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Collection of generic sorting algorithms using the C11 standard extensively.


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Modern C Sorting Algorithms


  • Use include as an include directory
  • Compile all .c files in src the way you want. They can be matched using src/*/*.c on Linux.
  • Voilà! you can now use all headers, mainly from include/Sorts


Built-in types

Some of the algorithms have a "G" variant: a macro that calls the correct function according to the type passed. It works using the C11 _Generic keyword.

Use it by passing a pointer to the first and one-past-last elements of an array:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include <Sorts/quick_sort.h>

int main(void)
    int arr[] = {5, 8, 3, 2, 9, 1, 3};

    QuickSortG(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr); ++i)
        printf("%d ", arr[i]);

    return 0;

The code above outputs 1 2 3 3 5 8 9.

User-defined types

User-defined types require the usage of our "non-G" algorithms, which require a callback function just like the standard library's qsort does. qsort's callback functions return an int, but our callbacks should return a value of type Ordering indicating the relationship between two values. A callback that compares two ints can be defined the following way:

#include <Ordering/ordering.h>

Ordering CompareInts(void *first, void *second)
    if (*(int *)first > *(int *)second)
        return ordering_greater;
    else if (*(int *)first < *(int *)second)
        return ordering_less;
    return ordering_equal;

That was just an example, int is not user-defined! Use QuickSortG if you want to sort ints!

If an user-defined type supports the >, < and == operators, you can automatically declare and define a callback using the macros COMPARER_ARITHMETIC_FUNC_DECL and COMPARER_ARITHMETIC_FUNC_DEF

// Automatically defines a function named CompareFloats,
// which can be used as a callback to sort a float array.

Again, that was just an example. float is not user-defined!

So, to use any of the "non-G" algorithms you must pass additional arguments, including a value of type Range — declared in Sorts/range.h:

        // Size of the type
        // Range containing addresses of first and one-past-last element
        (Range){arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr)},
        // Callback function

Both QuickSortG and QuickSort will sort your arr, but QuickSort needs to call your function each time two values need to be compared, so it runs noticeably slower, albeit not extremely.

List of functions

Using the Sorter interface

The following functions are compatible with the Sorter interface defined in include\Sorts\sorter.h: BubbleSort, HeapSort, InsertionSort, MergeSort, QuickSort, SelectionSort and ShellSort.

"G" variants (actually macros):

BubbleSortG, HeapSortG, InsertionSortG, MergeSortG, QuickSortG and RadixSortG.


Any of the "G" variants with the "G" replaced by "Bool", "Char", "SignedChar", "UnsignedChar", "Int", "Unsigned", "Long", "UnsignedLong", "LongLong", "UnsignedLongLong", "Float", "Double" or "LongDouble" represent type-specific functions that may or may not be implemented, so do not declare anything with these names.


InsertionSortVerbose: does insertion sort but also shows progress. Not properly documented yet but it's not going to be removed.


I implemented these algorithms for my CS course. They are far from the worst, but aren't the fastest either.

The current Quicksort implementation is very slow when sorting an array with many duplicates. This is not hard to fix, so an update should be coming somewhat soon.

On my machine, glibc's qsort implementation is usually slower than QuickSortG until the array contains millions of elements, where it starts getting noticeably faster. That's due to many factors about the current qsort implementation, such as:

  • Better pivot selection
  • Iteration rather than recursion
  • It's hybrid: uses insertion sort for small arrays
  • It's GNU's implementation. Of course it's going to beat mine.


Collection of generic sorting algorithms using the C11 standard extensively.





