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Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) Solver


The purpose of this project is to implement a DPLL algorithm in a DPLL solver object. The algorithm is used to find if a given proposition is satisfiable or unsatisfiable. See for more details on the DPLL algorithm and propositions.


In order to use the solver you must first translate a proposition into conjunctive normal form, see proposition in conjunctive normal form: (A ∨ ¬B ∨ C) ∧ (¬A ∨ D) ∧ (B ∨ ¬C ∨ E) ∧ (¬D ∨ ¬E)

  1. Translate the proposition into Literal, Clause, and DPLL objects
    • start with defining all the Literals and their negations:
    a = Literal('a')
    b = Literal('b')
    c = Literal('c')
    d = Literal('d')
    e = Literal('e')
    a_neg = a.NOT()
    b_neg = b.NOT()
    c_neg = c.NOT()
    d_neg = d.NOT()
    e_neg = e.NOT()
    • use the Literals to create the Clauses:
    cl = Clause(a, b_neg, c)
    cl2 = Clause(a_neg, d)
    cl3 = Clause(b, c_neg, e)
    cl4 = Clause(d_neg, e_neg)
    • use the Literals and Clauses to make the proposition inside a DPLL object:
    dpll = DPLL(cl, cl2, cl3, cl4)
  2. Use DPLL methods to solve and solve for variables:
    • Solve result only:
     - will return 'unsat' if the proposition is unsatisfiable
    • Solve variables and result:
    { 'a': False, 'b': False, 'c': True, 'd': False, 'e': True }
     - will return `None` if the proposition is unsatisfiable


The solver involves the usage of three custom objects: Literal, Clause, and DPLL. Each has its own attributes and methods that contribute to the solver being able to process the objects and reach a conclusion.


A Literal object is the most basic foundational tool of the solver. Each contains four attributes, along with methods to manipulate and access those attributes.

Literal Attributes

The attributes consist of two statuses, a sign, and a variable:

  • The variable is used to represent the Literals which are all of a kind.
    • The variable of a Literal is initialized with the object; it is recommended that the object be assigned to a name that is the same as its variable, e.g. a = Literal('a') b = Literal('b') foo = Literal('foo') etc.
  • The sign is used to signify if a Literal has been negated.
  • The two statuses of a Literal are:
    • an internal status stored as the internal_status attribute
      • The internal status of all Literals with a given variable are the same throughout a proposition, but their external statuses may differ.
    • an external status stored as the external_status attribute
      • The external status of a Literal is calculated using the sign and internal_status attributes.
      • If the sign is positive, the external status of the Literal is the same as the internal status.
    • both statuses are represented by boolean values or None

Important Literal Methods

  • The status of a Literal may be set using the set_internal_status() method, with the default argument being True.
  • The sign of a Literal may be flipped using the NOT() method which serves the effect of negating the Literal.
    • The NOT() method produces a new Literal, a copy which has the same variable and internal state, but with opposite sign.
    • This is to avoid changing a proposition after the Literal has been added to it.
  • The external state of the Literal is calculated automatically whenever changes are made to either the internal state or the sign and when the external state is accessed through the get_external_status() method.


A Clause object is a secondary list tool of the solver. Each Clause consists of a list of Literal objects, and a status. Each Clause contains two attributes, along with methods to manipulate and access those attributes.

Clause Attributes

The two attributes are:

  • a list of Literals called clause
  • a boolean value called status
    • status is contributed to by the external statuses of each of the Literals contained within the 'clause' attribute.
    • It is set each time new Literals are introduced, and whenever it is accessed through the get_status() method.

Important Clause Methods

  • There are two ways to add a Literal to the Clause:
    • The first is on initialization of the Clause e.g. cl = Clause(a, b).
    • The second is through the use of the ADD() method e.g. cl.ADD(foo).
    • Other Clause objects may be added to a Clause in the same way that a Literal is; each Literal within the added Clause is simply added individually; the Clauses are not nested.
  • The remove() method returns a copy of the Clause object, with the only difference being the clause attribute of the new Clause does not contain the Literal given as an argument. - The NOT() method returns a set consisting of the Literals within the **Clause** attribute, each negated.
    • A negated Clause may not be added to another Clause.
  • The immutability of the Clause object is to avoid changing a proposition as a side affect. - The Clause class also contains many of the basic list methods such as contains, 'eq, and an iterator through the clause` attribute.


A DPLL object consists of two lists of Literal and/or Clause objects, and a dict of the variables in every Literal in the lists of objects. Each DPLL contains three attributes, along with methods to manipulate and access those attributes.

DPLL Attributes

The three attributes are:

  • A list of Literals and/or Clauses called proposition
  • A dict of all the variables contained within the proposition attribute, called variables
  • A copy of the original proposition before any dpll algorithm steps take place.
    • The original list is used to replace the proposition after any method involving use of the dpll algorithm is called so that subsequent calls do not differ in result.

Important DPLL Methods

  • Literals and Clauses may be added to the proposition attribute in two ways:
    • The DPLL object may be initialized with Literals and/or Clauses as arguments e.g. dpll = DPLL(foo, cl) which adds them to proposition,
    • or they may be added to the DPLL object with the ADD() method e.g. dpll.ADD(a)
    • Each new Literal added, on its own or within a Clause, contributes its variable to the variables attribute.
    • Negated Clauses can be added to the DPLL in the same two ways.
  • Literals and Clauses within the proposition attribute of a DPLL object are somewhat permanent in that they may be removed from the proposition attribute through the private disregard() method, but the variables they contain will remain in the varibales attribute and the clause itself will remain in the original attribute.
  • In order to fully remove a Literal or a Clause, the DPLL object must be reinitialized without the objects.
  • The main two methods of a DPLL object are the solve() and solve_for_variables() methods:
    • The solve() method uses the DPLL algorithm in order to find the satisfiability of its proposition
      • Returns 'sat' if it is satisfiable, and 'unsat' if it is unsatisfiable.
      • This method uses the unit_clause_heuristic() and 'pure_clause_heuristic()' methods along with a built-in guess and check in order to assign values to the Literal variables
      • The simplify() method is then used to disregard the proper Literals and Clauses according to their external statuses.
      • See for more in-depth explanation of these processes.
    • The value assignments are tracked using the variables attribute which may be returned with the proper assignments if the result of the solve() call is 'sat', using the solve_for_variables() method; otherwise the result of this method is None.
  • The DPLL class also contains many of the basic list methods such as contains, len, and an iterator through the clause attribute.


Luke Marshall



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