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Add unittest for catalog ingester and loader
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SimonKrughoff committed Mar 31, 2016
1 parent fa33146 commit 38b65ee
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
# LSST Data Management System
# Copyright 2008-2016 LSST Corporation.
# This product includes software developed by the
# LSST Project (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
# the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <>.
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import unittest
import string
from collections import Counter

import numpy

import lsst.utils
import lsst.afw.table as afwTable
import lsst.afw.geom as afwGeom
import lsst.afw.coord as afwCoord
import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPersist
from lsst.pipe.tasks.indexReferenceTask import IngestIndexedReferenceTask
from lsst.pipe.tasks.loadIndexedReferenceObjects import LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask

obs_test_dir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('obs_test')
input_dir = os.path.join(obs_test_dir, "data", "input")

def make_coord(ra, dec):
return afwCoord.IcrsCoord(afwGeom.Angle(ra, afwGeom.degrees), afwGeom.Angle(dec, afwGeom.degrees))

class HtmIndexTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.TestCase):
def make_sky_catalog(out_path, size=1000):
ident = numpy.arange(1, size+1, dtype=int)
ra = numpy.random.random(size)*360.
dec = numpy.degrees(numpy.arccos(2.*numpy.random.random(size) - 1.))
dec -= 90.
a_mag = 16. + numpy.random.random(size)*4.
a_mag_err = 0.01 + numpy.random.random(size)*0.2
b_mag = 17. + numpy.random.random(size)*5.
b_mag_err = 0.02 + numpy.random.random(size)*0.3
is_photometric = numpy.random.randint(2, size=size)
is_resolved = numpy.random.randint(2, size=size)
is_variable = numpy.random.randint(2, size=size)
extra_col1 = numpy.random.normal(size=size)
extra_col2 = numpy.random.normal(1000., 100., size=size)

def get_word(word_len):
return "".join(numpy.random.choice([s for s in string.ascii_letters], word_len))
extra_col3 = numpy.array([get_word(num) for num in numpy.random.randint(11, size=size)])

dtype = numpy.dtype([('id', float), ('ra_icrs', float), ('dec_icrs', float), ('a', float),
('a_err', float), ('b', float), ('b_err', float), ('is_phot', int),
('is_res', int), ('is_var', int), ('val1', float), ('val2', float),
('val3', '|S11')])

arr = numpy.array(zip(ident, ra, dec, a_mag, a_mag_err, b_mag, b_mag_err, is_photometric, is_resolved,
is_variable, extra_col1, extra_col2, extra_col3), dtype=dtype)
numpy.savetxt(out_path+"/ref.txt", arr, delimiter=",",
fmt=["%i", "%.6g", "%.6g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%i",
"%i", "%i", "%.2g", "%.2g", "%s"])
numpy.savetxt(out_path+"/ref_test_delim.txt", arr, delimiter="|",
fmt=["%i", "%.6g", "%.6g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%.4g", "%i",
"%i", "%i", "%.2g", "%.2g", "%s"])
return out_path+"/ref.txt", out_path+"/ref_test_delim.txt", arr

def setUpClass(cls):
cls.out_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
test_cat_path = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('pipe_tasks')+'/tests/'+'test_cat.fits'
cls.test_cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog.readFits(test_cat_path)
ret = cls.make_sky_catalog(cls.out_path)
cls.sky_catalog_file, cls.sky_catalog_file_delim, cls.sky_catalog = ret
cls.test_ras = [210., 14.5, 93., 180., 286., 0.]
cls.test_decs = [-90., -51., -30.1, 0., 27.3, 62., 90.]
cls.search_radius = 3.
cls.comp_cats = {}
for ra in cls.test_ras:
for dec in cls.test_decs:
tupl = (ra, dec)
cent = make_coord(*tupl)
cls.comp_cats[tupl] = []
for rec in cls.sky_catalog:
if make_coord(rec['ra_icrs'], rec['dec_icrs']).angularSeparation(cent).asDegrees()\
< cls.search_radius:

cls.test_repo_path = cls.out_path+"/test_repo"
config = IngestIndexedReferenceTask.ConfigClass()
config.ra_name = 'ra_icrs'
config.dec_name = 'dec_icrs'
config.mag_column_list = ['a', 'b']
config.id_name = 'id'
config.mag_err_column_map = {'a': 'a_err', 'b': 'b_err'}
IngestIndexedReferenceTask.parseAndRun(args=[input_dir, "--output", cls.test_repo_path,
cls.sky_catalog_file], config=config)
cls.test_butler = dafPersist.Butler(cls.test_repo_path)

def tearDownClass(cls):
except Exception:
print("WARNING: failed to remove temporary dir %r" % (cls.out_path,))
del cls.out_path
del cls.sky_catalog_file
del cls.sky_catalog_file_delim
del cls.sky_catalog
del cls.test_ras
del cls.test_decs
del cls.search_radius
del cls.comp_cats
del cls.test_butler
del cls.test_cat

def testAgainstPersisted(self):
pix_id = 671901
data_id = IngestIndexedReferenceTask.make_data_id(pix_id)
dataset_name = IngestIndexedReferenceTask.ConfigClass().ref_dataset_name
self.assertTrue(self.test_butler.datasetExists(dataset_name, data_id))
ref_cat = self.test_butler.get(dataset_name, data_id)
ex1 = ref_cat.extract('*')
ex2 = self.test_cat.extract('*')
# compare sets as the order may be different
self.assertEqual(set(ex1.keys()), set(ex2.keys()))
for key in ex1:
self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(ex1[key], ex2[key]))

def testIngest(self):
default_config = IngestIndexedReferenceTask.ConfigClass()
# test ingest with default config
# This should raise since I haven't specified the ra/dec/mag columns.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, IngestIndexedReferenceTask.parseAndRun, args=[input_dir, "--output",
self.out_path+"/output", self.sky_catalog_file], config=default_config)
# test with ~minimum config. Mag errors are not technically necessary, but might as well test here
default_config.ra_name = 'ra_icrs'
default_config.dec_name = 'dec_icrs'
default_config.mag_column_list = ['a', 'b']
default_config.mag_err_column_map = {'a': 'a_err'}
# should raise since all columns need an error column if any do
self.assertRaises(ValueError, IngestIndexedReferenceTask.parseAndRun, args=[input_dir, "--output",
self.out_path+"/output", self.sky_catalog_file], config=default_config)
# test with multiple files and correct config
default_config.mag_err_column_map = {'a': 'a_err', 'b': 'b_err'}
args=[input_dir, "--output", self.out_path+"/output_multifile",
self.sky_catalog_file, self.sky_catalog_file],
# test with config overrides
default_config = IngestIndexedReferenceTask.ConfigClass()
default_config.ra_name = 'ra'
default_config.dec_name = 'dec'
default_config.mag_column_list = ['a', 'b']
default_config.mag_err_column_map = {'a': 'a_err', 'b': 'b_err'}
default_config.ref_dataset_name = 'other_photo_astro_ref'
default_config.level = 10
default_config.is_photometric_name = 'is_phot'
default_config.is_resolved_name = 'is_res'
default_config.is_variable_name = 'is_var'
default_config.id_name = 'id'
default_config.extra_col_names = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
default_config.file_reader.header_lines = 1
default_config.file_reader.colnames = ['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'a', 'a_err', 'b', 'b_err', 'is_phot', 'is_res',
'is_var', 'val1', 'val2', 'val3']
default_config.file_reader.delimiter = '|'
# this also tests changing the delimiter
args=[input_dir, "--output", self.out_path+"/output_override",
self.sky_catalog_file_delim], config=default_config)

def testQuery(self):
loader = LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask(self.test_butler)
for tupl in self.comp_cats:
cent = make_coord(*tupl)
lcat = loader.loadSkyCircle(cent, afwGeom.Angle(self.search_radius, afwGeom.degrees),
if lcat.refCat:
# deep copy the catalog so it's contiguous in memory. This lets us use numpy syntax.
cat = lcat.refCat.copy(True)
self.assertEqual(Counter(cat['id']), Counter(self.comp_cats[tupl]))
# make sure there are no duplicate ids
self.assertEqual(len(set(Counter(cat['id']).values())), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(set(Counter(self.comp_cats[tupl]).values())), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(self.comp_cats[tupl]), 0)

def suite():
suites = []
suites += unittest.makeSuite(HtmIndexTestCase)
suites += unittest.makeSuite(lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase)
return unittest.TestSuite(suites)

def run(shouldExit=False):, shouldExit)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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