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Phyloformer: towards fast, accurate and versatile phylogenetic reconstruction with deep neural networks

  • Luca Nesterenko
  • Luc Blassel
  • Philippe Veber
  • Bastien Boussau
  • Laurent Jacob

This repository contains the scripts for the paper:

  author={Nesterenko Luca, Luc Blassel, Philippe Veber, Boussau Bastien, Jacob Laurent},
  title={Phyloformer: Fast, accurate and versatile phylogenetic reconstruction with deep neural networks},

Phyloformer is a fast deep neural network-based method to infer evolutionary distance from a multiple sequence alignment. It can be used to infer alignments under a selection of evolutionary models: LG+GC, LG+GC with indels, CherryML co-evolution model and SelReg with selection.

Running Phyloformer

You can read below for some example usage and explanations but if you just want the CLI reference of the available scripts you can see them in the file.

Installing dependencies

The easiest way to install the software is by creating a virtual environment using conda/mamba and then installing dependencies in it:

# Install mamba if you want to use it instead of conda
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba

# Clone the phyloformer repo
git clone && cd Phyloformer

# Create the virtual env and install the phyloformer package inside
conda create -n phylo python=3.9 -c defaults && conda activate phylo
pip install -r requirements.txt

Some pre-built binaries are included in this repo both for linux AMD64 and macos ARM64, these include:

  • IQTree: for inferring maximum likelihood (ML) trees and simulating alignments (For the alignment simulation to work you should use IQTree v2.0.0)
  • FastTree: for inferring ML-like trees
  • FastME: for inferring trees from distance matrices (such as the ones produced by phyloformer)
  • goalign: for manipulating alignments
  • phylotree: for manipulating newick formatted phylogenetic trees
  • phylocompare: for batch comparison of newick formatted phylogenetic trees

If any of these executables do not run on your platform you can find more information as well as builds and buil-instruction in the links to each tool's repository.

Using pre-trained models

All the named phyloformer models in the manuscript are given in the models directory:

  • PF_Base trained with an MAE loss on LG+GC data
  • PF fine-tuned from PF_Base with an MRE loss on LG+GC data
  • PF_Indel fine-tuned from PF_Base with an MAE loss on LG+GC+Indels data
  • PF_Cherry fine-tuned from PF_Base with an MAE loss on CherryML data
  • PF_SelReg fine-tuned from PF_Base with an MAE loss on SelReg data

Use the script to infer some distance matrices from alignments using a trained Phyloformer model

Let's use the small test set given along with this repo to test out Phyloformer (If you're on a macos ARM chip replace bin_linux with bin_macos).

# First make sure you are in the repo and have the correct conda env
cd Phyloformer && conda activate phylo

# Infer distance matrices using the LG+GC PF model 
# (This will automatically use a CUDA GPU if available, otherwise it will use the CPU)
python -o data/testdata/pf_matrices models/pf.ckpt data/testdata/msas

# Infer trees with FastME
mkdir data/testdata/pf_trees
for file in data/testdata/pf_matrices/*; do

  ./bin/bin_linux/fastme -i "${file}" -o "data/testdata/pf_trees/${stem}.nwk" --nni --spr

# Compare trees 
./bin/bin_linux/phylocompare -t -n -o data/cmp data/testdata/trees data/testdata/pf_trees

# Compute the average KF distance 
# It should output '0.333'
cat data/cmp_topo.csv | awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} NR>1{sum += $5; n+=1} END {printf "%.3f\n", sum/n}'

Simulating data

Simulate trees with, if you want to simulate LG+GC alignments use If you want to use Cherry to simulate alignments use TODO, for SelReg use TODO.

Let us simulate a small testing set with different tree sizes:

# Create output directory
mkdir data/test_set

# Simulate 20 trees for each number of tips from 10 to 80 with a step size of 10
for i in $(seq 10 10 80); do
    python --ntips "$i" --ntrees 20 --output data/test_set/trees --type birth-death

# Simulate 250-AA long alignments using LG+GC from the simulated trees
# here we specify the iqtree binary given in this repo and allow duplicate sequences 
# in the MSAs we get as output
python \
    --outdir data/test_set/alignments \
    --substitution LG \
    --gamma GC \
    --iqtree ./bin/bin_linux/iqtree_2.2.0 \
    --length 250 \
    --allow-duplicates \
    --max-attempts 1 \

Training a Phyloformer model

Use the train_distributed script to train or fine-tune a PF model on some data (Need lightning, will work on a SLURM env)

TODO Add instructions for this

Re-producing figures

Use the make_plots script to reproduce all paper figures.

# Download the results (This might take a little time since the file is quite large)
curl '' -o results.tar.gz

# Extract results file (make sure you are in the repo root)
tar xzvf results.tar.gz 

# Run figure producing script (this should take 5 to 10 minutes)


Fast and accurate Phylogeny estimation with self-attention Networks







No releases published


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Contributors 4

