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McGill Database assignment to manage day-trade strategies

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McGill Database assignment to manage day-trade strategies

Group Activity: Pagnones: Day-trade due dilligence solution


CCCS 330-784 Data Bases | Business Applications Professor: Khattar Daou Student: Lucas Napoli / Phillip Spencer-Boucher Development: Pagnones System


  1. Steps described to create the database based on the methodology presented in class
  2. Business Rules
  3. Main wireframes embedded in this document
  4. ER diagram embedded in this document
  5. Scripts to cover: Schemes, Tables, Constraints, Data Insertion, Views, Sub-queries, Functions, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Administrations Tasks, Indexes (Non Clustered).

NOTE: Scripts (Entire project can be opened in Visual Studio Code) Attached .zip / or you can download the project in:


Day-trading business is a competitive sector where only less than 10% of the traders who perform day-trading transactions earn money. Emotions, "feeling" to wait for the "perfect moment", Lack of a strategy and not complying with the basic rules and limits are part of the reasons why traders lose money.

A solution to follow a methodology, based on the stock drivers, seems to be necessary to improve the performance of future transactions. Additionally, a process to evaluate every trade and record all the historic transaction are a solution to develop better strategies and approaches before performing a day-trading transaction.


Purpose of the database

Create a functional database in order to track the strategy in a day-trading environment. Basically, the solution will record the due diligence before performing a trade transaction and then, when the transaction is closed, an evaluation will be recorded based on specific criteria (15 points):

  1. Set-up: correlation between the optimum setup and the conditions in the trade.
  2. Risk Management: Comparison between the risk and maximum lost.
  3. Risk units vs rewards: Compliance based on the rules.
  4. Complete watch-list and trade planning
  5. Buy real vs. plan
  6. Emotional control

In addition, this tool will have a Dashboard to summarize the most relevant information in charts, cards and tables.



  1. Due Diligence: tables related to the due diligence carried out before day-trading transaction (dd)
  2. Evaluation: tables related to the "post-mortem" analysis (ev)
  3. Roles: tables related to credentials and user management (roles)

Generic User Stories, business rules and wireframes

User Stories (Summary)

  1. As a user I want to create a user with password to use the platform
  2. As a user I want to login into the solution with my username and password
  3. As a user I want to load all the information related to a stock
  4. As a user I want to complete the due diligence before starting a trade
  5. As a user I want to evaluate how close I was according to the rules
  6. As a user i want to see a summary of my transactions
  7. As a user I want to see a list of my stocks
  8. As a user I want to see a list of the due diligence
  9. As a user I want to see a list of the evaluations
  10. As a user I want to see the stock detail (by Stock)
  11. As a user I want to see the evaluation detail (by evaluation)
  12. As a user I want to see the due diligence detail (by due diligence)

Additional Business Rules

  1. Logical deletion
  2. One due diligence to one evaluation (one-to-one)
  3. Control tables to track the date and responsible of the transaction
  4. Limit of 15 points per criterion




  1. dd.Sector
  2. dd.Stock
  3. dd.StockTransaction
  4. dd.CatalyzerTypes
  5. dd.CatalyzerTransaction
  6. dd.CashTypes
  7. dd.CashTransactions
  8. dd.Cash
  9. dd.HistoryChartType
  10. dd.HistoryChartTransaction
  11. dd.HistoryChart
  12. dd.KeyLevelsTypes
  13. dd.KeyLevelsTransaction
  14. dd.KeyLevels
  15. dd.PriceTypes
  16. dd.PriceTransactions
  17. dd.Price
  18. dd.VolumeTypes
  19. dd.VolumeTransactions
  20. dd.Volume
  21. ev.Performance
  22. ev.Evaluations
  23. ev.Criterion
  24. ro.Roles
  25. ro.Users
  26. ro.RolesPermissions
  27. ro.Permissions
  28. ro.SysAction
  29. ro.SysEntity

ER diagram: to see the relation between entities and attributes

Relations, entities and data types

Final Version of the database

Schemas are showed separately since space in the document; however, Performance and StockTransactions are linked.

.dd Scheme

.ev Scheme

.ro Scheme

Database Design Considerations

Pending Information

Tables with only ID: Pending Information from the final User

For the case of the tables: HistoryChart, Cash, KeyLevels, Volume, Price was considered additional fields that are being reviewed; for instance: Descriptions. For this reason, a tables with only ID are represented.

Roles Scheme

The objective of these tables are to store data in order to manage credentials and user information. The idea is to divide, users and roles and store what the system should do depending on these criteria. The application will be developed with an apiREST solution with a web client (React/Angular). Backend will be developed in Spring Framework (JAVA).


We are using UUID since is auto-generated by Spring Framework. Additionally cluster index will be used by default in all the ID's (Spring best practices).

Assignment: list of tasks:

Database Creation:

Despite our solution was deployed in an Azure Environment, a script with how to create a database has been included: v00-database-creation

Schemas Creation:

All the schema creation scripts are in the archive: v01-scheme-creation

Tables Creation:

All the information to create the tables are in v02-table-creation. Additionally, we considered as Clustered index the ID's based on Spring Framework best practices. Some of the constraints are implemented in this phase: Default, Null / not Null, Check, PK.

Relationship Constraints:

All the FK for .dd and .ev are created in v03-constraints-relations archive.

Inserting Data:

Mock data was created to test the database. Roles tables were not loaded with data since we are testing operational tables. v04-inserting-data

Manipulating data:

  1. 10 Views were created using: HAVING, GROUP BY, WHERE and Complex JOINS. We used similar operations that are requested in the assignment document.
  2. Additional sub-queries were deployed to change data.
  3. Functions, stored procedures and Triggers: based on the assignment requirements objects were created to perform tasks as: Display statistic, summary tables, load data in other tables.

Administrative Queries:

We have included 5 administrative queries to display the detail of:

  1. Number of tables
  3. Triggers
  4. Stored Procedures
  5. Functions

Non Clustered indexes:

We have implemented non clustered indexes to improve some look up transactions.

Additional Comments

  1. Part of the business rules will be performed in the application layer (Spring / Amplify AWS)
  2. All Scripts where organized in the following way:
  • Database Creation (In our case we tested all the scripts in a pre-created Azure Database )
  • Schema Creation based on the scripts presented in class
  • Tables creation
  • Foreign Key creation: i) Additional columns creation, ii) Constraints generation. We separated this phase to create the tables before implementing all the FK and columns/fields related to the FK

License and Rights

All the rights are reserved to Fernando Pagnone owner of all the intellectual property. The content of this document can not be distributed or shared without the written concent of Fernando Pagnone.


McGill Database assignment to manage day-trade strategies






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