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Project file format

Cengis K edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 4 revisions


Thoses researchs are for educational purposes. I like to learn and explore possibilities of devices that I purchase, that’s all.

Please note that I will not explain operations described in OP-Z user guides. If you don’t know how to do something, please read the fun manual ! You will learn a lot about the device you just have bought.

I would not be held responsible for any misuse of patented / copyrighted content. I will not be responsible if you harm or broke your device / computer / cat or dog.


Project files are available in "projects" folder when the device is connected in disk mode. They are numbered from 01 to 10 matching the project mapping order.

Project snapshot is a copy of the project, matching the project's file name with a f suffix. Bounced project files are copies of the source project.

This document apply to the following firmware versions:

  • 1.1.17


The OP-Z run on a Blackfin ADSP-BF703 processor, this processor use little-endian memory structure.

This file seem to be memory mapped, so all data are stored LSB first.

Example: 0xFF3F should be read 0x3FFF


Unless stated otherwise, offsets are relative to the start of the described part.

  • For the whole file, it's from the file's start.
  • For a chunk or another structure, it's from the start of that structure.

Project file format

Offset Size Type Name Description
0 4 UINT32 File ID seem to be always the same number: 0x00000049
4 512 Pattern chain[16] Saved pattern chains Array of saved pattern chains
516 1 UINT8 Drum level Mixer's drum group level
517 1 UINT8 Synth level Mixer's synth group level
518 1 UINT8 Punch level Mixer's punch level
519 1 UINT8 Master level Mixer's master level
520 1 UINT8 Project tempo Project tempo from 40 to 200
521 44 ?? unknown unknown, values are often 0x00
565 1 UINT8 Swing Swing level from 0 to 255
566 1 UINT8 Metronome level Metronome sound level
567 1 UINT8 Metronome sound Metronome sound selection from 0x00 to 0xFF. Values might be mapped with some linear interpolated indexes 
568  4 UINT32 (?) unknown unknown, mostly 0x000000FF
572 342272 Pattern[16] Patterns Pattern chunks

Pattern chunk

Offset Bytes Type Name Description
0 192 Track[16] Tracks Track parameters chunks
192 7040 Notes[880] Notes Notes chunks
7232 13824 Step[256] Steps Steps chunks
21056 288 UINT8[288] Parameters values parameters values, there is 18 parameters for each 16 tracks
21344 40 UINT8[40] Mutes mute config, tracks are mapped with bitmask
21384 2 UINT16 SendTape Send mapping for Tape track using bitmask
21386 2 UINT16 SendMaster Send mapping for Master track using bitmask
21388 1 UINT8 Active mute group Active mute group
21389 3 UINT8 Unused Unused

Size: 21392 bytes

Track parameters


  • The order is to be confirmed.
Offset Parameter
00 Parameter 1
01 Parameter 2
02 Envelope attack
03 Envelope decay
04 Envelope sustain
05 Envelope release
06 Effect 1 send
07 Effect 2 send
08 Filter
09 Resonance
10 Pan
11 Volume
12 Portamento
13 LFO P1
14 LFO P2
15 LFO P3
16 LFO P4
17 Note style

Tape track mapping

You can select which track is affected by the tape track (send effect).

Track numbers are mapped to bit numbers from 1 to 8. The first byte being tracks from 1 to 8 and the second byte for tracks from 9 to 16.

Master track mapping

You can select which track is affected by the master track (send effect).

Track numbers are mapped to bit numbers from 1 to 8. The first byte being tracks from 1 to 8 and the second byte for tracks from 9 to 16.

Pattern chain chunk


  • Chain pattern less longer than 32 is padded with 0xFF bytes.
  • Empty chain pattern chunk is filled with 16 0xFF bytes, the rest is garbage to be ignored.
Offset Bytes Type Name Description
0 32 UINT8 Patterns Array of 32 bytes for the patterns id (from 0 to 15).

Size: 32 bytes

Track chunk

Offset Bytes Type Name Description
0 4 UINT32 Plug ID the active engine plug id
4 1 UINT8 Step count Step count
5 1 UINT8 ?? ?? seem to be 0x05, maybe some kind of timing
6 1 UINT8 Step length Step length
7 1 UINT8 Quantize Quantize level
8 1 UINT8 Note style the track notes styles
9 1 UINT8 Note length the track notes length
10 2 UINT8 Unused Unused

Size: 12 bytes

Note chunk


  • Micro step adjustments are the same for all notes for the same step
Offset Bytes Type Name Description
0 4 INT32 Note duration How long the note is held
4 1 UINT8 Note Note value, it's 0 based for C1 and increase by one for each semitone. Divide the note by 12 give the octave number
5 1 UINT8 Velocity Velocity value. Default value is 100
6 1 INT8 Micro adjustment Micro adjustment tick from -23 to 24
7 1 UINT8 Age Seem to be always 0x00

Size: 8 bytes

Notes ordering

There is 55 notes chunk available per step for all tracks. They are mapped like this:

Notes offsets Track Max notes per step
0 - 1 Kick 2
2 - 3 Snare 2
4 - 5 HHat 2
6 - 7 SFX 2
8 - 11 Bass 4
12 - 15 Lead 4
16 - 23 Arp 8
24 - 27 Chord 4
28 FX1 1
29 FX2 1
30 Tape 1
31 - 34 Master 4
35 - 40 Perform 6
41 - 46 Module 6
47 - 50 Lights 4
51 - 54 Video 4

Step chunk

Offset Bytes Type Name Description
0 2 UINT16 Step components bitmask Bit mask on 2 bytes to show which step component are enabled. See below for bitmask values
2 16 UINT8[16] Step components parameters Array of selected parameter value for each step components
18 18 UINT8[18] Step parameter locked values Array of current lock value for each tracks parameters
36 18 UINT8[18] Step parameter mask Array of actually enabled parameter lock

Size: 54 bytes

Step components bitmask

The step component bitmask indicate which step components are enabled.

The first byte bits are numbered from 8 to 1, the second byte bits from 16 to 09.

08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09
Glide Random Ramp Down Ramp Up Velocity Jump Parameter Spark Pulse Unused Unused Component Spark Trigger Spark Tonality Pulse Hold Sweep Multiply

Step components values

When a step component value can be used in more than one way, for example for spark components, the MSB of the value is code like that:

MSB Description
0 trig on the LSB value
1 trig on the first pass
2 trig on every other pass but the LSB value

For example:

  • 0x04 for the trigger spark step component : trig on the 4th pass
  • 0x14 for the trigger spark step component : trig on the 1st pass every 4 pass
  • 0x24 for the trigger spark step component : trig on all pass but the 4th every 4 pass