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Simply Slide

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Simply Slide is a simple slider that brings with the very basic to customize your slide show it comes with some nice utilities that allows to enhance the user experience with touch sliding, image resize interaction, optional direction buttons, add new slides in run time and color customization.

how to install:

NPM package compatibility with CommonjS and ESModules;

npm i simply-slide

yarn add simply-slide

Then in your use it depending the format better fit to your needs.

#### CommonJS

const simplySlide = require("simply-slide");

  node: document.querySelector("#slider1")


import { setSlider } from "simply-slide";

  node: document.querySelector("#slider1")

CSS available to use with webpack

// esm
import "simply-slide/dist/simply-slide.css";

// cjs
require "simply-slide/dist/simply-slide.css";

UMD with npm package

// Javascript

// CSS

This is an example using UMD with html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<title>Simply slide</title>
		<div class="slider" id="slider1">
			<div class="slider__container">
				<div class="slider__slide"><span>1</span></div>
				<div class="slider__slide"><span>2</span></div>
				<div class="slider__slide"><span>3</span></div>

		<script src=""></script>
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
					node: document.getElementById("slider1"),

How to use it

Simply Slide is compatible with all of the current Frontend frameworks, web components and vanilla JS. since this is a tools that facilitate the skeleton for the slideshow you can use how you want.

First create the slide using html

Use the building blocks to set the basic skeleton for your slide

use the class .slider to define the slider and the styles for the entire element. all of these are mandatory and they where thought not only as easy to define styles but to be easy to read and simplify the reading of the slider.

define the slider__container and the basic slides. each one with the class slider__slide

<div class="slider" id="slider1">
	<div class="slider__container">
		<div class="slider__slide"><span>1</span></div>
		<div class="slider__slide"><span>2</span></div>
		<div class="slider__slide"><span>3</span></div>

Then set the slider

	document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
			node: document.getElementById("slider1"),

Here a really basic example with the basic building blocks.

Notice that inside the slides theres nothing. this is made by design. you can customize every slide content as you wish.

Basic Example

CSS Class Utilities

Use the slider__slide__image

This utility is a great complement to your contents that contain images. the utility class enrich the images with a resize when the user touch or clicks on the slide.

Really good for UX interaction.

Images example

Use the slider__slide-centered

With this class you could center the content of the slide. it uses flexbox with justify-content and align-items to center.

Use this class utils with the slide directly

<div class="slider" id="slider1">
	<div class="slider__container">
		<div class="slider__slide slider__slide-centered"><span>1</span></div>
		<div class="slider__slide slider__slide-centered"><span>2</span></div>
		<div class="slider__slide slider__slide-centered"><span>3</span></div>

Basic example centered

You can change some parameters of the slider

import { setSlider } from "simply-slide";

  node: document.querySelector("#slider1")
  shouldDisableContextMenu: false // false by default. it shows the browser context menu.
  hasDirectionsButton: true, // true by default. it shows the direction buttons.
	controlsColor: "#3335", // change the color of the direction buttons.
	directionIconColor: "#efefef // change the color of the button icon.

Look a these example to see the configuration in action. try to right click on the slider. In these examples the context menu are disabled.

Example with context menu disabled

Customized slide show

Add more slides dynamically

Once define your slide with setSlide it returns and instance of the slide where you can have access to extra functionalities in run time.

so far there is just one functionality; addLazy(DOMElement) which you could use to add new slides dynamically with out the need to re render the entire slide.

import { setSlider } from "simply-slide";

const newSlide = document.createElemnent(div)
newSlide.innerHTML = "<span>4</span>"

const slider = setSlider({
  node: document.querySelector("#slider1")

setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)

You can see this feature in action in this blog template example.

Notice that you have some images in the slider in the beginning, when you click in the get more images it adds more images dynamically.

Add images dynamically



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