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genslide - Create slides for music lyrics

Copyright (C) 2010 Lucas De Marchi <>

About and dependencies

genslide generates a latex file out from a simple text file (or an url address
from certain sites containing lyrics). This file is to be given as input to
pdflatex in order to have the slides generated with that lyric.

To be completed used you'll need these external software packages:
	- Latex
	- Beamer module for latex
	- pdflatex

However, you can still generate the .tex file without having these softwares,
but you'll not be able to generate the final file.

Compilation and instalation

genslide is a python program, you don't really have to compile it. But you
still have to configure so all the paths are configured and the bytecode are

To configure run:
	./configure --prefix=/usr

Configure will set up all the paths to be installed under /usr. The default
prefix is /usr/local/.

To install run:
	make && make install

Running without installing

It's possible to run genslide without installing it. All you have to do is to
call the main program, genslide-bin, on the root directory:

However in this case, paths for genslide themes and data will not be set up and
you'll have to pass them as command line options.


A lyric is written as a simple text file having the title on the first line and
each verse separated by a blank line. See the example (ignore the first tab):

	Title here

	First verse starts here
	and it has
	three lines

	Second verse starts here
	and it has only 2 lines

genslide will read this simple file and generate the correspondent .tex file.
See the file GRAMMAR for more advanced usages.


For a complete list of options allowed by genslide, run with the help flags:

	$ genslide-bin -h

Basic usage is, for outputting to stdout the generated latex:

	$ genslide-bin lyric.txt

You can set the '-o' flag, to specify a directory in which the file will be
saved. It will have the same name of the input file, but the extension will be
changed to ".tex":

	$ genslide-bin -o /tmp/ lyric.txt

To limit the number of rows per slide, use the '-r' options:

	$ genslide-bin -o /tmp/ -r5 lyric.txt

To limit the number of columns per line, use the '-c' options (it can be
combined with the '-r' option above:

	$ genslide-bin -c20 lyric.txt


	$ genslide-bin -o /tmp/ -c20 lyric.txt


	$ genslide-bin -o /tmp/ -c20 -r5 lyric.txt

To set directory in which to search for templates, use the '-T' option:

	$ genslide-bin -T $HOME/my_template_dir/ lyric.txt

With '-t' option, also the template name can be set. If no '-t' option is
given, it will use the 'default' template:

	$ genslide-bin -T $HOME/my_template_dir/  template_name  lyric.txt

By default, genslide will convert all letters to uppercase. To switch use 'u'
or '--no-upper' flag:

	$ genslide-bin -u lyric.txt

By default, genslide will try to be smart and split lines and verses that do
not fit in one slide. For example, if you set the maximum number of columns to
20 and your phrase has 25 letters, it will try to divide the line more or less
in the middle. Also, if a verse needs 3 slides, it will try to put the same
number of lines in each of them. To turn off this behavior, use the
'--no-line-smart' and '--no-verse-smart':

	$ genslide-bin --no-line-smart lyric.txt


	$ genslide-bin --no-verse-smart lyric.txt


	$ genslide-bin --no-line-smart --no-verse-smart lyric.txt