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Demo using Fuse Online and 3Scale

Demo showing Fuse Online and 3Scale. This guide was based on Rodrigo Ramalho demo.

We will create and expose an API that get data from a posgresql database using Fuse Online. After that, we'll expose it through 3Scale.

No code is necessary for this demo




Integrately Environment

You need to create an integrately environment

Creating database on Openshift

First, login to Openshift using a token.

And then copy to clipboard your login command

Now, let's create a new database in a project named fuse-demo:

# Create new project on Openshift
oc new-project fuse-demo

# Create a new postgresql database using a Openshift template
oc new-app --template=postgresql-persistent --param=POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=redhat --param=POSTGRESQL_USER=redhat --param=POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=sampledb -n fuse-demo

When the pod is ready, run:

# Get postgresql pod name
POD_POSTGRESQL=$(oc get po | grep postgresql | awk '{print $1}')

# Create database
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c 'psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c "CREATE TABLE users(id serial PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR (50),phone VARCHAR (50),age integer);"'

# Populate the database
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Rodrigo Ramalho', '(11) 95474-8099', 30);\""
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Thiago Araki', '(11) 95474-8099', 31);\""
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Gustavo Luszczynski', '(11) 95474-8099', 29);\""
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Rafael Tuelho', '(11) 95474-8099', 55);\""
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Elvis is not dead', '(11) 95474-8099', 36);\""

# Make sure your data is saved
oc exec -it $POD_POSTGRESQL -- bash -c "psql -U redhat -d sampledb -c \"select * from users;\""

If for some reason you need to reinstall the database, just run:

oc delete all -l app=postgresql-persistent -n fuse-demo
oc delete pvc postgresql -n fuse-demo
oc delete secret postgresql -n fuse-demo

Creating a Database Connection on Fuse Online

Open your tutorial page:

Update this url according to your environment

Open Fuse Online

Click on Connections

Click on Create Connection

Then, select Database

Fill the database configuration with the following values:

url: jdbc:postgresql://postgresql.fuse-demo:5432/sampledb
user: redhat
password: redhat

Now, click on Validate to make sure everything is working as expected. If it is all good, click on Next.

The Connection Name is: Users Database. Then, click on Create

Now you should see connection Users Database listed in the connections page.

We are good to go for our API creation demo.


Create an API from Scratch

Back to our Home page, click on Create Integration

Then select API Provider from the connections listed.

Choose Create from scratch

Click on Add a data type

Give it a name like: User

Paste the following json example and choose REST Resource. Then, click Save.

    "id": 0,
    "name": "Rodrigo Ramalho",
    "phone": "11 95474-8099",
    "age": 30

Click Save again.

Now, click on Next

And give a name for our integration: Users API. Click on Save and continue

Creating an API for Get All Users (GET)

Create now a flow for the GET Method that list all users:

Add a step in our flow clicking on +:

Now choose our Users Database connection created previously.

Click on Invoke SQL to obtain, store, update or delete data:

Fill the SQL Statement with: select * from users and then click Next

Add a log step in our flow. Click again on the +:

Then choose Log

In the Custom Text, write Loading users from database and click Done.

Now, let's add a data mapping to our flow. In the last step, click in the yellow icon and then go to Add a data mapping step.

Expand both panel clicking on the arrows:

Now, drag and drop the source fields matching with the target fields and then click on Done.

Click now on Save.

Creating API for Create a users (POST)

From the combobox Operations, choose Create a users:

Repeat the same steps you did when Creating an API for Get All Users (GET)

When adding the Users Database, you need to click on Invoke SQL to obtain, store, update or delete data and add INSERT INTO USERS(NAME,PHONE,AGE) VALUES(:#NAME,:#PHONE,:#AGE); in the field SQL statement.

Also, during the data mapping you won't need to associate the id field because it will be already generate by the postgres database.

In the end, you should have something like:

Now, click on Save and then on Publish

Now, we need to wait Openshift build our container. When done, you should see Published version 1 on the top of the page.

If you go to the Home page, we have 1 integration running.

Our last step is to expose our integration on Openshift using Routes.

oc create route edge i-users-api --service=i-users-api -n fuse

Testing your integration

You can check if your integration is working properly running:

curl https://$(oc get route -n fuse | grep i-users-api | awk '{print $2"/users"}')

Or you can try with httpie:

http https://$(oc get route -n fuse | grep i-users-api | awk '{print $2"/users"}')

Exposing your API using 3Scale

Importing API from Openshift

First, let's import our API from Openshift. To do that, just click on NEW API.

Select Import from Openshift. Then choose fuse for the Namespace combobox and i-users-api for the Name field. Click on Create Service.

Now you should see your new api on the 3scale dashboard.

Creating an application plan for our API

We need to create an application plan for our users api. Click on Dashboard menu and then on i-users-api

Now, click on Create Application Plan.

For the Name field use: Basic Plan. And for the System name: basic-plan. Now click on Create Application Plan.

We need to publish our application plan. To do that, click on Publish

Creating an application for our API


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