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CLI tool for NEARSwap


  • nodejs >= 12.17 (v14 preferred)
  • near-cli
  • bash NOTE: neraswap has issues with zsh shell, because zsh parses { .. } (curly braces) for command parameters. Please use bash.

To install prerequisites:

check your node version

> node -v

If your version is < v12.17, you must install nodejs from (windows/linux), or use nvm (linux) to install node stable

> nvm install stable

You can use npm to install near-cli

> npm install -g near-cli

Installing this cli:

  1. Clone this repo

> git clone

  1. npm link
> cd near-clp-beta-cli
> npm link
> cd ..


You need to edit CLIOptions.js to add your own near account

> code near-clp-beta-cli/CLIOptions.js


    accountId: {
        shortName: "acc",
        valueType: "string",
 -----> value: "lucio.testnet",  <----- edit this value
        helpText: `user accountId, sets signer`

Usage example

> nearswap list_pools

View call: beta-1.nearswap.testnet.list_pools()
[ 'gold.nearswap.testnet', 'usd.nearswap.testnet', [length]: 2 ]

> nearswap pool_info { token:gold.nearswap.testnet }

View call: beta-1.nearswap.testnet.pool_info({"token":"gold.nearswap.testnet"})
  ynear: "12998486894407298000000000",
  reserve: "221800000030020300000000",
  total_shares: "1000000000022852100000"

Use Case, Alice becomes a Liquidity Provider

Alice, wants to create a new pool to provide liquidity for the gold NEP21-token.

She lists the pools to check if that pool already exists:

> nearswap list_pools

View call: beta-1.nearswap.testnet.list_pools()
[ 'gold.nearswap.testnet', 'usd.nearswap.testnet', [length]: 2 ]

The pool does not exists, she creates the pool:

> nearswap create_pool { token:gold.nearswap.testnet }

She lists the pools to check if the pool was created:

> nearswap list_pools

View call: beta-1.nearswap.testnet.list_pools()
[ 'gold.nearswap.testnet', 'usd.nearswap.testnet', 'gold.nearswap.testnet', [length]: 3 ]

Now she needs to add liquidity to the pool

First, she needs to allow the CLP-contract to grab the gold tokens from her NEP21-account

> nearswap inc_allowance gold.nearswap.testnet 10_000

Then, she can add the liquidity: NEAR+gold to the new pool, she sends 100N and the CLP uses the allowance

> nearswap add_liquidity { token:gold.nearswap.testnet, max_tokens:10, min_shares:100 } --amount 100N

Now she checks the pool to see the results

> nearswap info gold

And she can check how many shares she owns in that pool

> nearswap shares gold.nearswap.testnet

Use Case, Bob wants to add liquidity to an existing pool

Bob lists the pools

> nearswap list_pools

Bob checks the actual price of the tokem

> nearswap price gold.nearswap.testnet

and checks the status of the pool

> nearswap pool_info { token:gold.nearswap.testnet }

He doesn't have gold tokens, but since this is a demo, he can mint gold for himself

> nearswap nep21 mint gold

Then, he can allow the CLP-contract to grab his new gold tokens from his NEP21-account

> nearswap inc_allowance gold 1000

then he adds liquidity

> nearswap add_liquidity { token:gold.nearswap.testnet, max_tokens:1000, min_shares:50 } --amount 50N

and he can check his shares now

> nearswap shares gold.nearswap.testnet

Use Case, Alice wants to redeem her LP shares to withdraw liquidiy

She can check the actual price of the tokem

> nearswap price gold.nearswap.testnet

and check how many shares she own

> nearswap shares gold.nearswap.testnet

then she can redeem her LP shares

> nearswap withdraw_liquidity { token:gold.nearswap.testnet, shares: 0.05, min_ynear:10N, min_tokens:0.9 }

and check the pool after

> nearswap pool_info { token:gold.nearswap.testnet }


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