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📚 Some parallel programing implementations using OpenMP


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💻 Parallel Programing with OpenMP 💻

Some parallel programing implementations using OpenMP + Docker + Docker Compose

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▶️ Getting Started

To use this repository you need to make a git clone:

git clone --depth 1 -b master

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OpenMP Functions

Para execução do Ambiente

Name Description
omp_set_num_threads Define o número de threadhs em regiões paralelas futuras a menos que seja substituído pela cláusula num_threads
omp_get_num_threads Retorna o número de threads dentro da região paralela
omp_get_thread_num Retorna o ID da thread em execução.
omp_get_num_procs Retorna o número de processadores disponível no momento em que a função é chamada.

Para rotinas de tempo

Name Description
omp_get_wtime Retorna um valor em segundos do tempo decorrido de algum ponto
omp_get_wtick Retorna o número de segundos entre os clocks do processador

🐋 Development with Docker

Steps to build a Docker Image.


docker image build -t <IMAGE_NAME> . (This context)


Steps to run a Docker Container.

  • Linux running:
docker container run -d -p <LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT> <IMAGE_NAME> <COMMAND>
docker container run -it --rm --name <CONTAINER_NAME> -p <LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT> <IMAGE_NAME> <COMMAND>
  • Windows running:
winpty docker.exe container run -it --rm <IMAGE_NAME> <COMMAND>

For more information, access the Docker documentation or this.

🐋 Development with Docker Compose

Build and run a docker-compose.

docker-compose up --build

Down all services deployed by docker-compose.

docker-compose down

Down all services and delete all images.

docker-compose down --rmi all

Link Reference

➤ Author

👤 Hey!! If you like this project or if you find some bugs feel free to contact me in my channels:

➤ Versioning

To check the change history, please access the file.

➤ Project status

This repository is a study project, therefore, it will not always be maintained 👻.

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