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Challenge: Running Vite in Dev-Mode with Electron

This project explores the idea of using Vite, a lightning-fast build tool, in development mode while building a desktop application with Electron. It demonstrates fetching system information using the Node.js "os" module and displaying it in a React frontend.


  • ♻️ Memory monitoring: Track total, used, and free memory.
  • 🧮 Processor monitoring: Monitor CPU core count, usage, and free resources.
  • ⚙️ Operational system info: Explore information like OS name, type, release version, and user details.


git clone
cd challenge-electron-vite
npm install


The project utilizes various npm scripts to streamline development and build processes.

Script Description
start (npm run start) Starts the Electron application.
pkg (npm run pkg) Packages the application for desktop deployment.
build (npm run build) Compiles the main Electron process code (src/main) into the dist/web directory.
dev (npm run dev) Watches the src/main directory for changes and recompiles the code on update.
dev:mock (npm run dev:mock) Launches a development server for a mocked version of the application.

Note: The project includes a mocked version (accessible with npm run dev:mock). This is useful for showcase, as it allows you to see how the application functions without relying on real system data.


This project leverages a combination of modern frontend and desktop development tools:

  • JavaScript & JSX: Core programming language and syntax extension for building interactive UI elements.
  • Vite: Next-generation build tool known for its blazing-fast development server and build performance.
  • Electron: Framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies.
  • Electron Builder: Tool for packaging and building desktop applications using Electron.
  • React: Popular library for building user interfaces with reusable components.
  • React Router DOM: Enables single-page application (SPA) routing for seamless navigation between different views.
  • Bootstrap & React Bootstrap: CSS framework and UI component library for building visually appealing and responsive interfaces.
  • Babel: JavaScript compiler for ensuring compatibility across different browser environments.