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git utils

My utilities for git

$ git start -h
usage: git start [options] <branch> [<source>]

Starts a new branch.

Available options are
    -d, --default-branch  start from default branch (origin master or master)
    -s, --sync            sync default branch (if using default branch) before start
$ git upload -h
usage: git upload [options] [<target-branch>]

Uploads current branch to an existing remote tracking branch. If no remote branch exist then a new branch is created.

Intended to push branches that should be merged into a target branch via a pull request.

Default target branch is origin/master. If the target is not origin/master then the target branch name will be included in the generated tracking branch name.

Target branch only needs to be included during the first upload.

Available options are
    -n, --new-branch      push to new branch even if tracking branch already exists
    -f, --force           force push
$ git sync -h
usage: git sync [options] [<target-branch>]

Rebases current branch against target branch, default origin/master.

Target branch can be passed as parameter or specified in target branch through git upload [<target-branch>].

Available options are
    -s, --sync            fetch target branch before rebase
    -p, --prune           delete branch if it is merged to target the branch. Combine with --sync to prune the remote.
$ git prune-merged -h
usage: git prune-merged [options] [<target-branch>]

check out target branch (default origin/master), delete all merged branches.

Target branch can be passed as parameter or specified in target branch through git upload [<target-branch>].

Available options are
    -s, --sync            fetch origin/master and prune origin before checkout


pip3 install .


pip3 uninstall lovef.git

git help

To use git help on Windows git you need to compile the docs with ./gradlew asciidoctor and copy them from build/docs/html5/ to the appropriate folder. On Git for Windows it is in /mingw64/share/doc/git-doc/.

git help with man pages is not setup at this time.

git alias

To include gitconfig in your global gitconfig:

git config --global include.path  $(realpath gitconfig)


./ test

Test bash scripts

You'll need to install bats, the Bash automated testing system. It's also available as brew install bats

git submodule update --init

bats test

Or with npm

npm test

Test, travis and npm setup is heavily inspired by git-open.


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