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Setup for Programming Exercises with Bamboo, Bitbucket and Jira

This page describes how to set up a programming exercise environment based on Bamboo, Bitbucket and Jira.

Please note that this setup will create a deployment that is very similar to the one used in production but has one difference:
In production, the builds are performed within Docker containers that are created by Bamboo (or its build agents). As we run Bamboo in a Docker container in this setup, creating new Docker containers within that container is not recommended (e.g. see this article). There are some solution where one can pass the Docker socket to the Bamboo container, but none of these approaches work quite well here as Bamboo uses mounted directories that cause issues.

Therefore, a check is included within the BambooBuildPlanService that ensures that builds are not started in Docker agents if the development setup is present.


Before you start the docker-compose, check if the bamboo version in the build.gradle (search for com.atlassian.bamboo:bamboo-specs) is equal to the bamboo version number in the Dockerfile of bamboo stored in src/main/docker/bamboo/Dockerfile or src/main/docker/bamboo/swift/Dockerfile. If the version number is not equal adjust the version number in the Dockerfile.

In case you want to enable Swift programming exercises, you need to change the specified Dockerfile in the docker-compose file atlassian.yml stored in src/main/docker. To use the Swift Dockerfile, change the following:

        container_name: artemis_bamboo
        build: bamboo


        container_name: artemis_bamboo
        build: bamboo/swift

Execute the docker-compose file e.g. with docker-compose -f src/main/docker/atlassian.yml up -d. If you notice that the used image didn't change, append the flag --build.

Error Handling: It can happen that there is an overload with other docker networks ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space. Use the command docker network prune to resolve this issue.

Also make sure that docker has enough memory (~ 6GB). To adapt it, go to Preferences -> Resources

By default, the Jira instance is reachable under localhost:8081, the Bamboo instance under localhost:8085 and the Bitbucket instance under localhost:7990.

Get evaluation licenses for Atlassian products: Atlassian Licenses

  1. Get licenses for Bamboo, Bitbucket and Jira Service Management.

    • Bamboo: Select Bamboo (Server) and not installed yet
    • Bitbucket: Select Bitbucket (Data Center) and not installed yet
    • Jira: Select Jira Service Management (Data Center) and not installed yet
  2. Provide the just created license key during the setup and create an admin user with the same credentials in all 3 applications. Also, you can select the evaluation/internal/test/dev setups if you are asked. Follow the additional steps for Jira and Bitbucket.

    • Jira:
    • On startup select I'll set it up myself
    • Select Build In Database Connection
    • Create a sample project
    • Bitbucket: Do not connect Bitbucket with Jira yet
  3. Execute the shell script in the src/main/docker directory (e.g. with src/main/docker/./ This script creates groups, users and disabled application links between the 3 applications. Make sure that xdg-utils is installed before running the script.

  4. Enable the created application links between all 3 application (OAuth Impersonate). The links should open automatically after the shell script has finished. If not open them manually:

You manually have to adjust the Display URL for the Bamboo → Bitbucket AND Bitbucket → Bamboo URl to http://localhost:7990 and http://localhost:8085 .



Bamboo → Bitbucket


Bamboo → Jira



Bitbucket → Bamboo


Bitbucket → Jira



Jira → Bamboo


Jira → Bitbucket

  1. The script has already created users and groups but you need to manually assign the users into their respective group in Jira. In our test setup, users 1-5 are students, 6-10 are tutors, 11-15 are editors and 16-20 are instructors. The usernames are artemis_test_user_{1-20} and the password is again the username. When you create a course in artemis you have to manually choose the created groups (students, tutors, editors, instructors).

  2. Use the user directories in Jira to synchronize the users in bitbucket and bamboo:

    • Go to Jira → User management → Jira user server → Add application → Create one application for bitbucket and one for bamboo → add the IP-address to IP Addresses

    • Go to Bitbucket and Bamboo → User Directories → Add Directories → Atlassian Crowd → use the URL http://jira:8080 as Server URL → use the application name and password which you used in the previous step. Also, you should decrease the synchronisation period (e.g. to 2 minutes). Press synchronise after adding the directory, the users and groups should now be available.

  3. In Bamboo create a global variable named SERVER_PLUGIN_SECRET_PASSWORD, the value of this variable will be used as the secret. The value of this variable should be then stored in src/main/resources/config/application-artemis.yml as the value of artemis-authentication-token-value.

  4. Download the bamboo-server-notification-plugin and add it to bamboo. Go to Bamboo → Manage apps → Upload app → select the downloaded .jar file → Upload

  5. Add Maven and JDK:

    • Go to Bamboo → Server capabilities → Add capabilities menu → Capability type Executable → select type Maven 3.x → insert Maven 3 as executable label → insert /artemis as path.
    • Add capabilities menu → Capability type JDK → insert JDK16 as JDK label → insert /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-oracle as Java home.
  6. Generate a personal access token

While username and password can still be used as a fallback, this option is already marked as deprecated and will be removed in the future.

10.1 Personal access token for Bamboo.

  • Log in as the admin user and go to Bamboo -> Profile (top right corner) -> Personal access tokens -> Create token

  • Insert the generated token into the file application-artemis.yml in the section continuous-integration:

        user: <username>
        password: <password>
        token: #insert the token here

10.2 Personal access token for Bitbucket.

  • Log in as the admin user and go to Bitbucket -> View Profile (top right corner) -> Manage account -> Personal access tokens -> Create token

  • Insert the generated token into the file application-artemis.yml in the section version-control:

        user: <username>
        password: <password>
        token: #insert the token here
  1. Disable XSRF checking Although XSRF checking is highly recommended, we currently have to disable it as Artemis does not yet support sending the required headers.

    • Log in as the admin user go to Bamboo -> Overview -> Security Settings

      Edit the settings and disable XSRF checking:

  2. Add a SSH key for the admin user

    Artemis can clone/push the repositories during setup and for the online code editor using SSH. If the SSH key is not present, the username + token will be used as fallback (and all git operations will use HTTP(S) instead of SSH). If the token is also not present, the username + password will be used as fallback (again, using HTTP(S)).

    You first have to create a SSH key (locally), e.g. using ssh-keygen (more information on how to create a SSH key can be found e.g. at or at

    The list of supported ciphers can be found at Apache Mina.

    It is recommended to use a password to secure the private key, but it is not mandatory.

    Please note that the private key file must be named id_rsa, id_dsa, id_ecdsa or id_ed25519, depending on the ciphers used.

    You now have to extract the public key and add it to Bitbucket. Open the public key file (usually called (when using RSA)) and copy it's content (you can also use cat to show the public key).

    Navigate to BITBUCKET-URL/plugins/servlet/ssh/account/keys and add the SSH key by pasting the content of the public key.

    <ssh-key-path> is the path to the folder containing the id_rsa file (but without the filename). It will be used in the configuration of Artemis to specify where Artemis should look for the key and store the known_hosts file.

    <ssh-private-key-password> is the password used to secure the private key. It is also needed for the configuration of Artemis, but can be omitted if no password was set (e.g. for development environments).

  1. Modify src/main/resources/config/application-artemis.yml

    repo-clone-path: ./repos/
    repo-download-clone-path: ./repos-download/
    encryption-password: artemis-encrypt     # arbitrary password for encrypting database values
        use-external: true
            url: http://localhost:8081
            user:  <jira-admin-user>
            password: <jira-admin-password>
            admin-group-name: instructors
            username: artemis_admin
            password: artemis_admin
        url: http://localhost:7990
        user:  <bitbucket-admin-user>
        password: <bitbucket-admin-password>
        token: <bitbucket-admin-token>
        ssh-private-key-folder-path: <ssh-private-key-folder-path>
        ssh-private-key-password: <ssh-private-key-password>
        url: http://localhost:8085
        user:  <bamboo-admin-user>
        password: <bamboo-admin-password>
        token: <bamboo-admin-token>
        vcs-application-link-name: LS1 Bitbucket Server
        empty-commit-necessary: true
        artemis-authentication-token-value: <artemis-authentication-token-value>
  2. Modify the application-dev.yml

        port: 8080                                         # The port of artemis
        url:                        # needs to be an ip
        // url:   # If the above one does not work for mac try this one
        // url: http://host.docker.internal:8080           # If the above one does not work for windows try this one

In addition, you have to start Artemis with the profiles bamboo, bitbucket and jira so that the correct adapters will be used, e.g.:,bamboo,bitbucket,jira,artemis,scheduling

Please read :doc:`../setup` for more details.

Artemis → Jira

You can login to Artemis with the admin user you created in Jira

Artemis → Bitbucket

You can create a programming exercise

Artemis → Bamboo

You can create a programming exercise

Bitbucket → Bamboo

The build of the students repository gets started after pushing to it

Bitbucket → Artemis

When using the code editor, after clicking on Submit, the text Building and testing... should appear.

Bamboo → Artemis

The build result is displayed in the code editor.