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ObjCurry studies the possibility of introducing currying to Objective-C and the various issues that come with it.

Please note that this is not the real "currying" by the strict definition, and I'll explain the reason below. Plus, adding such language features to an imperative, objected-oriented language like Objective-C has lots of other issues. So this project is exploratory, not something intended for production use.

I've also written a more detailed explanation of the project as a blog post, at


For example, if you have a method:

-[SomeClass doThis:withThat:andThat:]

And say you want to call:

SomeClass *foo = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[foo doThis:a withThat:b andThat:c];
[foo doThis:a withThat:b andThat:d];
[foo doThis:a withThat:b andThat:e];

Apparently the only argument that changes is the last. With currying, it's possible to write:

SomeClass *foo = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
id fooAB = [[foo doThis:a] withThat:b];
[fooAB andThat:c];
[fooAB andThat:d];
[fooAB andThat:e];

In fact, since Objective-C now has blocks, we can write this instead:

SomeClass *foo = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
void (^fooABAnd)(id) = ^(id x) { [foo doThis:a withThat:b andThat:x]; };

The problem with that is you have to write it in an ad-hoc fashion, i.e. you need to write such a block each time you need it. And, if you want to do something like:


You have to write something like:

typedef void (^id_to_void)(id);
typedef id_to_void (^id_to_id_to_void)(id);
typedef id_to_id_to_void (^id_to_id_to_id_to_void)(id);
id_to_id_to_id_to_void fooDoThis = ^(id x) {
    id_to_id_to_void withThat = ^(id y) {
        id_to_void andThat = ^(id z) {
            [foo doThis:x withThat:y andThat:z];
        return andThat;
    return withThat;


Apparently, that's not very fun to write.


The supplied NSObject category, NSObject (Curry), has a method called curry: (or curry:error: which gives you some error diagnostics). Using the example, above, if you call

[SomeClass curry:@selector(doThis:withThat:andThat:)];

Then a method doThis: will be added to SomeClass, and two methods, withThat: and andThat: will be added to a proxy class (transparently created for you). So now you can call:

SomeClass *foo = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[[[foo doThis:a] withThat:b] andThat:c];

In fact, each call in effect creates a closure for the immediate parameter. For example:

id fooDoWithA = [foo doThis:a];
id thenB1 = [foo withThat:b1];
id thenB2 = [foo withThat:b2];

[thenB1 andThat:c]; // == [foo doThis:a withThat:b1 andThat:c]
[thenB2 andThat:c]; // == [foo doThis:a withThat:b2 andThat:c]

Implementations and Supported Types

Curry uses Objective-C Runtime API to dynamically create new classes and methods. Because methods have to be typed, Curry only supports a limited number of common types, such as id, character, (un)signed short/int/long/long long, general pointer. For return types, there is one more supported: void.

It's possible to add more types — see NSObject+Curry.m to see how to expand the type support. For example, you can add CGRect/NSRect support. The problem is that, unless deeper runtime API hack is found (perhaps some assembly required), for n argument types and m return types, we have to write n*m definitions. Even with the current macro usage it still won't scale well. If you have better solution, I'd be very happy to hear from you.

Issues (and Why It's Not the Real Currying)

Although proxies behave like immutable objects, the target object (i.e. the original object on which the original method is invoked) is not. So while the proxies create an illusion of closures, you are still dealing with an imperative language. So if you intend to try Curry in a multithreaded system, be warned.

Then there's the issue why it's not the real thing. By definition, curry is an operation that turns a function

f: t_0 x t_1 x t_2 x ... x t_n) -> t_n+1


g: t_0 -> t_1 -> t_2 -> ... -> t_n -> t_n+1

So, instead of calling f(a, b, c, ...) to get the return value, we can do this:

g a             -- returns g'  : t_1 -> (t_2 -> ... -> t_n+1)
(g a) b         -- returns g'' : t_2 -> (... -> ... -> t_n+1)
((g a) b) c     -- returns g''': t_3 -> (... -> t_n+1)
(...) p_n-1     -- returns some f: t_n -> t_n+1
((... ) y) z    -- equivalent to f(z), and returns t_n+1

But we all know how a method invocation ("sending a message") is actually implemented:

objc_msgSend(obj, selector, arg1, arg2, ...);

So the real type of an Objective-C method is, if we want to use this notation:

someMethod: (objType, arg1Type, arg2Type, ...) -> returnType

And what Curry does is turning that into something like:

cm: (ot x a1t) -> ((pt x a2t) -> (pt x a3t) ... -> returnType)

Here cm stands for curriedMethod, ot for objType, a1t for arg1Type, and pt stands for proxyObjectType.

Extending the Fun

With the basics in place, it's possible to extend the fun. For example, each proxy object can actually remember the parameters that are ever passed to them and the returned objects. So if the parameter doesn't change, the proxy can always returned the "memorized" return value. This is known as "memoization". Again, in an imperative language like Objective-C, there are all kinds of issues that come with this. The use of proxy object also brings some overhead and will have some impact on performance in places such as a tight loop. Finally, because this is not a feature supported by the compiler, debugging can be tricky if something happened inside the proxy object (especially in the last step that actually invokes the original method).


A study on "currying" Objective-C methods






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