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Safe and Sound / WAMP OsCommerce 2.2 Localhost Development Environment Setup

Safe and Sound is an osCommerce website I built for a car audio supplier using the PHP Language and MySQL database.

Here are some screenshots of the website:

These are the instructions to setup the website running locally using WAMP Server.

Download the required software here:

WAMP Server 2.5

PHP Version 5.3.28 or Mirror

Configure WAMP Server

  1. Install wampserver2.5-Apache-2.4.9-Mysql-5.6.17-php5.5.12-32b.exe
  2. Change WAMP port number to stop conflicts with IIS:
    1. Open: C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf
    2. Search for: #Listen
    3. Change both ports to: 7080
    4. Restart Wamp

Install PHP

This project requires you use PHP Version 5.3.28 for deprecated functions and register_globals.

  1. Extract contents of to C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.28\
  2. Create a copy of C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.28\php.ini-development.ini and rename it php.ini
  3. Make the following changes to php.ini
error_log = "c:/wamp/logs/php_error.log"  
extension_dir = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.28/ext/"  
upload_tmp_dir = "c:/wamp/tmp"  
date.timezone = 'Europe/London'  
session.save_path = "c:/wamp/tmp"  
register_globals = On  
register_long_arrays = On  
display_errors = Off  

For convenience you can download the edited file here

  1. Save a copy of php.ini as phpForApache.ini in the same directory. WampServer copies this file to the Apache server when you select the version from the menu.
  2. Copy the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\wampserver.conf file from the existing PHP version into the newly installed version
  3. Make the following changes to c:\wamp\wampmanager.ini

Search for [phpVersion] and add the following:

Type: item; Caption: "5.3.28"; Action: multi; Actions:switchPhp5.3.28 

At the end of the section (before ;WAMPPHPVERSIONEND), add the following code:

Action: service; Service: wampapache; ServiceAction: stop; Flags: ignoreerrors waituntilterminated  
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.28/php-win.exe";Parameters: "switchPhpVersion.php php5.3.28";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated  
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.28/php-win.exe";Parameters: "-c . refresh.php";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated  
Action: run; FileName: "net"; Parameters: "start wampapache"; ShowCmd: hidden; Flags: waituntilterminated  
Action: resetservices  
Action: readconfig;  

For convenience you can download the edited file here

Configure Apache Server

Enable mod_rewrite in Apache configuration.

  1. Edit C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf
  2. Search for LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
  3. Remove the comment symbol '#' to activate the module
  4. Click the Wamp server icon in the task bar and Apache -> Service -> Restart Service

Import mySQL Databases in phpMyAdmin

  1. Open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost:7080/phpmyadmin), select the SQL tab and enter the following commands and click Go to create the database and user account:
CREATE USER 'web13-sns'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin';
USE `web13-sns`;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `web13-sns`.* TO 'web13-sns'@'localhost';
  1. Select the web13-sns database in the left column tree view, click the Import tab and choose the web13-sns.sql file from the source code folder and press Go

Open the osCommerce Website from Localhost

  1. Copy the contents of the safensound folder to the C:\wamp\www\ folder
  2. Open http://localhost:7080/safensound in a browser and you should see the homepage
  3. The osCommerce website admin page can be accessed at http://localhost:7080/safensound/admin


Safe and Sound is an osCommerce website I built for a car audio supplier using the PHP Language and MySQL database.






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