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To run it on a standalone kubernetes cluster

  1. Configure kubectl to point to a kubernetes cluster
  2. Run following command to apply CRD
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/deploy/crds/
  1. Run following command to update clusterrolebinding required by Trusted Container Policy Controller. Replace <namespace> in the command with the namespace where the controller is going to be deployed.
sed -i "" 's|namespace: default|namespace: <namespace>|g' deploy/cluster_role_binding.yaml
  1. Run following command to deploy Trusted Container Policy Controller
kubectl apply -f deploy/
  1. Run following command to create a sample trusted container policy
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/
  1. Label a node with trusted=false or use intel secl k8s controller to do so. This will trigger an event.

To run it with IBM Multicloud Manager

  1. Repeat step 1 to 4 on the managed cluster. Make sure you deploy them to cluster namespace. The namespace name is usually your cluster name
  2. Run following command to create a MCM policy on hub cluster
kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f deploy/crds/mcm-trustednodepolicy.yaml
  1. Run step 6 on managed cluster to generate a violation
  2. Then you should be able to see the policy and violation status on MCM console


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