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r-owen committed Jul 6, 2017
1 parent a111d08 commit 4c35d2b
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Showing 6 changed files with 524 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions include/lsst/afw/math/TransformBoundedField.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// -*- LSST-C++ -*-
* LSST Data Management System
* Copyright 2017 LSST Corporation.
* This product includes software developed by the
* LSST Project (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
* the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
* see <>.

#ifndef LSST_AFW_MATH_TransformBoundedField_h_INCLUDED
#define LSST_AFW_MATH_TransformBoundedField_h_INCLUDED

#include "ndarray.h"

#include "lsst/pex/config.h"
#include "lsst/afw/geom/Endpoint.h"
#include "lsst/afw/geom/Transform.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/BoundedField.h"

namespace lsst {
namespace afw {
namespace math {

* A BoundedField based on geom::Transform<Poin2Endpoint, GenericEndpoint<1>>.
* TransformBoundedField supports arbitrary transforms.
class TransformBoundedField : public table::io::PersistableFacade<TransformBoundedField>,
public BoundedField {
using Transform = geom::Transform<geom::Point2Endpoint, geom::GenericEndpoint>;

* Create a TransformBoundedField from a bounding box and transform.
TransformBoundedField(geom::Box2I const& bbox, Transform const& transform);

/// Get the contained Transform
Transform getTransform() const { return _transform; }

/// @copydoc BoundedField::evaluate
virtual double evaluate(geom::Point2D const & position) const override;

/// @copydoc BoundedField::evaluate
virtual ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1> evaluate(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const& x,
ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const& y) const override;

using BoundedField::evaluate;

/// TransformBoundedField is always persistable.
virtual bool isPersistable() const override { return true; }

/// @copydoc BoundedField::operator*
virtual std::shared_ptr<BoundedField> operator*(double const scale) const;

/// @copydoc BoundedField::operator==
virtual bool operator==(BoundedField const& rhs) const;

virtual std::string getPersistenceName() const;

virtual std::string getPythonModule() const;

virtual void write(OutputArchiveHandle & handle) const;

// Internal constructor for fit() routines: just initializes the transform,
// leaves coefficients empty.
explicit TransformBoundedField(afw::geom::Box2I const & bbox);

virtual std::string toString() const;

Transform _transform;
} // namespace lsst::afw::math

#endif // !LSST_AFW_MATH_TransformBoundedField_h_INCLUDED
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions python/lsst/afw/math/SConscript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ scripts.BasicSConscript.pybind11(['function',
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions python/lsst/afw/math/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
from ._boundedField import *
from ._chebyshevBoundedField import *
from .chebyshevBoundedFieldConfig import ChebyshevBoundedFieldConfig
from ._transformBoundedField import *
from ._leastSquares import *
from ._random import *
from ._convolveImage import *
Expand Down
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions python/lsst/afw/math/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* LSST Data Management System
* Copyright 2017 AURA/LSST.
* This product includes software developed by the
* LSST Project (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
* the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
* see <>.

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>

#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
#include "ndarray/pybind11.h"
#include "ndarray/converter.h"

#include "lsst/pex/config/python.h" // defines LSST_DECLARE_CONTROL_FIELD
#include "lsst/afw/table/io/python.h"

#include "lsst/afw/table/io/Persistable.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/BoundedField.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/TransformBoundedField.h"

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace py::literals;

namespace lsst {
namespace afw {
namespace math {
namespace {

using ClsField = py::class_<TransformBoundedField, std::shared_ptr<TransformBoundedField>, BoundedField,

PYBIND11_PLUGIN(_transformBoundedField) {
py::module mod("_transformBoundedField", "Python wrapper for afw _transformBoundedField library");

if (_import_array() < 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "numpy.core.multiarray failed to import");
return nullptr;

/* Module level */
ClsField cls(mod, "TransformBoundedField");

cls.def(py::init<lsst::afw::geom::Box2I const &, TransformBoundedField::Transform const &>(), "bbox"_a,

cls.def("__rmul__", [](TransformBoundedField &bf, double const scale) { return bf * scale; },
cls.def("__mul__", [](TransformBoundedField &bf, double const scale) { return bf * scale; },
cls.def("__eq__", &TransformBoundedField::operator==, py::is_operator());

cls.def("getTransform", &TransformBoundedField::getTransform);
cls.def("evaluate", (double (BoundedField::*)(double, double) const) & BoundedField::evaluate);
(ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1>(TransformBoundedField::*)(
ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &, ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const &) const) &
cls.def("evaluate", (double (TransformBoundedField::*)(lsst::afw::geom::Point2D const &) const) &

return mod.ptr();

} // namespace
} // namespace math
} // namespace afw
} // namespace lsst
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions src/math/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
// -*- LSST-C++ -*-
* LSST Data Management System
* Copyright 2008-2014 LSST Corporation.
* This product includes software developed by the
* LSST Project (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
* the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
* see <>.

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "ndarray/eigen.h"
#include "astshim.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/TransformBoundedField.h"
#include "lsst/afw/table/io/InputArchive.h"
#include "lsst/afw/table/io/OutputArchive.h"
#include "lsst/afw/table/io/CatalogVector.h"
#include "lsst/afw/table/aggregates.h"

namespace lsst {
namespace afw {
namespace math {

geom::Box2I const& bbox,
geom::Transform<geom::Point2Endpoint, geom::GenericEndpoint> const& transform)
: BoundedField(bbox), _transform(transform) {
if (transform.getToEndpoint().getNAxes() != 1) {
throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
"To EndPoint of transform must have 1 axis but has " +

double TransformBoundedField::evaluate(geom::Point2D const& position) const {
return _transform.applyForward(position)[0];

ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1> TransformBoundedField::evaluate(ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const& x,
ndarray::Array<double const, 1> const& y) const {
if (x.getSize<0>() != y.getSize<0>()) {
throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
"x length " + std::to_string(x.getSize<0>()) + "!= y length " +

// TODO if Mapping.applyForward gains support for x, y then use that instead of copying data
int const nPoints = x.getSize<0>();
ndarray::Array<double, 2, 2> xy = ndarray::allocate(ndarray::makeVector(2, nPoints));
for (int col = 0; col < nPoints; ++col) {
xy[0][col] = x[col];
xy[1][col] = y[col];

auto res2D = _transform.getFrameSet()->applyForward(xy);

// res2D has shape 1 x N; return a 1-D view with the extra dimension stripped
auto resShape = ndarray::makeVector(nPoints);
auto resStrides = ndarray::makeVector(1);
return ndarray::external(res2D.getData(), resShape, resStrides, res2D);

// ------------------ persistence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace {

struct PersistenceHelper {
table::Schema schema;
table::Key<int> orderX;
table::PointKey<int> bboxMin;
table::PointKey<int> bboxMax;
table::Key<std::string> frameSet;

: schema(),
bboxMin(table::PointKey<int>::addFields(schema, "bbox_min", "lower-left corner of bounding box",
bboxMax(table::PointKey<int>::addFields(schema, "bbox_max",
"upper-right corner of bounding box", "pixel")),
frameSet(schema.addField<std::string>("frameSet", "FrameSet contained in the Transform", 0,
false)) {}

PersistenceHelper(table::Schema const& s)
: schema(s), bboxMin(s["bbox_min"]), bboxMax(s["bbox_max"]), frameSet(s["frameSet"]) {}

class TransformBoundedFieldFactory : public table::io::PersistableFactory {
virtual std::shared_ptr<table::io::Persistable> read(InputArchive const& archive,
CatalogVector const& catalogs) const {
LSST_ARCHIVE_ASSERT(catalogs.size() == 1u);
LSST_ARCHIVE_ASSERT(catalogs.front().size() == 1u);
table::BaseRecord const& record = catalogs.front().front();
PersistenceHelper const keys(record.getSchema());
// NOTE: needed invert=false in case min=-1, max=0 (empty bbox). See RFC-324 and DM-10200
geom::Box2I bbox(record.get(keys.bboxMin), record.get(keys.bboxMax), false);
auto frameSetStr = record.get(keys.frameSet);
auto stream = ast::StringStream(frameSetStr);
auto astObjectPtr = ast::Channel(stream).read();
auto frameSet = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ast::FrameSet>(astObjectPtr);
if (!frameSet) {
throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::RuntimeError,
"The contents of the frameSet field could not be parsed as an ast::FrameSet");
auto transform = geom::Transform<geom::Point2Endpoint, geom::GenericEndpoint>(*frameSet);
return std::make_shared<TransformBoundedField>(bbox, transform);

TransformBoundedFieldFactory(std::string const& name) : afw::table::io::PersistableFactory(name) {}

std::string getTransformBoundedFieldPersistenceName() { return "TransformBoundedField"; }

TransformBoundedFieldFactory registration(getTransformBoundedFieldPersistenceName());

} // namespace

std::string TransformBoundedField::getPersistenceName() const {
return getTransformBoundedFieldPersistenceName();

std::string TransformBoundedField::getPythonModule() const { return "lsst.afw.math"; }

void TransformBoundedField::write(OutputArchiveHandle& handle) const {
PersistenceHelper const keys;
table::BaseCatalog catalog = handle.makeCatalog(keys.schema);
std::shared_ptr<table::BaseRecord> record = catalog.addNew();
record->set(keys.bboxMin, getBBox().getMin());
record->set(keys.bboxMax, getBBox().getMax());
record->set(keys.frameSet, getTransform().getFrameSet()->show());

PTR(BoundedField) TransformBoundedField::operator*(double const scale) const {
auto zoomMap = ast::ZoomMap(1, scale);
auto newMapping = getTransform().getFrameSet()->then(zoomMap);
auto newTransform = Transform(newMapping);
return std::make_shared<TransformBoundedField>(getBBox(), newTransform);

bool TransformBoundedField::operator==(BoundedField const& rhs) const {
auto rhsCasted = dynamic_cast<TransformBoundedField const*>(&rhs);
if (!rhsCasted) return false;

return getBBox() == rhsCasted->getBBox() &&
*(getTransform().getFrameSet()) == *(rhsCasted->getTransform().getFrameSet());

std::string TransformBoundedField::toString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "TransformBoundedField (containing " << _transform.getFrameSet()->getNFrame() << " frames)";
return os.str();

} // namespace math
} // namespace afw
} // namespace lsst

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