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At this location is the AASTeX style file (aastex.cls), the skeleton file itself
(dc2report.tex), and a series of stub files for the various sections within the
report, each of which gets included when dc2report.tex is TeXed.

More information about the AASTeX article class is at

There is also a sample chapter file "sampleChapter.tex" showing how to include
an EPS file and how to make a table. If you don't know how to make an EPS file
for graphics, here's how.

Step 1: Say, "David, can you make this into an EPS file for me?"

Step 2: I'll do it.

If you're not a TeX user, don't install and learn TeX just for this report;
check in (or send me) the plain text and graphics, and I'll set it for you.

On Mac and Linux, Tex-ify the report using the commands

latex dc2report
dvipdf dc2report

from the report directory. The product will be dc2report.pdf.

I'm happy to help with TeXnical questions.

-- David @%<