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Simple lightweight carousel

This is a straightforward carousel written in vanilla JavaScript. Slides are shown one at a time from right-to-left horizontally, with a gentle fade-out/fade-in animation on transition.

Instructions on how to switch to left-to-right or vertical display are given below.

Navigation dots allow the user to switch between slides at will, and arrows allow navigation back and forth one slide at a time. Clicking is disabled during transition to prevent race conditions developing.

Basic structure



Links to carousel.css and style.css


#carousel div includes slides (.carousel-slide) and navigation icons (#dots)

The divs with class .carousel-slide are the moving containers. Each .carousel-slide div encloses a content div; this is where you put your text and images. For this example, the content class is styled in style.css.

The #dots div is a container holding individual divs for each navigation dot (.dot). NOTE: this example code has four slides, and hence four dots. You will need to manually add or remove .dot divs to match the number of slides you have.

This container also includes the forward and back arrows in this example, however the code handling the arrows is independent of the #dots container so you can move them elsewhere on your page if you prefer.


Link to carousel.js


This stylesheet styles the carousel elements.

#carousel: currently styled so that slides will appear centered in the container, and navigation dots display under slides. You can remove or restyle the border and height to fit your own project.

.carousel-slide: height is set to 95% to allow room for the navigation dots (set to height: 5%). Adjust these figures to your own preferences.

#carousel .onscreen and #carousel .offscreen-left: control the transitions and fade animations.

  • to make slides appear faster or slower, change the transition-duration in these sections (NOTE: for a smooth carousel effect, the transition-duration should be the same in both cases)
  • to edit the timing of the fade effect, change the second element of the animation line. This is currently set to 4 seconds. (In my opinion, the effect works best when the duration is the same as the transition duration.)
  • to remove the fade effect, delete the animation line in both sections.

@keyframes fadeIn and fadeOut sets the fade animations.

#dots : styles the container for the navigation dots. Currently set to sit horizontally at the bottom on the carousel div. There are instructions below on how to set it vertically the right hand side.

.dots, .fill-in, and .arrow style the navigation icons. You may prefer to move these to your main stylesheet.


This script handles the timing of the carousel, and the behaviour of the navigation dots.

  • Line 10 sets how long the first slide is visible for when the page loads (currently 7s)
  • Line 47 set the timing for subsequent slides (also 7s). Note that this setTimeout is wrapped in a window.requestAnimationFramefunction: this prevents the code from continuing to run in the background when the user navigates away from the window.

Note that this is the total time that the slide is visible, including the transition time. The transition time in the example code is set to 4s (set in carousel.css), so each slide is stationary for 3s. Adjust these timings to suit your own content.

Adjust direction of carousel

slides move left-to-right

Make changes in carousel.css:

.carousel-slide {
transform: translateX(-100%);

#carousel .offscreen-left {
transform: translateX(100%);

slides move vertically

Make changes in carousel.css:

bottom to top

.carousel-slide {
transform: translateY(100%);

#carousel .offscreen-left {
transform: translateY(-100%);

top to bottom

.carousel-slide {
transform: translateY(-100%);

#carousel .offscreen-left {
transform: translateY(100%);

(Note: if you set .carousel-slide to translateX and .offscreen-left to translateY, your slides will slide in and then drop out!)

align navigation dots vertically

If you have a vertical carousel, it makes sense to also have the dots aligned vertically

#carousel {
flex-direction: row;

.carousel-slide {
width: 95%;
height: 100%;

#dots {
~~bottom: 0;~~
right: 0;
flex-direction: column;
width: 5%;
height: 100%;

You'll probably also want to change the arrow symbols in index.html (lines 27 and 32) to up and down arrows.


A simple carousel in vanilla JavaScript







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