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Compile liquid-like templates to *anything*


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💧 Liquidish

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This variant of Liquid was created to compile Liquid-like syntax to another templating language. It was created to compile to ISPConfig's tpl syntax, seeing how it does not have proper IDE support and is not as flexible as Liquid.

🔭 Check out luttje/ispconfig-tailwind-theme for an example of how this package can be used.

Example of compiled code

🚀 Using Liquidish

Liquidish is designed to work with Vite, but it can be used with any build tool that allows transforming files (e.g: Webpack and Rollup).

We'll assume you have a Vite project set up. If not, you can create one with npm init vite@latest.

  1. Install this package in your project:

    npm i -D liquidish

    Seeing how you will be using this in your bundler, you should likely install it as a dev dependency.

  2. Create a bunch of .liquid files you want to compile, e.g: src/templates.

    See the 📚 Liquidish Syntax for the syntax.

  3. We use the vite-plugin-static-copy to copy the .liquid files to the templates directory. Install it with:

    npm i -D vite-plugin-static-copy
  4. Modify your vite.config.js to include the Liquidish transformer:

    import { resolve } from 'path';
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
    import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy';
    import { ISPConfigTransformationStrategy } from 'liquidish/strategies';
    import { LiquidishTransformer } from 'liquidish';
    // Where the `.liquid` files are located
    const srcTemplatesPath = 'src/templates';
    // Create a transformer and specify the strategy
    // This example transforms the Liquidish syntax to ISPConfig's `tpl` syntax
    const liquidish = new LiquidishTransformer({
      strategyBuilder: (transformer) => new ISPConfigTransformationStrategy(transformer)
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      plugins: [
          targets: [
              src: `${srcTemplatesPath}/**/*.liquid`,
              dest: 'templates',
              transform: (contents, path) => liquidish.transform(contents, path),
              rename: function (name, ext, fullPath) {
                const path = fullPath.replace(resolve(__dirname, srcTemplatesPath), '');
                // Rename the extension to what you want.
                // In our case ISPConfig expects `.htm` files
                return path.replace(/\.liquid$/, '.htm');
  5. Run Vite:

    npm run dev

🎉 The .liquid files will now be transformed to .htm files in the templates directory.

Next steps