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special case for univariate subsets (#193) #494

special case for univariate subsets (#193)

special case for univariate subsets (#193) #494

Triggered via push March 25, 2024 08:38
Status Success
Total duration 8m 0s


on: push
Matrix: test
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13 warnings and 1 notice
[julia-buildpkg] Caching of the julia depot was not detected
Consider using `julia-actions/cache` to speed up runs To ignore, set input `ignore-no-cache: true`
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - push
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1, actions/cache@4d4ae6ae148a43d0fd1eda1800170683e9882738, pyTooling/Actions/with-post-step@adef08d3bdef092282614f3b683897cefae82ee3. For more information see:
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - push
Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - push
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1, actions/cache@4d4ae6ae148a43d0fd1eda1800170683e9882738, pyTooling/Actions/with-post-step@adef08d3bdef092282614f3b683897cefae82ee3. For more information see:
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - push
Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - push
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1, actions/cache@4d4ae6ae148a43d0fd1eda1800170683e9882738, pyTooling/Actions/with-post-step@adef08d3bdef092282614f3b683897cefae82ee3. For more information see:
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - push
Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - push
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1, actions/cache@4d4ae6ae148a43d0fd1eda1800170683e9882738, pyTooling/Actions/with-post-step@adef08d3bdef092282614f3b683897cefae82ee3. For more information see:
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - push
Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1
Documentation: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/1HwWe/src/html/HTMLWriter.jl#L707
Unable to determine the repository root URL for the navbar link. This can happen when a string is passed to the `repo` keyword of `makedocs`. To remove this warning, either pass a Remotes.Remote object to `repo` to completely specify the remote repository, or explicitly set the remote URL by setting `repolink` via `makedocs(format = HTML(repolink = "..."), ...)`.
Documentation: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/1HwWe/src/html/HTMLWriter.jl#L779
For 13 @example blocks, the 'text/html' representation of the resulting object is above the the threshold (example_size_threshold: 8192 bytes). - 13 blocks had 'image/svg+xml' fallback image representation available, using that. On pages: archimedean/, elliptical/, examples/, examples/
Documentation: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/1HwWe/src/deploydocs.jl#L469
removing `stable` and linking `stable` to `v0.1.22`.
Documentation: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/1HwWe/src/deploydocs.jl#L469
removing `v0.1` and linking `v0.1` to `v0.1.22`.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1. For more information see: