments, swiftml aims to provide a clean and easy to use interface to machine learning algorithms in the spirit of, for example, scikit-learn. If you are looking for scikit-learn for Groovy/JVM swiftml might be what you need.

Grapnel Scripts

  • scripts Collection of command-line scripts (groovy).
    • csvsql Polished script based on h2 database engine that lets you perform full SQL queries on csv table files (including joins on multiple files). Some examples of things you can do with csvsql are:

      csvsql "select score from people.csv where age < 40"
      csvsql "select name,score from people.csv where age <50 and score > 100"
      csvsql "select sum(score) from people.csv where age < 40"
      csvsql "select,children.child from people.csv,children.csv where"
    • viewtab A BIG DATA spreadsheet. Want to view data in a spreadsheet but spreadsheets choke on your 30,000 rows x 2,000 columns tables? Then viewtab is for you! View, sort data, plot histograms, scatter plot pairs of rows or columns. Read more about it here: [viewtab] ( viewtab

    • cutbyname Like cut, but cuts columns by column name.

    • rename Rename batch of files based on regular expression find and replace.

    • tablesize How big is that csv/tab file in rows/columns?

Some of the functionality is described in blog entries on my blog at The Bayesian Conspiracy


Wide range of Java/Groovy utility classes for data wrangling, machine learning, and rapid prototyping.







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  • Java 50.0%
  • Groovy 49.8%
  • Other 0.2%