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ezjsonm-encoding is an encoding combinators library for Ezjsonm whose API is heavily inspired by data-encoding.

The two main differences between ezjsonm-encoding and the JSON support of data-encoding are:

  • objN combinators accept JSON objects with more fields than the one explicitely specified in the encoding.
  • ezjsonm-encoding does not have a dependency to Zarith (which depends on GMP). As a consequence, ezjsonm-encoding does not provide support for big numbers out of the box.

ezjsonm-encoding is packaged and build with Dune. A Makefile is provided for convinience purposes.

# Install the minimum to build the library
make build-deps
# Install development dependencies as well
make build-dev-deps

In both cases, a local switch is created. Use the variable OCAML_COMPILER to control which compiler is installed (defaults to ocaml-system).