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First version of collider, with some hardcoded parts, can solve simpl…
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lspector committed Oct 13, 2016
1 parent 7180ee3 commit 462faf8
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 2 deletions.
108 changes: 106 additions & 2 deletions src/clojush/pushgp/collider.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,109 @@
(ns clojush.pushgp.collider)
(ns clojush.pushgp.collider
(:use [clojush args globals individual random translate]
[clojush.pushgp genetic-operators]))

(defn satisfies-constraints?

(defn lex
"Returns a single individual from the provided population (vector of individuals) via lexicase selection."
(loop [survivors popvec
cases (shuffle (range (count (:errors (first popvec)))))]
(if (or (empty? cases)
(empty? (rest survivors)))
(lrand-nth survivors)
(let [min-err-for-case (apply min (map #(nth % (first cases))
(map #(:errors %) survivors)))]
(recur (filter #(= (nth (:errors %) (first cases)) min-err-for-case)
(rest cases))))))

(defn remove-one
"Returns the provided vector v without its first instance of the provided item. Assumes that item is in v."
[item v]
(loop [processed []
remaining v]
(if (= item (first remaining))
(vec (concat processed (rest remaining)))
(recur (vec (conj processed (first remaining)))
(rest remaining)))))

(defn inverse-lex
"Returns a single individual from the provided pooulation (vector of individuals) via inverse lexicase selection."
(loop [survivors popvec
cases (lshuffle (range (count (:errors (first popvec)))))]
(if (or (empty? cases)
(empty? (rest survivors)))
(lrand-nth survivors)
(let [max-err-for-case (apply max (map #(nth % (first cases))
(map #(:errors %) survivors)))]
(recur (filter #(= (nth (:errors %) (first cases)) max-err-for-case)
(rest cases))))))

(defn parent-selection-collision
"Returns a parent by colliding two elements of the population and returning the one selected that lexicase
selection selects."
(lex [(lrand-nth population) (lrand-nth population)]))

(defn destructive-collision
"Returns the provided population without one individual, chosen by performing inverse lexicase selection
on two random individuals."
(remove-one (inverse-lex [(rand-nth population) (rand-nth population)])

(defn constructive-collision
"Returns the provided population with the possible addition of an individual created by running a genetic
operator on selected parents. The new individual must bass the test of `satisfiesconstraints?` in order
to be added. If the collision produces a solution, then instead of the augmented population, this returns
{:solution solution-individual}."
(let [child (if (< (count population) (:collider-collision-threshold @push-argmap))
:genome (random-plush-genome (:max-genome-size-in-initial-program @push-argmap)
(let [parent1 (parent-selection-collision population)
parent2 (parent-selection-collision population)]
(uniform-mutation (alternation parent1 parent2 @push-argmap) @push-argmap)))]
(if (satisfies-constraints? (:genome child))
(let [program (translate-plush-genome-to-push-program child @push-argmap)
errors ((:error-function @push-argmap) program)
total-error (reduce + errors)
evaluated-child (assoc child
:program program
:errors errors
:total-error total-error)]
(if (<= total-error (:error-threshold @push-argmap))
{:solution evaluated-child}
(conj population evaluated-child)))

(defn run-collider
(println "this is where the collider goes"))
(let [target-size (:collider-target-population-size @push-argmap)]
(loop [population []
step 0]
(when (and (zero? (mod step 1000)) (not-empty population))
(println "=== Report at step:" step)
(println "Population size:" (count population))
(println "Best total error:" (apply min (map :total-error population)))
(println "Average total error:" (float (/ (reduce + (map :total-error population)) (count population))))
(println "Average genome size:" (float (/ (reduce + (map count (map :genome population))) (count population)))))
(if (:solution population)
(println "Success at step" step ":" (:solution population))
(if (> step 100000)
(println "Failure")
(recur (if (or (empty? population)
(< (lrand)
(/ target-size (+ target-size (count population)))))
(constructive-collision population)
(destructive-collision population))
(inc step)))))))

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