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gosu is a build tool for Go in the spirit of Rake, Gulp, Projmate ... gosu supports watching, globbing, tasks and importing other projects.

Asset.pipeline is in the works. Much simpler than Gulp or Grunt.


go get


gosu does not have its own executable. Instead, use gosu to build your project build tool.

import (

func Project(p *gosu.Project) {
    p.Task("default", "Runs all tasks" string[]{"stylesheets", "app"})

    p.Task("stylesheets", gosu.Files{"public/css/**/*.less"}, func(c *gosu.Context) {
        if c.FileEvent != nil {
            // c.FileEvent contains change event from watch
        for _, f := range c.Task.WatchFiles {
            // f.FileInfo and f.Path

    p.Task("app", "(Re)runs the app", gosu.Files{"**/*.go"}, func() {
        // use any restart package here

func main() {

To run default task: go run main.go

To run a single task: go run main.go stylesheets

To run and watch a task: go run main.go --watch stylesheets

Build your utility:

go build -o gosu main.go    # name it whatever you want
gosu --watch stylesheets         # profit


All file patterns MUST start with a directory:

  • OK "./test.go"
  • Bad "test.go"

Adding tasks

Project.Task has variable arguments of type interface{} for usability.

Tasks MUST define Handler, ContextHandler or have Dependencies

To add a default task, which runs when a task on command-line is not provided

p.Task("default", string[]{"clean", "stylesheets", "views"})

To add a task with description and Handler

p.Task("name", "description", func() {
    // work here

To add a task with description and ContextHandler

p.Task("name", "description", func(c *gosu.Context) {
    // use context to get info about c.FileEvent or c.Task

To add a task with Dependencies

p.Task("name", string[]{"dep1", "dep2"})

To support watching, add glob patterns

p.Task("views", gosu.Files{"./views/**/*.go.html"}, func() {
    // compile templates

Glob Patterns

/**/   - match zero or more directories
{a,b}  - match a or b, no spaces
*      - match any non-separator char
?      - match a single non-separator char
**/    - match any directory, start of pattern only
/**    - match any this directory, end of pattern only
!      - removes files from resultset, start of pattern only

Import another project

import (

func Project(p *Project) {
    // Use  it within this project and assign namespace "ns"
    p.Use("ns", project.Project)

    // Add as dependency, note the namespace
    p.Task("default", []string{"ns:sprite"})


If you are receiving wierd events, please read fsnotify


The MIT License


golang build tool in the spirt of Rake, Gulp, Projmate






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