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136 lines (95 loc) · 3.05 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (95 loc) · 3.05 KB


A seed project for AngularJS apps written in TypeScript.

This project is heavily inspired by angular2-seed


  • AngularJS 1.5.x
  • Angular New Router (out-of-date, awaiting angularjs 1.5.x with the new router to update)
  • SystemJS

Unit tests


You can find some useful recipes (eg. how to test $timeout and $interval) here:

 |-- components
     |-- common
         |-- common.config.spec.ts       # angular values and constants
     |-- example
         |-- example.controller.spec.ts  # $interval and $timeout with jasmine spies
         |-- example.module.spec.ts      # injection and logs
         |-- example.service.spec.ts     # angular services and Date

How to start

git clone
cd angularjs-ts-seed
npm install

Node should automatically install:

  • typings with TypeScript definitions
  • gulp-cli that should show the list of the available tasks, with the description of the main ones

You can replicate these behaviours by running the following commands:

# If the tools have not been installed
npm install --global typings gulp-cli

# If the TS definitions need to be updated
typings install

# If you need information about the main available tasks
gulp -T

Main tasks

If you need support for using the afore mentioned tasks, you can run:

# shorthand
gulp <task> -s

# full version
gulp <task> --support


You can generate a scaffolded component by using the following command:

gulp component --name <componentName>

Build, test and run

If you are ready to test and run the application:

# Unit test with PhantomJS or Chrome
gulp test

# Dev run (default task)

# Dev run (default configuration)
gulp serve

# Prod run
gulp serve --prod
# ... or
gulp serve -p


The new component generator:

gulp component --name about

will create the following structure:

 |-- components
     |-- about
         |-- about.css            # styles
         |-- about.html           # main template
         |-- about.ts             # entry point for imports / main definition
         |-- about.controller.ts  # main controller
         |-- about.module.ts      # angular module
         |-- about.spec.ts        # unit test specs

         components.ts            # *update manually* to register the module

Then, you can link this component to a specific route, by using it in app.ts.


To enforce the adoption of best practices, every build begins with lint tasks.

In addition, you are encouraged to format your code [Shift+Alt+F] before any commit.

The use of factories is deprecated, because of the Object Oriented paradigm adopted.

Git Flow

