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Dspace study

This procect intent to study dspace functionalities, document process and serves to other as a base to study.


$ docker-compose up

Create Admin User

$ /dspace/bin/dspace create-administrator -e -f fulano -l silva-p xxx -c en

Export & Import

see more Dspace uses API (archival information packages) for import and export format.

You will need combine some sort off commands. To catch docker id wick dspace application are running:

$ docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6"

and compose with other commands

$ docker exec -it  $(docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6") 'your command here'

to export

discovery first the site handle prefix

$ export DSPACE_SITEPREFIX=$(docker exec -it  $(docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6") cat /dspace/config/dspace.cfg | grep 'handle.prefix =' | awk '{ OFS=" "; print $3 }')

and will be printed a site prefix

$ docker exec -it  $(docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6") '/dspace/bin/dspace packager -u -d -a -t AIP -e -i $DSPACE_SITEPREFIX/0 /backups/backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).zip'

to restore

First unzip backup desired file

$ docker exec -it  $(docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6") unzip /backups/ -d /tmp/aip

run pagacker restore to comunity level

$ docker exec -it  $(docker ps -aqf "name=dspace6") /dspace/bin/dspace packager -r -f -a -u -t AIP -e /tmp/aip/COMMUNITY\ 

Fix metadata in batch

obs.:enter in container and run commands

mkdir -p /tmp/dspace

# export metadata to a file
/dspace/bin/dspace metadata-export -a -f /tmp/dspace/metadata-orig

# replace hostname in files
sed 's/localhost:8080/'  /tmp/dspace/metadata-orig > /tmp/dspace/rooted

# remove references of xmlui and jspui (root only)
sed -i 's/\/xmlui/' /tmp/dspace/rooted
sed -i 's/\/jspui/' /tmp/dspace/rooted

# import new file
/dspace/bin/dspace metadata-import -f /tmp/dspace/rooted