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Mooniorny: market data tracker




This project monitors stock prices in real-time using the yfinance library, displaying their historical and current values in an interactive GUI built with DearPyGui. Users can easily customize the app by configuring notification methods for price events, managing multiple profiles and dashboards, refresh interval, colors, and etc... The app allows viewing price data for multiple stocks with different time periods. GUI highlights price changes with custom colors based on user-specified conditions who can by custom python code or simple values set with the GUI. New alert events and data processing functions can be effortlessly edited with code, making it highly flexible and adaptable to individual needs.

This an alpha preview, many features are again in devellopement.



pip install requirement.txt
# If you are on Microsoft system install also requirement specific for this OS:
pip install requirement_windows.txt
# And finally launch the app with:


You can set stock/crypto/currency to track in the default profil (multi profile / ui work in progress) in file at profils/default/
UI settings in file at profils/default/
Alerts at profils/default/