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Consortia Collaborating on a Platform for Usage Statistics


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CC-Plus is a prototype system for collecting, managing, and displaying
use statistics for libraries within consortia. More details on the
project partners, funding and obectives can be found here:
This system is still under development and is intendend to be a
proof-of-concept that serves as a starting point for building
a production service or package.

Running Install 

The Install shell script prompts for paths and credentials needed to
setup the CC-Plus System, and moves the files and support libraries
to the right places. This is still a work-in-progress, and is only
a proof-of-concept, so the ride will be bumpy. Documentation is ...
wanting, primarily in-line, but will be written soon-ish.

Post-Install Tasks

One path is not, however, managed or known to the Install script,
and is hard-coded into the libraries/ include file:

define ("CCPLUSREPORTS", "/usr/local/stats_reports/");

This path is the home for the raw-XML and processed Counter-CSV
files that are retrieved via Sushi. Feel free to change this to
another place, just ensure that it is accessbile to the webserver.
In order for the raw XML and CSV files to be accessible to CC+,
this path needs be aliased in the httpd config file as
"/raw_reports". For example, if CCPLUSROOTURL is "/", then:
these lines should be added to an Apache .conf file in the
directory definitions:

   Alias "/raw_reports" "/usr/local/stats_reports"
   <Directory /usr/local/stats_reports/>
           AllowOverride All
           Options All +Indexes
           Require all granted
           Order allow,deny
           Allow from all

The "Manual Ingest" function within CC-Plus also wants to be able to
store the manually retrieved XML and the intermediate CSV files in
the path in a subfolder named "temp". So,

Create the paths via:
 # mkdir /usr/local/stats_reports
 # mkdir /usr/local/stats_reports/temp
 # chmod 700 /usr/local/stats_reports/temp
And, if your web/httpd/apache server runs as "apache:apache", then:
 # chown apache:apache /usr/local/stats_reports/temp

I imagine there are *better* ways to accomplish this, and am certainly
open to suggestions to improve the functionality - and security - of
the files/service. This being a first-pass, the easy_basic_brute_force
method is currently in-use. It's also worth noting that this means that
the .CSV and .XLS files for all consortia within the installation are
accessible to all users of the system (by changing the browser URL).

Cron Automation

Adding these two lines to the host-system cron-configuration (or something
like them, depending on your preferences) is also important if you want the
system to execute the overnight harvesting and alert processes:

CheckManual.php : looks for manually ingested reports in the temp folder,
                  and if found, processes them into the running system;
*/10 * * * * root php /usr/local/ccp_agents/CheckManual.php >> /var/log/CCPlus_Nightly.log 2>&1

CCP_nightly.php : runs SUSHI ingests, Retries, and Alert tests, and notifications:
5 0 * * * root /usr/local/ccp_agents/nightly/ >> /var/log/CCPlus_Nightly.log 2>&1


Consortia Collaborating on a Platform for Usage Statistics



GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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