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Add a new task IngestCalibsTask for calibration images
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It mirrors and expands IngestTask to parse through the file
headers for information and add to the calibration registry
of the data repository.  Dataset type is determined by the
header info OBSTYPE, and by default the calibration images
are valid on the observation date only. Optional argument
"validity" can be used to set a wider validity period on the
command line. Overlaps in validity ranges are fixed.
  • Loading branch information
Hsin-Fang Chiang committed Sep 30, 2015
1 parent 521069b commit 0fa09db
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 0 deletions.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from lsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs import IngestCalibsTask
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions python/lsst/pipe/tasks/
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import collections
import datetime
import sqlite3
from lsst.pex.config import Config, ListField, ConfigurableField
from lsst.pipe.base import ArgumentParser
from lsst.pipe.tasks.ingest import RegisterTask, ParseTask, RegisterConfig, IngestTask

def _convertToDate(dateString):
"""Convert a string into a date object, or return None
when the date string cannot be converted with format %Y-%m-%d
return datetime.datetime.strptime(dateString, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
except ValueError:
return None

class CalibsParseTask(ParseTask):
"""Task that will parse the filename and/or its contents to get the
required information to populate the calibration registry."""
def getCalibType(self, md):
"""Return a a known calibration dataset type using
the observation type in the header
@param md: (PropertySet) FITS header metadata
if not md.exists("OBSTYPE"):
return None
obstype = md.get("OBSTYPE").strip().lower()
if "flat" in obstype:
obstype = "flat"
elif "zero" in obstype or "bias" in obstype:
obstype = "bias"
elif "dark" in obstype:
obstype = "dark"
elif "fringe" in obstype:
obstype = "fringe"
return obstype

class CalibsRegisterConfig(RegisterConfig):
"""Configuration for the CalibsRegisterTask"""
tables = ListField(dtype=str, default=["bias", "dark", "flat", "fringe"],
doc="Name of tables")

class CalibsRegisterTask(RegisterTask):
"""Task that will generate the calibration registry for the Mapper"""
ConfigClass = CalibsRegisterConfig

def openRegistry(self, butler, create=False, dryrun=False, name="calibRegistry.sqlite3"):
"""Open the registry and return the connection handle"""
return RegisterTask.openRegistry(self, butler, create, dryrun, name)

def createTable(self, conn):
"""Create the registry tables"""
for table in self.config.tables:
RegisterTask.createTable(self, conn, table=table)

def updateValidityRanges(self, conn):
"""Loop over all tables, filters, and ccdnums,
and update the validity ranges in the registry.
@param conn: Database connection
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
cursor = conn.cursor()
for table in self.config.tables:
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT filter,ccdnum FROM %s" % table
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
self.resolveOverlaps(conn, table, str(row["filter"]), row["ccdnum"])

def resolveOverlaps(self, conn, table, filter, ccdnum):
"""Fix overlaps of validity ranges among selected rows in the registry
@param conn: Database connection
@param table: Name of table to be selected
@param filter: Select condition for column filter
@param ccdnum: Select condition for column ccdnum
sql = "SELECT id, calibDate, validStart, validEnd FROM %s" % table
sql += " WHERE filter='%s' AND ccdnum=%s" % (filter, ccdnum)
sql += " ORDER BY calibDate"
cursor = conn.cursor()
rows = cursor.fetchall()
valids = collections.OrderedDict([(_convertToDate(row["calibDate"]),
_convertToDate(row["validEnd"])]) for row in rows])
dates = valids.keys()
if None in dates:
self.log.warn("Skipped fixing the validity overlaps for %s filter=%s ccdnum=%s" %
(table, filter, ccdnum))
numDates = len(dates)
midpoints = [t1 + (t2 - t1)//2 for t1, t2 in zip(dates[:numDates-1], dates[1:])]
for i, (date, midpoint) in enumerate(zip(dates[:numDates-1], midpoints)):
if valids[date][1] > midpoint:
nextDate = dates[i + 1]
valids[nextDate][0] = midpoint + datetime.timedelta(1)
valids[date][1] = midpoint
del midpoints
del dates
for row in rows:
calibDate = _convertToDate(row["calibDate"])
validStart = valids[calibDate][0].isoformat()
validEnd = valids[calibDate][1].isoformat()
sql = "UPDATE %s" % table
sql += " SET validStart='%s', validEnd='%s'" % (validStart, validEnd)
sql += " WHERE id=%s" % row["id"]

class IngestCalibsArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
"""Argument parser to support ingesting calibration images into the repository"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ArgumentParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Don't perform any action?")
self.add_argument("--create", action="store_true", help="Create new registry?")
self.add_argument("--validity", type=int, help="Calibration validity period (days)")
self.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="Names of file")

class IngestCalibsConfig(Config):
"""Configuration for IngestCalibsTask"""
parse = ConfigurableField(target=CalibsParseTask, doc="File parsing")
register = ConfigurableField(target=CalibsRegisterTask, doc="Registry entry")

class IngestCalibsTask(IngestTask):
"""Task that generates registry for calibration images"""
ConfigClass = IngestCalibsConfig
ArgumentParser = IngestCalibsArgumentParser
_DefaultName = "ingestCalibs"

def run(self, args):
"""Ingest all specified files and add them to the registry"""
with self.register.openRegistry(args.butler, create=args.create, dryrun=args.dryrun) as registry:
for infile in args.files:
fileInfo, hduInfoList = self.parse.getInfo(infile)
for info in hduInfoList:
if info["obstype"] not in self.register.config.tables:
self.log.warn("Skipped adding %s of obstype %s to registry" %
(infile, info["obstype"]))
table = info["obstype"]
info['path'] = infile
if args.validity is not None:
info['validStart'] = (_convertToDate(info['calibDate']) -
info['validEnd'] = (_convertToDate(info['calibDate']) +
except TypeError:
self.log.warn("Skipped setting validity period of %s" %
self.register.addRow(registry, info, dryrun=args.dryrun,
create=args.create, table=table)
if args.dryrun:"Would update validity ranges to resolve overlaps")

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