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There aren鈥檛 any labels for this repository quite yet.

good first issue
good first issue
An issue that would be suitable for newcomers to the repository.
priority: critical
priority: critical
An issue that must be resolved immediately.
priority: high
priority: high
An issue that should be hastily resolved.
priority: low
priority: low
An issue that is not an immediate cause for concern.
priority: medium
priority: medium
An issue that is neither urgent nor non-urgent.
status: abandoned
status: abandoned
An issue that has been abandoned by the author.
status: accepted
status: accepted
An issue that has been accepted and will be resolved soon.
status: available
status: available
An issue that is ready to be assigned to a contributor for resolution.
status: blocked
status: blocked
An issue that is blocked from being resolved by another issue (potentially upstream).
status: completed
status: completed
An issue that has been resolved.
status: in progress
status: in progress
An issue that is currently being worked on.
status: on hold
status: on hold
An issue that is temporarily paused for miscellaneous reasons.
status: pending
status: pending
An issue that is awaiting further action.
status: review needed
status: review needed
An issue that needs a review from a contributor.
status: revision needed
status: revision needed
An issue that has been reviewed by a contributor, and now needs revision from the author.
type: bug
type: bug
An issue that relates to unexpected behaviour/bugs.
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
An issue that relates to improving/altering existing functionality.
type: feature
type: feature
An issue that implements new functionality.
type: renovate
type: renovate
An issue automatically made by Renovate.