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Data Workflow Engine

A configurable data workflow engine. Configure an engine with:

  1. a workflow configuration JSON
  2. a computation_context

Use cases

The engine is designed as generically as possible, so that a wide range of workflows can be implemented. Some examples might include:

  • A dynamic loan application
  • Customer support tool

The engine is environment agnostic, so the same workflow configuration can be applied client and server side for secure workflow instance verification/validation.


View an online demo here:

Workflow configuration

The workflow configuration object has the following properties:

  • sections: an array of items with a type of 'section' - nodes which make up the input components of the workflow
  • decisions: nodes which allow conditional paths through the workflow
  • edges: an array of edge items which describe the paths connecting the nodes of the workflow
  • derived_data: an array of derived data items which compute the output of running custom functions on a data instance

These entities have the following properties:


  • id: a unique string reference to this section
  • children: an array of the section's items (either group, or value)

An section of a data instance can be in one of the following states:

  • invalid: there are validation errors in the section
  • valid: there are no validation errors in the section


  • id: a unique string reference to this decision
  • output: the func_ref that will be evaluated on the data instance to return either true or false as the input for a connected outgoing edge


  • from: the id of the node this edge directs from
  • to: the id of the node this edge direct to
  • when_input_is: [optional] activate this edge when the input node is true or false. This property is only appropriate when the from id refers to a decision node


  • id: a unique string reference for this derived_data
  • fn: the func_ref that will be evaluated on the current data instance to determine the value assigned to id in the output data


A func_ref is a descriptor for run-time computations against a data instance. A func_ref has the following properties:

  • fn: the name of the function to invoke. This must be a pre-configured method available on the computation_context used to configure the engine instance
  • args: an array of arguments to pass into the function. The following special tokens can be used as items:
    • $.<path>: de-reference the value at path of the data instance. See path resolving for more details
    • $value: de-reference the value of the current node. Undefined if node type is not value

Path resolving

The following special characters can be used in paths:

  • *: selects all array items at this level in the path. Note, can be used more than once in a path, and items from other path branches will be included
  • ^: selects the array index that matches the instance index of this node. Useful, for example, to select sibling values

Data mapping

If a different structure of the data returned by the getWorkflowState method is required, the data_mapping property can be used to specify what a value or group node's value is bound to in the mapped_data object. The mapped_data object is included in addition to the data property which maintains the hierarchy defined in the configuration.

For example, consider the following configuration snippet:

  id: name,
  type: group
  children: [
      id: title,
      type: value
      data_mapping: title

By default, the data property returned in the response of getWorkflowState would assign a title value as follows:

  name: {
    title: 'miss'

But with the above data_mapping: title configuration, the value of title would be assigned directly to the root (or relative to any array ancestor paths) property of 'title' in the mapped_data object:

  title: 'miss'

Note that data_mapping only applies to the output data - all refs in func_refs must use the full (unmapped) data path.

Data Engine API

To get started, create a Data Engine instance:

  1. Import data-engine:
const DataEngine = require('data-workflow-engine');
  1. Create a data engine instance:
const configuration = require('./path/to/configuration');
// optional - use a custom computation_context which is merged with the default context
const ctx = require('./path/to/computation-context');
const engine = DataEngine.create(configuration, ctx);

Instance methods


Usage: engine.getWorkflowState(dataInstanceObject)

Returns an object with the following shape:

  data: Object, // a 'pruned' representation of `dataInstanceObject` - unmet preconditions and unspecified data items are removed
  derived: Object, // object containing the results of the derived calculations (derived id's are object keys, with results the values)
  section_states: Object, // object containing the state of the workflow nodes for `dataInstanceObject`. Each section's ID is a key in the object, and the value has the properties: `status` (either 'valid' or 'invalid') and `validationMessages` which contains an array of `validationMessage` objects
  edge_states: Array // an array of the edge states of the configuration, enhanced with a `status` property - 'active' or 'inactive' depending on whether the `dataInstanceObject` activates this edge

nextSection(currentSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Usage: engine.nextSection(currentSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Returns an object representing the next section node that should be visited in the workflow:

  sectionId: id_of_next_section,
  validationMessages: [{path:, message: message}]

The next section will be determined according to the following rules:

  • If the current section is reachable by active edges and is valid, the next section will be determined by the next active edge(s) which point to that section
  • If the current section is reachable by active edges and is invalid, the same section's id will be returned, indicating the section needs to be made valid before the next section can be reached. In this case, the return object will also have a validationMessages property
  • If the current section is unreachable by active edges, then the last reachable section's id will be returned, and any applicable validationMessages

previousSection(currentSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Usage: engine.previousSection(currentSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Returns an object representing the previous section in the workflow tree:

  sectionId: id_of_previous_section

The previous section will be determined according to the following rules:

  • If the current section is reachable by active edges, the previous section will be determined by the previous active edge(s) which point from that section
  • If the current section is unreachable by active edges, then the last reachable section's id will be returned

isSectionReachable(requestedSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Usage: engine.isSectionReachable(requestedSectionId, dataInstanceObject)

Return a boolean determining whether requestedSectionId is reachable for the given dataInstanceObject

Example configuration

See the file test/test-configuration.yaml for an up-to-date example of how to configure a workflow.


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