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Demiurge Engine 0.4.7

Simple constructor for 2D games Guide for using.
Demiurge - it's Entity-Component-System (ECS) based constructor.

Entity and EntityManager

Based unit of all game objects. Every entity has a list of unique identifiers components. You can't create entity without EntityManager, because constructor (ctor) and destructor (dtor) - has private access modifier.
EntityManager - it's class, which can create, delete, etc. entity.

auto Wall = EntityManager::Create<EObject>("Wall0")); //quotes may be empty

This code created a new game object - wall with name "Wall0". Create - is a static method of class EntityManager, which created new object by class name, added to vector and returned him. If your class wants to be created in this method, you must registered your class like this:


When YouClass inherited from EObject or IEntity with ERegisterable< YouClass > Every entity has a unique identifier. Id has generated on constructor call.
You can destroy any object by id:


This method released all components which linked with him.

Component and ComponentManager

Based thing for interaction entity with entity. Every component has a unique id and id of entity to which his attached. Like Entity objects, component may created only on ComponentManager:

Wall->body = ComponentManager::Create(Wall->getId(), "body")); //quotes may be empty

In Create-method ComponentManager find entity by id and attach id of component to him. If entity not found, returned nullptr.

Level-based system

Every entity may have drawable components. For draw you must call draw-method. This method definition in every level. Life-cycle every level:

  1. Register level in LevelManager
  2. Load level
    2.1 Init ImageDirectory
    2.2 Init camera
  3. Main loop (every frame)
    3.1 Handle event callbacks
    3.2 Draw

How you can create level? It's easy: create class and inherit from abstract class Level.

class LTest : public Level
    LTest(const std::string &name);
    virtual ~LTest() {}
    virtual bool prepareLevel(sf::RenderWindow &window) override;
    virtual void draw(sf::RenderWindow &window) override;
    virtual void MouseCallbacks(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Event &event) override;
    virtual void KeyBoardCallbacks(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Event &event) override;

You can stay ctor empty, like this:

LTest::LTest(const std::string &name) : Level(name)

But you must know, in ctor of Level-class init base fields:

- Id - unique integer identifier. Generated automatically (Level::getNextId());
- Name - set from ctor parameter;
- ImageDirectory - empty by default. Path for folder with images;
- ImagesFromats - vector, which contained file formats when searched. By default added .png and .jpg formats;
- backgroundColor - color for background. By default is sf::Color::Black;
- UserInterface - wrapper for work with UI. Just init;

And register classes for EntityManager and ComponentManager:


If you want register you class, ctor of you level-class - best idea.
prepareLevel - method for prepared you components and objects in level

Registered level

auto ltest = std::make_shared<LTest>("test-level");

Load level

CurrentLevel = levelManager->loadLevel("test-level");

Init ImageDirectory

CurrentLevel->ImageDirectory = this->ImageDirectory;

Init Camera


Handle event callbacks

CurrentLevel->MouseCallbacks(window, event);
CurrentLevel->KeyBoardCallbacks(window, event);

Draw level



Simple game engine






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