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BL602 Demo Firmware for LoRa SX1262 / SX1276

This BL602 demo firmware transmits and receives LoRa packets by calling the SX1262 / SX1276 drivers...

Refer to...

Connect BL602 to SX1262 / SX1276

Refer to...

Select Frequency

The demo firmware is configured for LoRa 923 MHz.

To select the LoRa Frequency, change #define USE_BAND_923 to USE_BAND_433, USE_BAND_780, USE_BAND_868, USE_BAND_915 or USE_BAND_923 in sdk_app_lora/demo.c...

/// TODO: We are using LoRa Frequency 923 MHz for Singapore. Change this for your region.
#define USE_BAND_923

#if defined(USE_BAND_433)
    #define RF_FREQUENCY               434000000 /* Hz */
#elif defined(USE_BAND_780)
    #define RF_FREQUENCY               780000000 /* Hz */
#elif defined(USE_BAND_868)
    #define RF_FREQUENCY               868000000 /* Hz */
#elif defined(USE_BAND_915)
    #define RF_FREQUENCY               915000000 /* Hz */
#elif defined(USE_BAND_923)
    #define RF_FREQUENCY               923000000 /* Hz */
    #error "Please define a frequency band in the compiler options."

/// LoRa Parameters
#define LORAPING_TX_OUTPUT_POWER            14        /* dBm */

#define LORAPING_BANDWIDTH                  0         /* [0: 125 kHz, */
                                                      /*  1: 250 kHz, */
                                                      /*  2: 500 kHz, */
                                                      /*  3: Reserved] */
#define LORAPING_SPREADING_FACTOR           7         /* [SF7..SF12] */
#define LORAPING_CODINGRATE                 1         /* [1: 4/5, */
                                                      /*  2: 4/6, */
                                                      /*  3: 4/7, */
                                                      /*  4: 4/8] */
#define LORAPING_PREAMBLE_LENGTH            8         /* Same for Tx and Rx */
#define LORAPING_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT             5         /* Symbols */
#define LORAPING_IQ_INVERSION_ON            false

#define LORAPING_TX_TIMEOUT_MS              3000    /* ms */
#define LORAPING_RX_TIMEOUT_MS              5000    /* ms */
#define LORAPING_BUFFER_SIZE                64      /* LoRa message size */

const uint8_t loraping_ping_msg[] = "PING";  //  We send a "PING" message

Select Transceiver

The demo firmware is configured for SX1262.

To select SX1276, change lora-sx1262 to lora-sx1276 in Makefile...

# Components needed to transmit and receive LoRa Packets
# For SX1276: Change lora-sx1262 to lora-sx1276

COMPONENTS_LORA    := lora-sx1262 nimble-porting-layer 

Comment out the lines marked For SX1262 and uncomment the lines marked For SX1276 in sdk_app_lora/demo.c...

//  Init the SPI port
SX126xIoInit();      //  For SX1262
//  SX1276IoInit();  //  For SX1276
//  Read the register
uint8_t val = SX126xReadRegister(addr);  //  For SX1262
//  uint8_t val = SX1276Read(addr);      //  For SX1276

LoRa SX1262 Demo

Enter these commands for the SX1262 demo firmware...

  1. Create the Background Task that will process SX1262 interrupts...

    # create_task
    # init_driver
    SX126X interrupt init
    SX126X register handler: GPIO 11
    SX126xGetDeviceId: SX1262
    SX126xGetDeviceId: SX1262
  2. Transmit a 64-byte LoRa packet...

    # send_message
    Tx done
  3. Receive a LoRa packet (up to 64 bytes)...

    # receive_message
    Rx done: 
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 
  4. If no LoRa packet is received in 5 seconds, the driver goes to sleep...

    # receive_message
    Rx timeout

LoRa SX1276 Demo

Enter these commands for the SX1276 demo firmware...

  1. To see the list of commands...

    # help
    ====Build-in Commands====
    ====Support 4 cmds once, seperate by ; ====
    help                     : print this
    p                        : print memory
    m                        : modify memory
    echo                     : echo for command
    exit                     : close CLI
    devname                  : print device name
    sysver                   : system version
    reboot                   : reboot system
    poweroff                 : poweroff system
    reset                    : system reset
    time                     : system time
    ota                      : system ota
    ps                       : thread dump
    ls                       : file list
    hexdump                  : dump file
    cat                      : cat file
    ====User Commands====
    create_task              : Create a task
    put_event                : Add an event
    init_driver              : Init LoRa driver
    send_message             : Send LoRa message
    receive_message          : Receive LoRa message
    read_registers           : Read registers
    spi_result               : Show SPI counters
    blogset                  : blog pri set level
    blogdump                 : blog info dump
    bl_sys_time_now          : sys time now
  2. Create the Background Task that will process SX1276 interrupts...

    # create_task
    # init_driver
    SX1276 init
    SX1276 interrupt init
    SX1276 register handler: GPIO 11
    SX1276 register handler: GPIO 0
    SX126 register handler: GPIO 5
    SX1276 register handler: GPIO 12
    TODO: os_cputime_delay_usecs 1000
    TODO: os_cputime_delay_usecs 6000
    SX1276 DIO3: Channel activity detection
  3. Transmit a 64-byte LoRa packet...

    # send_message
  4. Receive a LoRa packet (up to 64 bytes)...

    # receive_message
    SX1276 DIO0: Packet received
    Rx done: RadioEvents.RxDone=0x23000ca6
    Rx done: 
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 
  5. Check the SX1276 and SPI counters...

    # spi_result
    DIO0 Interrupts: 1
    DIO1 Interrupts: 0
    DIO2 Interrupts: 0
    DIO3 Interrupts: 1
    DIO4 Interrupts: 0
    DIO5 Interrupts: 0
    Unknown Int:     0
    Tx Interrupts:   302
    Tx Status:       0x0
    Tx Term Count:   0x0
    Tx Error:        0x0
    Rx Interrupts:   302
    Rx Status:       0x0
    Rx Term Count:   0x0
    Rx Error:        0x0
  6. Receive another LoRa packet...

    # receive_message
    SX1276 DIO0: Packet received
    Rx done: RadioEvents.RxDone=0x23000ca6
    Rx done: 
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 
  7. The SX1276 and SPI counters have increased...

    # spi_result
    DIO0 Interrupts: 2
    DIO1 Interrupts: 0
    DIO2 Interrupts: 0
    DIO3 Interrupts: 1
    DIO4 Interrupts: 0
    DIO5 Interrupts: 0
    Unknown Int:     0
    Tx Interrupts:   354
    Tx Status:       0x0
    Tx Term Count:   0x0
    Tx Error:        0x0
    Rx Interrupts:   354
    Rx Status:       0x0
    Rx Term Count:   0x0
    Rx Error:        0x0
  8. Receive another LoRa packet...

    # receive_message
    SX1276 DIO0: Packet received
    Rx done: RadioEvents.RxDone=0x23000ca6
    Rx done: 
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 
  9. The SX1276 and SPI counters have increased again...

    # spi_result
    DIO0 Interrupts: 3
    DIO1 Interrupts: 0
    DIO2 Interrupts: 0
    DIO3 Interrupts: 1
    DIO4 Interrupts: 0
    DIO5 Interrupts: 0
    Unknown Int:     0
    Tx Interrupts:   406
    Tx Status:       0x0
    Tx Term Count:   0x0
    Tx Error:        0x0
    Rx Interrupts:   406
    Rx Status:       0x0
    Rx Term Count:   0x0
    Rx Error:        0x0
  10. Receive one last LoRa packet...

    # receive_message
    SX1276 DIO0: Packet received
    Rx done: RadioEvents.RxDone=0x23000ca6
    Rx done: 
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 
  11. The SX1276 and SPI counters have increased...

    # spi_result
    DIO0 Interrupts: 4
    DIO1 Interrupts: 0
    DIO2 Interrupts: 0
    DIO3 Interrupts: 1
    DIO4 Interrupts: 0
    DIO5 Interrupts: 0
    Unknown Int:     0
    Tx Interrupts:   458
    Tx Status:       0x0
    Tx Term Count:   0x0
    Tx Error:        0x0
    Rx Interrupts:   458
    Rx Status:       0x0
    Rx Term Count:   0x0
    Rx Error:        0x0
  12. If no LoRa packet is received in 5 seconds, the driver goes to sleep...

    # receive_message
    SX1276 receive timeout
    Rx timeout