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My Lil' 2Do List app

Project number 8 from the OpenClassRooms cursus on PHP/Symfony developpement.

Created by Sarah0h and modified by Ludo Drapo with Symfony 5.3, php 8.0 and MySql 5.7.

Feel free to contribute !

Bootswatch used for visual enhancements.

To "try it at home", you can download these files, or clone this repository

# Clone the repository
% git clone

# Go to the repository
% cd todolist_app

After you opened it with your favorite IDE, you'll just have to create and configure your .env.local file with the access to your own database server like this

###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###

then run the following composer scripts

% composer install

To install all composer dependencies. Then, assuming you have npm already installed (or yarn)

% npm install

And finaly

% composer prepare

To execute the script that creates database, updates schema and loads fixtures.

You can easily test the app in your browser in a dev environment with the symfony server by running

% symfony serve

And don't forget to run

% npm run watch

If you want to make changes in the assets (js and css/scss files) and see those changes while you do it (rebuild the assests after each change).


P8 - OCR - PHP/Symfony


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