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An intercontinental network of metropolitan areas organised by river basins, commuting patterns and ruled by generational career paths.

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  1. The countries as we know them today are products of enciclopedic projects guided by the Age of Enlightenment but controlled from the beginning by the sponsoring 'affluents' and corporations (nowadays).

  2. It would be necessary to reformulate the legislation around corporations in a way that increases legal accountability of individuals, while regulating the profits taken in detriment of exploited landscapes, humans and animals.

  3. With the Information Revolution the world has accelerated an oppossite model: absolutely all sorts of medical, intelectual, productivity variables correlated to environmental, cultural and dietary factors are used to map the world to the edge of unrest, testing the sanity of the system.

  4. Current mega tech algorithms are based on maximazing the time the users are kept entertained in order to sell advertising. This advertisement comes from consumer oriented corporations avoiding environmental and health charges. Both mega tech and consumer oriented corporations sponsor campaigns of corrupt politicians in order to secure laws that perpetuate and amplify their faulty practices. The loop.

  5. We are living a dystopian control system based on algorithms presented as Constitutions, Laws, Manuals, etc. collectively known as the rules of the game or, in other words, "the code".

  6. The idea of the sustainable republic is to signal reprogramming routes to ongoing corporative/monopolistic tendencies, understanding that human constitutions and laws work as code and therefore we must pursue "an algorithm that offers alternative governance".



  1. Counting few exceptions, we killed all the other hominids and spread across the world due to being constantly forced to exile by militar sedentarism.

  2. This ancient dilemma started to get worse with the taxation to militarily subordinated territories (robbery) exemplified in the Akkadian empire.

  3. Since then, the world has been working like islands divided by farms where "capital/provinces" implies inefficient bureaucracy and corruption: basically a colonial model.

  4. Currently this issue has been exacervated with the current visa system imprisioning humans to determined political territories according to the place where they were born but at the same time allowing the flow of raw materials out of those territories in a perfect recipe for war and revengeful terrorist attacks.

  5. As a response, the present proposed republic is a long term sustainable template for parallel trans-continental and interconnected metropolitan areas, organized by commuting patterns and river basins, pursuing holistic sustainability.



  1. The popular election is highly inefficient due to the lack of coordination between science, law formulation, tax collection and budget execution.

  2. Notice that politics is the only area of human interaction where a generalist is chosen to do a very specific job which, outside of this irrational model, would be considered absurd: the best example would be to choose by popular election the person performing an open heart surgery.

  3. Models for evaluating standardized good governance were never thought until now when all works are using big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to pursue logic processing of tasks.

  4. It is our responsibility as ideologists to study every country/farm and select/handpick from them the best proven policies (one by one) to construct a republic with the best features of existing republics and added features currently yet to be implemented.

  5. The law is above all, and watching us down. There´s a global guide that works, we are just in the process of figuring it out.



  1. The fundamental principle of the republic is the elimination of popular election and the impossibility of appointing others to public roles.

  2. The final objective is to prevent structurally that any individual with delirium of grandeur would be able to seize power.

  3. In order to do so, we have created a series of positions organized by career paths in ascending grades and generationally.

  4. Every position can be only held once and it is not possible to enter another public branch.

  5. Initial public positions require that the candidates have already undergone a generation (19 years) of experience in the private sector, but this experience just starts being accrued after reaching 19 years old (the legal age to enter adulthood).

  6. For practical purposes one generation is divided in four periods (The number of years a position would be held before being promoted or finalizing the public service).

  7. 19 years represents a cycle of the sun and moon approximate reset and an approximated middle point to adulthood in several countries.




Things that work on a scientific basis, like banning the use of lead in gasoline or the usage of chlorofluorocarbons are the best examples on how coordination on proven facts is possible and necessary.

  1. The republic aims to extend the concept of 'kind' into a wider perspective, challenging traditional restricted models where only other selected humans are considered as such in relation to their proximity in terms of biological evolutionary kingdom, aesthetics, health conditions, country of origin, race, gender, age, religious, political and sport affiliations.

  2. In the Republic the hierarchical order of rights starts with clean water and air being the top priority of any policy, followed by natural parks, native animals, plants and indigenous peoples.

  3. Geographical/political areas would be aligned to river basins.

  4. The areas between contiguous territories configure ecologically protected areas where 'rivers are born' and both border territories agree to preserve an 'Exclusive non-economic zone' (the opposite of the 'exclusive economic zone' for the exploitation of seashores) where would be agreed to avoid any human intervention and/or minimize the human impact via relocating human settlers, reforestation with local ancestral species and building bridges for animals.

  5. Tributary river systems serve to track responsibilities and compensations to the city states immediately under them regarding the plastic and chemical pollution in the water.

  6. For example, using current frontiers: Uganda must pay South Sudan, for the pollution discharged in the Nile, while South Sudan and Ethiopia, must pay Sudan for the pollution discharged in the Nile and at the same time, Sudan must compensate Egypt for the pollution discharged, while Egypt must pay the other territories for the pollution discharged to the mediterranean sea.

  7. b. The amount to be paid will represent the exact amount that it would cost to heal the damages.

  8. Notice how local governments should therefore seek to transfer this accountability to corporations and urban settlements by tracking the water discharges to the river systems and other environmental damages like gas emissions, noise pollution, etc.

  9. This will force the municipalities and corporations to treat the water before disposing it to the water systems, adding an extra expense to their opperations.

  10. b. By doing so, corporations will effectively and unavoidably, transfer these costs to the final customers, as price increases: facilitating the reconsideration of their daily decisions (disincentivizing) based on real environmentally accountability.

  11. Other consequence of this would imply the incentive to develop self suficiency at household level.



  1. All companies are at the same time Capitalists (48% is granted as non voting shares to investors), state owned (1% non voting shares are owned by the state accounting service) and private (51% is owned by the employees of the company proportionate to their contributions and every employee is the facto shareholder). A fourth percentange will be progressively transferred to the customers. With each purchase, the customers will be getting fractional shares, this will have an effect of stock dilution in favor of the customers. Notice how the percentages are flexible and will follow the development of the corporation from startup.

  2. The intention behind these policies is to focus the attention of investors in financing start ups as a road towards wealth.

  3. Accounting will be public in real time per transaction, and financial reports will be publicly shared on a daily basis.

  4. Once an employee leaves the company, his corresponding equity will be purchased from the public shares and the internal shares will be burned in order to rebalance the equity among the updated employees.

  5. The total liabilities of a company will have a ratio of proportionality to the tangible shareholder's equity (Shareholders equity minus the total intangible assets), after which the government will expedite bankruptcy procedures.

  6. There will be only one taxation system applied to all sorts of income of all clases, where higher amounts transacted will be taxed at higher rates.

  7. A system of supply chain tracking individualized items sold must be matched with an individual tax identification online card.



  1. Nobody would be able to transfer or sell these rights.

  2. Corporations can't own patents, only individuals can do and they last a lifetime. After passing, the patent charges will stop being collected and therefore distributed to the remaining total population.

  3. Creators are paid in royalties, revenue commission and other residuals proportionate to their contributions.

  4. Any person participating in the production of any product or service gets paid in equity and royalties proportionally according to their contributions.

  5. Your royalties last during all your lifetime and can't be alienated.

  6. Once you have died, the royalties and patent rights go to the entire human population, configuring a minimum salary background for everyone in the republic.



  1. No income tax.

  2. All revenue are collected via spending (Value Added Tax) tiered from (1) raw agricultural products of local extraction without packaging (lowest tax/related to the transportation and leftover treatment), to (2) all consumer discretionary purchases (cars, household appliances, jewelry, watches, yachts).

  3. Taxation will be executed according to the environmental and health impacts of the supply chain/operation of the companies/transactions services/products.

  4. For example: a company selling packaged food would have to pay for both the sugar (or sweetened) content (and all other ingredientes linked to health diseases), the plastic used in the wrapping and the impact of the transportation from raw materials to consumers.

  5. A transportation company and factories have to pay for the gas emissions of its operations, etc.

  6. This tax would then be transferred to the customer via a taxation on the "livecycle assessment" (an improved/more detailed alternative to the 'food miles').

  7. Recreational drugs like smartphones ('social networks/gaming platforms), alcohol, cigarettes, sugar and cannabis are legal and taxed in a way that is sustainable and proportionate to the health system/managing the implications of its usage.

  8. Fines: traffic fines, like speeding and other traffic violations and court fines, must be calculated based on the salary of the violator.

  9. Custom tax under the Harmonized tariff system.

  10. No inheritance tax.



  1. There's a progressive taxation system/subsidy: minimum vital amount of water essential as drinking water 3,7 liters plus 7,3 liters needed to flush the toilet would be free per person in every household.

  2. A second level of water needed for cooking and human and household maintenance will be charged at cost of production.

  3. In a third level, the consumption will be subtiered, where greater consumption would be taxed at a greater rate (with the intention to discourage waste, reduce overconsumption and on contrary incentivize self moderation).

  4. b. The charges for sewage system will be calculated as mirroring the water consumption adjusted to the total operational cost of the operator.

  5. c. Notice how this model incentivizes corporations to install circular water treatment within their premises.

  6. d. A similar tiered tax charges will be applied for the other utilities: gas, electricity, telecommunications, etc.

  7. e. Incentives to install solar energy panels on rooftops are intended to aim for the self sustained operation of the households and sell the excess to the local grid (effectively reducing pressure to produce new energy and so the impact on the environment).


PROPERTY TAX: "Base of the concept of life state"

Residential Property tax

  1. Every citizen pays zero tax for the place where he lives, represented in his own one bedroom, one bathroom, one kitchen and dining room.

  2. The system is planned as a life/cycle of natural upsizing and downsizing proportions.

a. Entry level housing, usually apartments used by young adults, single college students or widowed pensioners.

b. Couple housing is an intermediate level of housing where rights are legally splitted between the dwellers and constitute de facto financial partnership during the rental time.

c. Family housing is the ultimate, larger protected ownership strategy including a backward, garage and garden.

  1. Special considerations have been taken in order to grant medical attention to pregnant women, newborns and elders by placing their residences closer to these facilities.

  2. The size of this residential property exempt from taxes is determined by the "the median size of a lot for new construction".

  3. The taxes must increase by 10% progressively with the number of properties owned, up to 9 properties, where the taxation reached 90%, forcing the wealth to be invested in agricultural, commercial and industrial projects.

  4. Every residential rental is considered de facto a rent-to-own contract in benefit of the person renting.

  5. b. Buildings: It is the responsibility of the government to have a geological study of the terrains in terms of accurately setting the maximum number of floors or altitude allowed for a building.

  6. c. Every building must be pre sold to the final owners in areas corresponding to the average rental apartment area regardless of the final usage of the property.

  7. d. The river basin government works as an intermediary within a public registry of properties tracked on a real time online interactive map where houses are labeled Dark Green (paid and inhabited by the owner), light green (owner paying so far on time), Yellow (house with warning delay on payment), red (House ready for eviction/on eviction date), Blue (house for sale).

  8. e. In order to assign a new house the interested parties submit its application in the website and two criterias will be applied to grant the new rent-to-own contract: 1. The person with the least amount of properties gets privileged, 2. The person with the earliest submission gets privileged.

Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Property Tax

  1. A similar tiered taxation system is applicable to agricultural, industrial and commercial land, considering the total percentage of land available within the geographic territory/the river basin.

  2. Corporations can't own houses neither they can own industrial, commercial or agricultural land, they can only rent it, being the most profitable strategy to rent it directly from several of its employees or investors, as the first property owned by them outside of their residential houses.

  3. b. On the positive side, the rental established by a corporation is always benefitial to the corporation, meaning the corporation has the right to extend indefinitely, if determined, the leasing of the property on a yearly basis.

  4. c. Every single company being imported and distributed from overseas and other river basins, must have a local mirrored corporation representing its brand and local financial performance, with minimum an office within the river basins that serves to track the economical responsibilities of the firm.

  5. d. In the same way every raw material being exported overseas and to other river basins, must have a local mirrored corporation representing its brand and local financial performance, with minimum an office within the river basins and the salaries of the employees should be leveled up to the country where the raw materials are being transformed.



  1. Financial payments will be granted for processing neighbors black waters and organic leftovers, plastics, glass, metals, electronics, etc. in order to reintroduce the materials to the productive chain.

  2. Finacial incentives would be granted to the last inhabitants of the territory before reaching the exclusive non-economic zone, in order to guarantee that no humans are tresspassing towards the natural parks and protected areas and are the facto rangers.



  1. The fundamental training for all professional private administrators is essential to guarantee that, only those with the experience (19 years) AND the vocation, study and apply for the starting positions as local public administrators.

  2. All candidates must select one of the faculties assigned to the career path aligned to one of the executive ministries.

  3. The faculties guarantee that the graduate is updated with professional international standards before assigning a diploma after a cycle (4 years and 9 months).

  4. The certification is granted by peer reviewed professional associations.

  5. Any graduated person of any age would be able to study public administration from all the materials provided by the previous test cycles and further materials available.

  6. The first position available to be filled is the local secretary of: education, health, defense, etc. (all the different ministries/careers of the executive power in the territory).

  7. The candidate obtaining the highest score, within each faculty/ministry career path, in the test gets assigned the position.

  8. The three runner ups, get a contract to develop the next cycle test (4 years 9 months), being responsible each one to formulate 33 questions, 4 option/multiple selection, that must be peer reviewed by the other two companions, must keep, absolute secrecy, and the questions will be public on the next assessment day while the next generation of candidates aspire to the positions in real time, online, TV transmitted tests.

  9. Ending the cycle, the secretaries can aspire to two public positions: Local Major Administrator (competing with all the local secretaries of the other fields) AND/OR District secretary (competing with all the other local secretaries within the same field).

  10. The local district position as local Major is granted to those reaching the highest scores among the other candidates.

  11. The same system of 3 runner ups developing the next test cycle, is applied throughout all the positions.

  12. The best Majors and Governors are also progressively promoted towards a wider geographical area until one reaches the position as President (Head of the State) of the river basin/territory.

  13. The administrators that are not selected for promotion end their public career and should resume the administration of private enterprises.

  14. In order to guarantee that the best Public Officer is selected, Artificial Intelligence would be used by the people writing the questions for the tests/position promotions in order to develop and standardize a scoring system that evenly compensates the several variables involved in governing different geographical, sociological and economical areas.

  15. b. In order to contrast the results from the generational scoring system with the results of his mandate in terms of efficient administration, a dualistic metric would be taken into consideration during the overall evaluation.



  1. Publicly disclosed smart contracts based on locked resources creditable only to purchases in open bids.

  2. Corporations bidding to get assigned public contracts are legally responsible for fraud, corruption, delivering faulty products of services and their responsibility to dissolve the company and banning its executives from contracting with the government again.

  3. Both corrupt politicians and executives of the faulty contracting firms, are punished by the expropriation of all the assets under their names and assigned home detention within a neighborhood of the river basin during one generation 19 years, not eligible for bail or time reduction.




  1. Legislators must be committees (3 members) of professors/researchers in each specific area to be regulated, particularly experts in quantitative research and conducting sample implementations before proposing laws that must be peer reviewed.

  2. In the same manner of the executive role, legislative officers are not popularly elected but promoted within a similar generational scoring system of performance.

  3. Executive and legislative professionals must be directly correlated/mirrored branches, therefore for a minister of transportation there must be a commission of transportation in a congress of specialists, etc.

  4. After graduation, professionals aspiring to initiate a career path as public legislators must study the 'Legislative affairs' courses and enter a generational competition similar to the one explained for the executive branch.

  5. The legislative bodies would be responsible to design the plans of government to be executed by the executive branch during a cycle (4 years and 9 months) and other longer term goals and structural changes in the legislation.

  6. Any citizen, following the protocols of drafting for a project/law, should be able to submit to its local legislator any new improvement for the existing laws and projects in order to seek optimization in the system: reduction of bureaucracy, times of service, reduction of raw materials used, automation, etc.

  7. Signatures from a statistically significant number of citizens would be needed in order to guarantee that an official public reply will be announced to each legislative proposal submitted with an reasonable explanation of the implications for both pursuing or ignoring the proposed law.

  8. The cycle for introduction of new legislation: public test day determines the start of implementation of the previous updates, while the first third in office would be to evaluate the impact, the second third to settle the new legislation and recollect proposals from the citizens, the third part of the cycle would be to settle changes.

  9. In order to grant the general public the necessary awareness on both the test day and the settlement of new legislation, each legislative body, per faculty/area career path, should schedule this day in a different month from the others.

  10. The plan of governance for the next cycle will be released on day one, the next day the legislative test day will be taken and finally, on the day after, it would be the executive test day.



  1. A council (3 members) of professionals in quantitative research, correlated variables and statistics will re-study the proposed laws in order to forecast the implications to the general public; considering multidisciplinary crossed effects of the other areas.

  2. Such positions are obtained by a public career in the field, via progressive promotion.



  1. Three different sub branches where professional lawyers follow specific career paths: judges, prosecutors and public defendants.

  2. In the very same way that happened in both the executive and legislative branches, the judicial branch is organized by internal promotions and lawyers can't switch sub branches either.

  3. In case a prosecutor is involved in a conflict, and it would be needed to be questioned itself, an "ad hoc" (for this purpose only) prosecutor would be assigned to assume the position until the case is dismissed or sentenced.



  1. All economic transactions, salaries, lending quotas, mortgages, service bills are calculated in terms of minimum wages and are adjusted to inflation proportionately.

  2. The median mortgage payment will correspond to 20% to the median net income and this proportion will be reduced as the society progresses.

  3. Duration of the mortgages are fixed to 19 years under the "rent to own" scheme.

  4. Only residents of the river basin can own land in order to avoid unreachable price increases that would affect local inhabitants.



  1. If a company inside your river basin is importing raw materials from another river basin: all the employees participating in the extraction, collection, transportation, operation of this production are granted a special seasonal tourist visa with option for temporary employment, in your country.

  2. For every employee employed overseas, the country receiving the raw materials must grant one work visa for a citizen of the exporting river basin.

  3. In order to reduce illegal imigration, countries with high GDP per capita will start implementing a remote work scheme in which skillful workers from overseas are granted a remote work permission, therefore able to use the salaries to propel their local development via entrepreneurship.



  1. The ethical effects of the scholastic generational technocracy would be equal to the median ethical awareness of the population being represented.

  2. Humans will be needed to always update the threshold of madness, suicide, pain, tears, sweat, blushing, murdering, etc. Note: A humanless society may be a solution for a machine, but not for us as humans. Therefore we are always balancing communication, updating, transcribing, translating, joining the dots, minding the gap> Coding for the matrix.


An intercontinental network of metropolitan areas organised by river basins, commuting patterns and ruled by generational career paths.







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