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A simple curation libraries for building Haskell services.

Guiding principles

  • developpers should be aware of monitoring and operability concerns
  • however, the bar to entry should be low
  • favor direct code rather than indirections
  • use advanced type-system features tactically

Applications are built of components

Components and composition

There only are vague definitions for what components are. We focus on long-running services such as APIs, schedulers, monitoring systems rather than one-shot jobs like compilers or command-line pipeline components.

In a typical web component, a developper would have to define:

  • handlers some web-API handlers implementing some business rules
  • background values some background jobs shared among all handlers
  • traces some emitted information (e.g., for logging or notifications)

Further, to help operability of the system, the developper is well-advise to also define:

  • counters, both for technical and business-specific operations monitoring
  • status pages for operators (e.g., to display information or provide actions that cannot be built in a centralized monitoring center)
  • healthiness conditions (i.e., requesting to stop receiving more requests)

Graphically, we can think of a component as a large box containing an ecosystem of tightly-coupled piece of code with intricate and application-specific logic.

prod-api components

The picture shows Handlers, Background Values, Counters, and Tracers. This picture also shows connections to external services, albeit such connections could be considered as background values. Further, the picture wraps all of Counters, Tracer, Background Values, Connections in a box named Runtime. A Runtime is merely a convention which can help maintain some homogeneity between components: typically a Runtime is instantiated once at startup.

The picture, omits Status pages and Healthiness: indeed these two features actually are implemented in other component (for instance, there can be only one handler for a standard /status HTTP endpoint for the whole web-API). The component responsible for building the actual status page would actually read one of the Background Value. In short, we need to plug components together.

The following picture displays a way of thinking about a component composed of other components. In particular, it shows how the Status components "connects internally" (via reading in-memory variables) to runtimes of two other application-specific components.

prod-api composition

It helps to think that a composition of components form a new component. However, we reckon that components typically compose pretty badly:

  • web handlers will compose in parallel
  • runtime initialization typically requires a complicated (monadic) sequence which is application and component specific
  • tracer handlers can be collated together in a gigantic sum type and then split towards different sinks; sometimes they need some other runtime (e.g., to trace events into some queue)

As a result, we provide little "component" abstraction, rather, we let users of libraries come with what work with them. What works for the author is to pay some boilerplate collating multiple components together, and tactically use type-informed composition like the Monoid instance for the Status page.

Code organization conventions

Typical applications would benefit from separating code in a few components. Components are good candidate for splitting into separate services.

A small component could be written in a single file, however larger components deserve some file-organization. A proposed organization is as follows.

     # Defines the base types useful for your application.
     # This module can also serve to write some pure domain-logic functions.

     # Defines a datatype with all Prometheus counters.
     # Also provides some helper functions to set/update some counters.

     # Defines background jobs and watchdogs for mutable and shared contexts of handlers.

     # Defines a datatype with the component-specific tracing information.

     # Defines input parameters as well as runtime values such as connection to
     # databases, or background-updated values.

     # Defines the service API using Servant.

     # Combines all the above and implements the proper handlers.

     # Re-exports the important stuff to facilitate imports.

Further, we prefer to export names like Runtime and let users do qualified imports for disambiguation in the glue code.

Provided APIs and library curation

The idea of prodapi is not to be normative but to let people pick what they like (the author will be happy, even in an extreme case where 'what they like' means 'picking some concepts and re-using no lines of code'). The provided components are here have one of either reasons:

  • to help normalizing and homogeneizing a way of writing components and applications
  • help bootstrap projects with typically annoying bricks (monitoring, primitive user-auth) sorted out

defining APIs with Servant

  • encourages the use of Servant to declare and implement handlers (offered components use Servant in a way or another)
  • servant offers a number of generators, the prodapi-gen package will offer generators for common cases (deriving orphan instances locally to the package if needed)



  • normalizes whether an application is up or not
  • servers must expose some liveness and readiness API
  • primitives and a stateful client are provided in Prod.Healthcheck
  • see gen/docs/


  • identification, healthiness
  • helpful /status page
  • status-page is customizable forcing Lucid
  • see gen/docs/



primitive authentication

  • PostgreSQL minimal identity management
  • JWT claims in a Cookies
  • Servant Combinators for Cookie-Protection
  • see gen/docs/

logging and events emission

  • promotes the use of contravariant logging to avoid forcing an early choice on library users

background values and watchdogs

  • ways to spawn asynchronously-updated values
  • special case of watchdogs which touch a prometheus counter on success
  • special case of discoveries for background values that locate addresses (e.g., DNS lookups)

reverse proxying


The /example directory serves as a demo: it features a putative monitoring application which has some background values (discoveries, watchdog touching a file), a handler to register and perfom pings to target addresses. Modifying the registered targets requires some authenticated account. Counters and logs track well the behavior of the application.

A status page collates (cf. screenshot below) displays a lot of useful information and even has some HTML forms to easily operate some of the endpoints.

screenshot of example status page.


  • curation choices for leader-elections
  • curation choices around argument-parsing
  • scaffolder