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**optiGTest** is a MATLAB's toolbox which regroups many existing test functions used for studying the performance of approximation techniques and optimization strategy. In particular, gradient of the test functions are provided.


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optiGTest is a MATLAB's toolbox which regroups many test functions used for studying the performance of approximation techniques and optimization strategy. In particular, gradient sof the test functions are provided.


optiGTest is able to

  • Provide derivatives of the test functions
  • Dealing with any dimension chosen by the user
  • Provide global minimum (value and associated set of parameters)

First start

  • unConstrained problems: Example_unConstrained.m

List of unconstrained functions

(see the 3D plots of the 2-dimensional unconstrained functions)

- - -
Ackley1 DixonPrice Quintic
Ackley2 Dolan Rastrigin
Ackley3 DropWave RHE
Ackley4 Easom Ripple01
Adjiman ElAttarVidyasogarDutta Ripple25
Alpine1 EggCrate Rosenbrock
Alpine2 EggHolder RosenbrockM
AHE Exponential RosenbrockMS
AMGM EX1 RotatedEllipse1
BartelsConn Exp2 RotatedEllipse2
Beale Exp3 Rump
BiggsExp2 Exp4 Salomon
BiggsExp3 Exp5 Sargan
BiggsExp4 Exp6 Schaffer1
BiggsExp5 FreudensteinRoth Schaffer2
BiggsExp6 Gear Schaffer3
Bird Giunta Schaffer4
Bohachevsky1 GoldsteinPrice Schaffer6
Bohachevsky2 Griewank SchmidtVetters
Bohachevsky3 GulfResearch Schwefel01
Booth Hansen Schwefel02
BoxBetts Hartmann3 Schwefel04
Brad Hartmann6 Schwefel06
Branin1 HelicalValley Schwefel20
Branin2 Himmelblau Schwefel21
Brent Holzman Schwefel22
Brown Hosaki Schwefel23
Bukin01 Infiniti Schwefel25
Bukin02 JennrichSampson Schwefel26
Bukin03 Judge Schwefel36
Bukin04 Katsuura Shekel05
Bukin05 Keane Shekel07
Bukin06 Kowalik Shekel10
Bukin07 Langermann52 Shubert1
Bukin08 Langermann5 Shubert3
Bukin09 Leon Shubert4
Bukin10 Levy03 SineEnveloppe
Bukin11 Levy05 Sodp
Bukin12 Levy13 Slope
Bukin13 Matyas Sphere
Bukin14 McCormick Step
Bukin15 Michalewicz Step1
Bukin16 MieleCantrell Step2
Bukin17 Mishra01 Step3
Bukin18 Mishra02 StepInt
Bukin19 Mishra03 Stochastic
Bukin20 Mishra04 StretchedV
CamelbackThreeHump Mishra05 StyblinskiTang
CamelbackSixHump Mishra06 SumSquare
CarromTable Mishra07 Treccani
ChenV Mishra08 Trefethen
ChenBird Mishra09 Trid
Chichinadze Mishra10 Trigonometric1
ChungReynolds Mishra11 Trigonometric2
Cigar Mystery Tripod
Cola NeedleEye TubeHolder
Colville NewFunction1 Ursem1
Corana NewFunction2 Ursem3
CosineMixture NewFunction3 Ursem4
CrossInTray Null UrsemWaves
CrossLegTable OddSquare VenterSobiezcczanskiSobieski
CrownedCross Parsopoulos Vincent
Csendes Pathological Watson
Cst Paviani Wavy
Cube Peaks WayburnSeader1
Custom01 PeaksN WayburnSeader2
Custom02 Penalty1 Weibull
Custom03 Penalty2 Weierstrass
Custom04 PenHolder Whitley
Custom05 Periodic Wolfe
Damavandi Pinter XinSheYang1
Deb1 Plateau XinSheYang2
Deb2 Powell XinSheYang3
Deb3 PowerSum XinSheYang4
Deb4 Price1 Xor
Decanomial Price2 YaoLiu4
Deceptive Price3 YaoLiu9
DeckkersAarts Price4 Zacharov
DeflectedCorrugatedSpring Qing Zettl
DeVilliersGlasser1 Quadratic Zimmerman
DeVilliersGlasser2 Quartic Zirilli

List of constrained problems

(see the 2D-3D plots of the 1- and 2-dimensional constrained problems)

List of multiobjective problems (w/- and w/o constraints)

(see the 2D-3D plots of the 1- and 2-dimensional multiobjective problems)


The toolbox can be downloaded here or here.

If you use git, you can clone the repository using the following command

git clone --recursive optiGTest


git clone --recursive optiGTest


optiGTest uses the gradFD class for checking gradients computation. Loading this class is optional but some functionalities will not be available which is not very important if you only want to use the main purpose of this toolbox (computing responses of objective and constraints functions and their gradients).

If you forget to use the --recursive option when you clone the repository, please use the command submodule --init in order to initialize the missing class gradFD.

The automatic building of the documentation is based on the m2html software.

The obtained documentation is available here.


This toolbox is inspired by many existing codes and papers

License GNU GPLv3

optiGTest - set of testing functions    A toolbox to easy manipulate functions.
Copyright (C) 2017  Luc LAURENT <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.


**optiGTest** is a MATLAB's toolbox which regroups many existing test functions used for studying the performance of approximation techniques and optimization strategy. In particular, gradient of the test functions are provided.








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