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About GDC Group Affiliates

The GDC Group Affilates application will read a .txt file called affilate.txt, containing a list of affiliates containing correctly formatted JSON with objects (1 per row) containing the following fields: affiliate_id, name, longitude and latitude. The application will then calculate the distance between the affiliate and the GDC Group office in Dublin (longitude: 53.3340285, latitude: -6.2535495) and return a list of affiliates within 100km ordered by affiliate_id (ascending).

The affilate.txt file is located in the storage/app folder.

How it works

IMPORTANT: The affiliate.txt file is NOT correctly formatted JSON, therefore the application will split the file based on newlines, and not commas.

Therefore, the solution is as follows:

  1. The App\Utilities\Affiliates::toArray method will loop through each line and parse/decode the JSON object, returning an array of objects with properties (affiliate_id, name, latitude and longitude)
  2. The App\Utilities\Affiliates::withinDistance method will then calculate the distance between the affiliate, using the affiliate's latitude and longitude and calling the App\Utilities\Haversine::distance method to get the Great Circle Distance Great Circle Distance using the GDC Group office in Dublin (longitude: 53.3340285, latitude: -6.2535495) as the origin
  3. The application will present the list of affiliates within 100km ordered by affiliate_id (ascending) on the UI

Affilate.txt file format

The affilate.txt file contains a list of affiliates containing JSON objects (1 per row) containing the following fields:

  1. affiliate_id
  2. name
  3. longitude
  4. latitude
{latitude: "52.986375", user_id: 12, name: "Yosef Giles", longitude: "-6.043701"}
{latitude: "51.92893", user_id: 1, name: "Lance Keith", longitude: "-10.27699"}

affiliate.txt file location

The affilate.txt file is located in the storage/affiliates folder.


  1. PHP (8.1+)
  2. Composer (2.5+)
  3. SQLite (3.8.8+)
  4. NodeJS (16.15+) + NPM (9.6+)
  5. Yarn (1.22+)

Main Libraries


  1. Laravel (10.10+)
  2. Laravel Breeze (1.26+)
  3. Laravel Socialite (5.10+)
  4. PHPUnit (10.1+)


  1. Vite (4.0+)
  2. AlpineJS (3.4+)
  3. TailwindCSS (3.1+)
  4. Axios (1.6+)


  1. Clone the repository
  2. CD into the repository from within your terminal
  3. Run composer install
  4. Run php artisan migrate (This sets up the users tables to allow for login via Github)
  5. Run php artisan serve
  6. In a separate terminal session, run yarn install
  7. Run yarn dev
  8. Visit http://localhost:8000 (from the php artisan serve terminal session, NOT the yarn dev session) in your browser, or whichever port the application is running on

Running List Affiliates

  1. Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser, or whichever port the application is running on
  2. Login using Github
  3. Once logged in, click the List Affiliates button to view the list of affiliates within 100km ordered by affiliate_id (ascending)


Unit Tests

  1. tests/Unit/HaversineTest: Unit tests for the App\Utilities\Haversine class
  2. tests/Unit/AffiliatesTest: Unit tests for the App\Utilities\Affiliates class


  1. tests/Unit/mocks/affilites.txt: Mock affiliates.txt file used by Storage::fake to generate a consistant data set for the AffilitesTest


GDC Group Affiliates - Take Home






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