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@lquixada lquixada released this 03 Jul 16:05
· 35 commits to v3.x since this release

What's Changed


  • Dropped support for Node 10 and 12. (Note: cross-fetch will likely continue working on those versions, but specs tests are not running on those Node versions and no support will be provided if issues come up.)
  • Please check implementation conflicts in the Fetch API tests.


  • Added support for Node 18 and 20.
  • Added support for Service and Cloudflare Workers (Fixes #69, #78, #148) by prioritizing native code over third-party implementation. Fetch API test suite now running against node-fetch, whatwg-fetch, native browser and native node fetch.
  • Upgraded whatwg-fetch to 3.6.2. Please refer to whatwg-fetch release notes between 3.0.0 and 3.6.2 for features and bug fixes.
  • fetch.ponyfill is set to true when custom implementation is used. This improves debuggability.