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Simulating space heating use - using the the ISO14N modelling framework

Lukas Lundström 2019-03-02


This respiratory holds code for calculating space heating use according to the ISO14N modelling framework presented in the paper [1]. Includes code to construct the thermal network, running the simulation, modelling a hydronic radiator heating system, satellite-based solar irradiance, shading, window blinds, wind- and stack-driven air leakage, and variable exterior surface heat transfer coefficients. The thermal network is a 14 node lumped and simplified version of the ISO 52016-1:2017 standard [2], as illustrated in the figure bellow. Also 20 node version is included, where opaque building elements are splitted into 5 planes.

14 node thermal network, a lumped version of the ISO 52016-1:2017

Following libraries need to be installed and loaded:


The procedures to calculate solar irradiance on a surface with arbitrary orientation and tilt, according to ISO 52010-1:2017 standard, are published in a separate repository: Use following code to install it.

#> Skipping install of 'solarCalcISO52010' from a github remote, the SHA1 (26d5a8bb) has not changed since last install.
#>   Use `force = TRUE` to force installation

Now, load the solarCalcISO52010 and source needed R functions:


(update: source function from Stan instead of Rcpp)

expose_stan_functions(stanc(model_code=paste0("functions {\n", read_file("src/stan_files/chunks/common_functions.stan"), "}\ndata{} \nparameters{}\nmodel{}")))

The “test_building.R” holds a data frame with parameters describing the test building used in the paper [1], “pre_processing.R” holds the pre-processing procedures and “helpers.R” holds some additional functions.

Climate data

The ERA5 reanalysis climate dataset is used for meteorological data and the CAMS radiation service is used for satellite-based solar irradiance data. Procedures for acquiring the climate data are not presented here (e.g. my package camsRad can be used to access CAMS data from R). Here we load a ready made climate file for Norrköping, Sweden:

df_clim <-
  read_rds("inst/extdata/df_clim.rds") %>%
  filter(between(timestamp, ymd_h(2016010100), ymd_h(2016123123))) %>%
#> Warning: funs() is soft deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0
#> Please use a list of either functions or lambdas: 
#>   # Simple named list: 
#>   list(mean = mean, median = median)
#>   # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: 
#>   tibble::lst(mean, median)
#>   # Using lambdas
#>   list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
#> This warning is displayed once per session.
#> # A tibble: 8,784 x 14
#>    timestamp             G_dir G_dif   GHI I_str I_strd albedo     T_e
#>    <dttm>                <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2016-01-01 00:00:00 0.       0     0    -64.9   242.  0.240 -0.835 
#>  2 2016-01-01 01:00:00 0.       0     0    -62.0   245.  0.239 -0.626 
#>  3 2016-01-01 02:00:00 0.       0     0    -51.7   256.  0.239 -0.335 
#>  4 2016-01-01 03:00:00 0.       0     0    -43.6   266.  0.239 -0.0937
#>  5 2016-01-01 04:00:00 0.       0     0    -34.5   276.  0.239  0.170 
#>  6 2016-01-01 05:00:00 0.       0     0    -30.6   281.  0.239  0.396 
#>  7 2016-01-01 06:00:00 0.       0     0    -31.9   280.  0.239  0.572 
#>  8 2016-01-01 07:00:00 0.       0     0    -43.7   268.  0.239  0.669 
#>  9 2016-01-01 08:00:00 4.63e+0  2.21  2.36 -37.9   275.  0.239  0.816 
#> 10 2016-01-01 09:00:00 5.33e-4  9.53  9.53 -34.6   280.  0.239  1.000 
#> # ... with 8,774 more rows, and 6 more variables: T_dp <dbl>, T_gr <dbl>,
#> #   U10 <dbl>, tcc <dbl>, u10 <dbl>, v10 <dbl>


Now, with the climate data loaded we can start running the pre-processing procedures. The solarCalcISO52010 package is used to calculate solar irradiance on horizontal and vertical surfaces, typical sub-urban shading factors are estimated as well typical reduction from window blinds usage.

df_clim <- df_clim %>%
  solarCalcISO52010::tidyISO52010(p$lat, p$lng, 0, NULL, surfaceAzimuths = 0, surfaceTilts= 0) %>%
  as_tibble() %>% rename(I_dif_hor = I_tot_dif_s1, I_dir_hor = I_tot_dir_s1) %>%
  calc_F_sh(p) %>%                                  # estimate typical shading, Section 3.4 in [1]
  #mutate(F_sh_ver=1, F_sh_hor=1) %>%               # assume no shading
  mutate(I_tot_hor_sh=I_dif_hor + I_dir_hor*F_sh_hor)%>% # calc irradiance hor surface including shading effects, eq 30 in [1]
  calc_I_ver_sh(p) %>%                              # calc irradiance vertical surface including shading, eq 28 & 29 in [1]
  calc_blinds(p) #%>%                               # estimate effect from blinds, Section 3.5 in [1] 
  #mutate(g_bl=0.53)                                # assume blinds allways drawn

Heat transfer coefficients for weather exposed exterior surfaces depends on the local wind speeds. Wind speeds are discretized into 10 categories and separate heat transfer coefficients are calculated for each category (which allows inverting 10 system A matrices before the simulation is started, instead of inverting the A matrix at each timestep). Further the supply temperatures are calculated based on the given look-up table, internal heat gains are given as a constant of 3 W/m2, solar heat gains are calculated, infiltration is estimated and ventilation flow rate is given as a constant of 0,35 l/(s*m2).

df <- df_clim %>%
    U10_idx = ceiling(p$U10_idx_N*((U10)/(max(U10)))),  # wind speed indices
    T_hyd_s = calc_T_hyd_s(T_e, p$xy[[1]][,1], p$xy[[1]][,2]),     # supply temp radiators, intepolation from look-up table 
    P_gn_int= 3,                               # internal heat gains
    P_gn_sol= g_bl*p$g_gl*p$r_si[[1]][3]*I_tot_ver_sh, # solar heat gains, eq 27 in [1]
    #Ev_sol  = p$Kv_sol*P_gn_sol,              # Illuminance natural light
    T_sky = (I_strd/5.67e-8)^0.25 - 273.15     # Sky temperature, eq 37 in [1]
    ) %>%
  calc_U_loc(p) %>%     # local wind speed
  calc_Hmod_inf(p) %>%  # infiltration 
  calc_H_ve(p)          # ventilation 

mat_h_se <- df %>%
  group_by(U10_idx) %>% summarise(U10=mean(U10)) %>%  # mean wind speed at each U10_idx
  calc_U_loc(p) %>%               # local wind speed
  calc_h_se(p, dT=5) %>%          # heat transfer coefs
  select(h_se_rf:h_se_gl) %>%     # select column nr 1: roof, nr 2: external walls, nr 3: glazing 

Running the simulation

The actual RC-network construction and simulation procedures are written in Stan, found in the ‘src/stan_files/chunks/ISO52016.stan’ file. Here it’s parsed into C++, compiled and exposed as a R-callable function called ISO14N():

mod1 <- stanc(model_code=paste0(
  "functions {\n",
  "}\ndata{} \nparameters{}\nmodel{}"))

Some of the constants and parameters are given in the p data frame, that was loaded when the file ‘R/test_building.R’ was sourced, all boundary condition variables are in the df data frame. Note that the interface is in an early development stage and is likely to change in the future. Now, we run the simulation:

N_pl <- 3;     # No. of planes for opaque elements.  3 for 14 node system, 5 for 20 node system
m = N_pl*3+5;  # Total number nodes/states

res <- ISO14N(
  r_el = c(1., 0.63, 0.15, 1.5, 1.),
  cl_el= c(1, 4, 1, 1, 1),
  U_el = c(0.2, 0.72, 2.9, 1.0, 0.23),
  U_gr_vi = 0.92,          
  H_tb = 0,         
  dt = diff(as.numeric(df$timestamp[1:2]))/3600, 
  k_m = c(2300*880*0.1, 500*1050*0.1, 3600, 500*1050*0.075, 2300*880*0.1)/3600,
  C_int = p$C_int,
  k_gr= 280,
  H_hyd = 0.75, n_hyd = 1.28, T_trv_pb = 2, 
  T_int_set = 21, 
  a_hyd = p$a_hyd, b_hyd = p$b_hyd, 
  T_hyd_s = df$T_hyd_s,
  f_c_hyd = 0.5, f_c_int = 0.4, f_c_sol= 0.1,
  Fsky_ver = 0.5, Fsky_hor = 1.0,
  U10_idx = df$U10_idx, h_se = mat_h_se,
  T_e = df$T_e, T_gr = df$T_gr, T_sky = df$T_sky,
  I_tot_ver_sh = df$I_tot_ver_sh, I_tot_hor_sh = df$I_tot_hor_sh, 
  P_gn_sol = df$P_gn_sol, 
  P_gn_int = df$P_gn_int, 
  H_ve = df$H_ve,
  H_inf = df$Hmod_inf*p$C_inf,
  N_pl =  N_pl,           
  debug = 0,              
  Nout = 3, 
  recalc_h_re = 1    

df2 <- df %>% mutate(T_int = res[, m], P_hyd= res[, m+1],  u_trv = res[, m+2],  T_mrt = res[, m+3], T_op = res[, m+4]) 

And a simple plot of the results, showing the full-year result for the space heating (P_hyd), external air temperature (T_e) and indoor temperature (T_int):

df2 %>% 
  select(timestamp, T_e, T_int, P_hyd) %>% 
  filter(between(timestamp, ymd_h("2016-01-01 00", tz="UTC"), ymd_h("2016-12-31 23", tz="UTC"))) %>%
  gather(var, y, -timestamp) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(timestamp, y)) +
  facet_wrap(~var, ncol=1, scales = "free") + 

Here’s a plot from a short spring sample period, this time including global horizontal irradiance (GHI). The impact of solar heat gains and the buildings thermal mass can be spotted as an increased heating usage during the cloudy period of 14th may to 17th may.

df2 %>% 
  select(timestamp, T_e, T_int, P_hyd, GHI) %>% 
  filter(between(timestamp, ymd_h("2016-05-12 00", tz="UTC"), ymd_h("2016-05-20 00", tz="UTC"))) %>%
  gather(var, y, -timestamp) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(timestamp, y)) +
  facet_wrap(~var, ncol=1, scales = "free") + 


  1. Lundström, Lukas, Jan Akander, and Jesús Zambrano. 2019. “Development of a Space Heating Model Suitable for the Automated Model Generation of Existing Multifamily Buildings — A Case Study in Nordic Climate”. Energies 12 (3).

  2. ISO 52016-1:2017. “Energy Performance of Buildings - Energy Needs for Heating and Cooling, Internal Temperatures and Sensible and Latent Heat Loads - Part 1 Calculation Procedures.”


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