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AngularJS Node.js Exercise

First, Download and unzip the project on your computer.

To run the application java you have to install Java JDK and Maven.

After everything installed, open a command and run this command to set the project libs and compile the project:

mvn clean package

To run the service run the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

If It's everything right, the application will be available on:


In case you can't run the commands, verify if maven bin folder is in the PATH enviroment variable, and if the JAVA_HOME variable is set.

Installing Dependencies to Run the Node.js Application and minifying javascript automation tool

Install Node.js, it's available on

After Node.js is installed, you will be able to use npm on your command line to install other packages needed to run the project.

Inside the root project folder open a command and run the following command:

npm install

It will install all packages you need to run the node.js server and automate the javascript minifying.

Minifying JS

Now go to src/main/webbapp inside the project folder you have unziped, and start a command prompt from this path using shift + right click or navigate in the command line to this folder using cd or dir if you are using windows.

Now run the following command:


It will keep watching for changes in the .js files and minify always the files are changed.

Running the Server in Node.js

Open a command inside the root folder of the project and run the following command:

node server.js

The application will be available on:
